When it was confirmed for Q1 of this year, I thought that it is going to be released unfinished, and later updated. The reason that they had a delay with laserscan data is big enough, by the way it is still Q1 now... so we are not even in the time of delay. @Alex72 Are you sure it was 2 years of work for Simone ? I would guess that it could have taken him less than a year, perhaps more like 6-7 months, but I just don't know. I think so, because not everything is down to size of the map, complexity is even more important. Nordschlife itself is quite closed track with most of the track side view blocked by trees, also even though the layout is very dynamic, objects wise it is quite same through most of the circuit. It would be a lot more difficult if it had lots of open spaces, much more differences in vegetation, a lot more unique trackside objects.... Also for AC they didn't have to wory about rain, night, did not have to work with anything like .scn file in rF2. Though making AI and replay cameras for Nordschleife must have been not very fun in AC. Though if we speak about Nordschleife + Nurburgring, then it probably took even more, I mostly speak only about Nordschleife part.
I can hardly wait too. I hope that we will soon get new information on the matter. Fact is i am definitely a day one buyer !
I think in English, "quarter" means a period of 3 months, so we started the period of "extra time". But it does not matter.
Thats too much, perhaps it was 2 years siince the project started and till it was finished, but not actual 2 years of work on that single project. Sorry, I am such a failure recently. Idk if I failed to do 12/4=3 or what. Still it was sais that scan data came 2 months too late, so I'd guess thats minimum how much more we are going to have to wait, and probably more than that.
Cant wait en I hope they can make a GOOOOD Brunchen sector But this picture from Brunchen is a old one...many trees are gone. But BBQ still there on a good race day
Of course. It took 2 years to get Nords out from start to finish for 1 man and of that quality. Im sure it was even written down somewhere, but due to NDA that may or may not be in effect i will leave it at that.
doh... get confused after 4 pages of reeding... i have two nordschleifes in my rF2. so can someone clarify witch is LEGIT ONE and i will delete other one.
Just to clarify, the two month delay we reported was caused by us getting all the right laserscan data later than originally planned. Since that, our development plan is pretty much spot on. That said, we recently announced that no less than three iconic tracks are in the works right now, so we also have a bit of a luxury problem coming up as they are all more or less scheduled to be done this summer!
I really appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing. Can't wait!! This is not the same rFactor 2 it was two years ago! Great job.
Do we get the possibility to do the shortcut through 'Kurzanbindung' for the outlap like in Raceroom?
So May or June or July for the Nords, hopefully : good news ! One thing bothers me is the choice so far for the official tracks (ISI and S397) not to complement the 2D grass textures, bring "real grass" (I do not speak of 3D grass but probably 2D, like many circuits from the modding.). From the experience I have, the many modded circuits that use "real grass"/flowers are both much more beautiful than if they did not, and do not pose any specific performance problems. None. So if S397 does not use this way of doing things, and the Nords only has 2D textures for the grass perhaps I will be disappointed. At the artistic level I think it would be an error (IMO), performance level I can not say because I am not an expert. What I just notice is that there are no performance problems on modded tracks that have "real grass".
Let me disappoint you now then as we won't feature the type of 3D grass that some mods have used. Of course one can argue about beauty and I'm happy to disagree on this point. We are looking at improved ways to implement grass going forward, but other than that we have nothing to report on this subject yet.
@vegaguy5555 https://www.racingcircuits.info/europe/germany/nurburgring.html You can see it at Sprint circuit.