would anyone like to have a look at this track in MODDEV, maybe you can see the problem, has me baffled what problem is....PM me
Thanks!!! I'l start with the good. This track is already good enough that I uninstalled the other two Hidden Valley conversions on my system A few quick issues for you to consider: 1. There is a bit worse anti-aliasing and shadow blockiness (low resolution) on this track than others. I believe the AA is something to do with transparency of textures. The shadows are probably just a setting and perhaps need to be bumped up for the higher quality settings (they are probably fine as-is for middle or lower shadow quality settings). 2. The blimp is flying illegally low. It should be raised far into the sky, if it is to be kept. I would get rid of it, though, because I don't imagine a track the size of Hidden Valley ever gets a blimp designed for American Football games or the Daytona 500. 3. Two helicopters is overkill. Even one is probably not needed, but their flight pattern means they are also flying illegally close to each other. Perhaps these and the blimp could be an option in a special edition race variation? 4. HDR lighting needs work. It's too bright compared to reality and other tracks. This is a very promising track that seems quite close to final release. A great effort--thanks again.
Yes I agree Blimp should go, and helicopters are a bit of over kill, I will look at shadows, I did notice some are "blocky", regards to HDR, I havnt done anything about it, will need some guidence on how to adjust HDR.............................cheers thankyou for the feedback
Thanks for this, Intel. Are you aware of the hidden object off of the left hand side of the track in the grass? Edit - AI are also hitting brakes in wrong spots (T280)...
After the hairpin where the jumbo tron is there is a right-hander and if you go wide into the grass on the left you will hit an invisible wall.
Congratulations for Hidden Vally Raceway! There are some nasty contemporaries off the racetrack... Best regards Edit: too late... P.S.R. was faster!
Thanks Intel for the track, a couple of notes from a quick play: - AIW needs some serious work - AA issues as noted - The flying objects (including Birds) as noted - Strange mesh off Turn 5 (not the grass, looks like it should be a barrier or something) - Billboards Turn 4 look weird I see you state it's scratch built but I take it everyone freely shares the buildings? as those I've seen before in other peoples versions.
Fixed issues EG: shadows, hidden objects, removed some flying objects, or changed their altitude, tried to play with HDR, not sure if it has worked properly link.....ver 1.05 ..https://www.mediafire.com/?7rcta04kozpt8yf
v1.05 AIW needs work, please don't overlook this issue There's a collision problem with the Pit Wall as you drive down the main straight, it sort of "sucks you in" as you get close. Weird object still there T5 That was from one quick lap, I'll have more time later, thanks so far
May i suggest to post the latest download-link always at the first/opening posting of this thread? So nobody has to search every single posting for updates.
I would, but currently I'm wheel-less, you could always learn as it's easier when you know how and doesn't take long...a fraction of the time it took to make this track!