ISI Planning to convert RF2 from DX9 to DX10 or DX11 like iRacing did?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Marcel van der Linden, Aug 19, 2013.

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  1. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    From the votes thus far, 34% (1 in every 3) would be capable and/or willing to start using VR in rf2 as soon as they can get one. That's still a minority ofc and from a small sample size of voters but it's bigger than i thought it might be.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2016
  2. Ferly

    Ferly Registered

    Jan 17, 2016
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    If you think about how fast the they sold out, its safe to assume that there were not that many units on sale in the first place. Then consider that maybe 10-20% of those people are interested in sim racing. A quarter of those would use it in rF2, half of those are already owning the game. I really doubt ISI would cover the cost for the development process from a handful of new sales.

    I know Im pulling those numbers out of my ass, but thats how they see it. Unless there is a significant base installed there is really no reason for them to take that risk. And from what I gather only iRacing is going to develop for it. AC have not come forward either so far.
  3. mclaren777

    mclaren777 Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Now that ISI has taken a stand against VR support, I've been researching alternatives and it looks like I'll be buying LFS next month, because that three-person team is supporting it.

  4. Ferly

    Ferly Registered

    Jan 17, 2016
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    They didnt take a stand against it, they said it has to make commercial sense for them. Stop twisting their words.
  5. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    I think a sim done for VR from ground up would be cool.

    For a start you would want " walk around mode" .........right ? ( Netkar)

    (Why Kunos never kept developing that is beyond me )

    So you could cruise up pitlane checking out all the cars. :eek:

    And have a marshall and drivers rooms with teamspeak. p

    I want it that real you can punch a driver in the face ! lol :)
  6. Minibull

    Minibull Member

    Sep 28, 2012
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    It's crazy, just because it doesn't match what someone wants, it's become "ISI have said no forever" XD

    I agree, there is heaps more to be done that would benefit all users as a whole, not just the lucky few who have the hardware and the headset already ordered. (I voted in favour of it...but it's dependant on when I upgrade hardware...which will be years away, in which time I'll know whether I want a headset)

    I would sooner see sound, weather, graphics, multiplayer, physics updates over rift implementation. These are things that everyone would see a benefit from, we would all enjoy the work that was put in.
    In terms of staff, you can see how many staff are involved in the's not many at all, but they are amazingly talented bringing us what they have so far. Looking at what we have in terms of the driving model, I doubt much is beyond their ability. In terms of rift, it needs a near majority group of users and time to implement.

    Either way, you have the answer straight from the horses mouth (sorry Tim). Rift support will be in iracing and lfs, so you go enjoy that experience there.
  7. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    LFS, the team that in 8 years has released one track? IMHO, that's a pretty big sacrifice to make for VR support. I seriously doubt you'd stay with ISI if they had the same record.
  8. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    And to be more precise, of those three guys one does all their coding. I don't think LFS type VR support is what ISI would target *if* they would go for it, because what LFS did is probably only a matter of weeks rather than months. LFS surely got little to no revenue from this move, so I see no reason why they would do it if it took them months.

    Having said that, I'd be more than happy to even see LFS type Rift support in rF2.
  9. Ferly

    Ferly Registered

    Jan 17, 2016
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    The biggest issue for me with VR is that we have 3 different companies with 3 different APIs. That makes the whole thing a gamble for the customer in my eyes. They need to get together and agree on one API, otherwise we just end up with some exclusive deals from them with some game companies and you are ****ed with your HTC if the next big sim is sponsored by Occulus.
  10. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    1 track

    He is flogging a dead horse............. hehe

    I know a lot feel VR is "the" game changer in driving sims and I can understand why.

    Me, I dream when a FPS/RPG would replace ALL my "racing sims" :eek: p

    Loosely based on Driver
    ISI engine naturally, awesome to drive.
    Real world terrain, full walk around
    4 team car crews

    Audition to be designated driver and get the job ! ( I was never good with COD, BF p )
    That is my online sim nirvana right there.

    You would get a influx of FPS guys too that would have no interest in driving, just shooting at things. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2016
  11. Kokomo

    Kokomo Registered

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Kunos have received their CV1. If you were following the VR scene you would know what this means.

    They got CV1s, so after reading the Oculus blog link it's just connecting dots really

    Also, over 200k development kits were sold. I doubt there are less than that amount of preorders already
  12. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I think both companies have come out and said there wouldn't be exclusivity for VR, devs can support both without too much hassle. But then again I could have read it wrong. I remember hearing that Valve said that Vive games won't be exclusive to Steam. Maybe that is what I am thinking of.
  13. Ferly

    Ferly Registered

    Jan 17, 2016
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    I bet you, you wont see VR in AC before 2017. Kunos is busy with the console port, once they got this out of the way, they gonna focus on DLCs for the rest of the year, you know milking the cow a bit more.

    You honestly think that 200000 units means 200000 new customers for ISI? Come on...

    And dont get me wrong, Id love to see ISI and Kunos and so on to jump on it, but I totally understand that it just doesnt make any sense for them right now. The potential for new sales is way too low to justify the investment for them.
  14. DrR1pper

    DrR1pper Registered

    Apr 29, 2012
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    That's not what he said.
  15. Kokomo

    Kokomo Registered

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Kunos wouldn't have been given a CV1 sample if they were going to have it collect dust until 2017. Also, I didn't say that they would sell the game to every VR owner. I'm just saying that by the end of the year, more than 1M headsets will be out there, and I believe simracing will be one of the most praised applications. I have read many experiences of people loving it when they have always been uninterested on sims. VR will bring new people to the sim realm that would have never gotten in otherwise
  16. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Numbers are all hypothetical of course, but in general gaming I'd reckon 10-20% would cover the people interested in driving games. The number interested in driving around a track that doesn't have anything a real life track doesn't have, in a car that just behaves like a real one (no power ups, no built in paintshop with custom rims and stickers, no wacky upgrades or bodykits, etc) would probably be much less. Niche markets really do kill the numbers.

    Blatant poor wording aside, I think you need to remember ISI doesn't answer to you, doesn't need to justify their decisions to you. They've been around a long time in a difficult market segment (see above) by making decision in their own best interests. What they're producing is good enough to get you and me using it, so they're doing something right. If they don't do what you want regarding VR then yes, go buy something that does. And when rF2 picks it up you can come back and enjoy it too. No harm done.
  17. MikeeCZ

    MikeeCZ Registered

    Sep 29, 2012
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    You are really a tool arent you. And mind you that many race games/sims dont run on engines developed by the sim developers. rF2 runs something called ISImotor - a game engine developend in house by - you guessed it - ISI. So how many people is in "the team" is quite irrelevant. AC/pCars dont run on in house engines but on third party licenced stuff, and its the third party engine developers who worry about VR support, not the sim devs.
  18. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    In fact, game engine developers like Unity3D are jumping on VR as fast as they can, because from today onward, game developers will have another factor to ponder when choosing which engine will run their games.
  19. Ferly

    Ferly Registered

    Jan 17, 2016
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    I know. My point is that if you consider the amount of units available and the amount of people interested in sim racing, you end up with a very small number of new customers for ISI.
  20. Kokomo

    Kokomo Registered

    Oct 17, 2010
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    How many games do you think ISI has sold? By the end of the year, it's more than likely that there will be more HMDs out there, than rF2 copies sold. Of course not everyone would buy this game, but suggesting the amount of people who would, would be negligible, is not very forward thinking
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