Sorry, I have to say it, why do you always begin a project and don't finish it and start and new one?! It happened 2-3 times already.
I'm not telling him what to do, I just asking!marios is a very talented moder, but it already happened several times that he makes wip thread, then doesn't finish the work and jump to a new WIP track. every one was waiting for Laguna and now he is saying that he is working in a new project and this had happened 3 times already. I just hope he can give us a high quality track. For now I didn't see from him anything expect 2 converted track from rf1.
Wajdi, you are wrong....'s at least 4 if you count Lienz Seriously, though, I don't see any problem pointing out that when someone "doesn't have time" to finish a project but then starts 4 more projects. Why point this out? Because there are other modders who might have decided not to take on these projects because Mario is already working on them and after 10 years there will still be nothing. Now of course there is nothing wrong with getting bored with working on one project but shouldn't take 10 years. The right thing to do is to be honest about no longer developing these tracks instead of keep saying "no time" and then starting new projects.
Wajdi, I think the problem for me in this case is your excessive use of exclamation marks. It simply makes your posts come across as extremely rude. I'm not saying that you are rude. Just saying; think about how your message comes across in writing That said I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm simply saying that Mario should do whatever he feels like. None of us should do anything else but support him, help him if he needs it, respond to him, give him feedback etc. What then comes will come. Or it won't. It's up to him in the end. If he feels like he needs to switch between working on 50 different tracks, that his decision. I know I would need to be admitted into a psychiatric ward if I was only allowed to work on one single piece of music at a time. Maddening to even think about lol.
Problem is like folks say. Other modders might have wanted to release a track but shelve the idea because another person has marked it up as a wip. I'm not saying there is any harm in having more than one version of a track and we can all use the best like mianiaks nurburg. I tend to agree with the comments.
And iam still missing a scratch build Suzuka, Brands Hatch, Anderstorp and Macau for example just to name a few of all those wonderful race tracks out there. Nobody has thrown a [WIP] on them sofar. I don't believe those tracks are blocked or something else they will come when mario's in the mood for it. Iam happy Mario is working on those tracks and they are coming when they're done. And on its long journey in modding he creates a lot of helpful tools for other people to get their tracks finished much earlier.
Good to hear. I don't know why people always assume the worst. Looking forward to hearing more about this project.
Thanks for information and, of course, for all the effort, Mario. Any new screenshots to tease us a little?
Today do some fix and also test the new terrain shader The textures are are experimental only to see the effect.