I think it is a graphics prob, just tried it in spare computer, it has a nvidia 780gtx card, and got the occasional flicker, so, I guess with tracks getting more and more detailed, a high end graphics card is the solution, others will have to put up with small glitches , till they upgrade
GTX 980 on my side... //Edit: maybe "Flickering" isn`t the right sentence. It`s more like a glimmer. However, it`s the same wich others (and i) recognised on Oulton and it is succesfully fixed there. @ Intel: by any chance, what is your value into the player.json:
I`m really a little bit confused, now. Means that, HiddenValley is a Conversion out of Toca? No offense, just to get it sorted to myself
Yep, but it was (i guess) about the question, if Nuno would help to solve the flickering on HiddenValley
To get this more clear, i thought that "flickering" would mean that the foliage of the trees "would move permanently". In rF1 it happened when the BIAS value has been set to a too high level, in the material settings. But as already told to Jürgen, i have that look on almost all tracks, so it don't bothers me. Maybe the ones who have it, can post a short video, that makes clear what "flickering" means in this case. That would help, i guess. Here is my video. The "flickering" is increasing when the car moves, as you can see. But when i drive, i anyway look on the road and not to the trees.
I did a short Movie, to show what i meant. Apologies in Advance...the Movie was captured on my Office PC, wich have a poorer GFX Card, than my Race Rig. Individual Movies: