If you could it would be great, I was browsing through the forums and even rF2's main page but just could not find it. I have the driver template but I don't see the glove texture anywhere there, that was my first assumption and that I was missing it.
I got the driver and helmet templates, I was hoping I could also edit the gloves so I could make everything properly, that's all .
Can't seem to find a comment anywhere. Are suits and helmets and other stuff actually able to transfer in multiplayer or just the car?
Thanks for the reply. Is this a procedure related to the loose skin process? Is there a place where the precise process is described with an example? I think I have been getting two different processes confused?
@Frankalexandre Try rF2_race_driver_use_for_anim.max from this package http://imagespaceinc.com/downloads/rf2/modsresources/rF2_Drivers.zip from the official site https://www.studio-397.com/modding-resources/
Thanks but link is down. The model on modding resource is a old model from 2012...doesnt look good. Someone has send me the file rF2_race_driver_use_for_anim.max. This one is a bit better but still not the one used by lastest cars (left thumb position is bugged).
@Frankalexandre Sorry i have not tried if the link works, i didn't expect that on an official site. In the package also was a folder with 3 driver meshes in lod max, med and low with 'driver 2013' textures. Is it that what you mean? I have uploaded it here. If i am not totally wrong, that 3 meshes should work with an animation that you make with the rF2_race_driver_use_for_anim.max. file.
This is the one i'm looking for, with good thumb position. Solved. I just cant understand why the driver still looks bad on max (with thumbs problem) but fine after using the files you send.
Help me to understand what you did. As far as i understand it, you have made an animation and exported this animation and also the driver mesh from max. And with that, the thumb looked bad. But now, with the files that i had uploaded here, it looks good.
Yes. I was usind the driver gmt exported from rF2_race_driver_use_for_anim.max. The driver was looking bad in game, specially thumbs. Now after export only the animation and using the gmt you uploaded everything looks great.
Is there the driver sample for 3ds max avaliable somewhere? I can't find it, in the rF2 site the link is OFF. Thanks!
Hmm, the file is definitely MIA! All the resources marked with an * on https://www.studio-397.com/modding-resources/ are missing downloads.
Hello Leonardo, the Links for the Driver 2012 and the 2013 / 2014 Helmets, from the S397 modding-resources Site, still work for me. Driver Helmet 2014 3DS Max 2010 – October 14, 2014 Driver Helmet 2013 3DS Max 2010 – October 14, 2014 Driver Example 2012 3DS Max 2010 – July 10, 2012 If they don't work for you, post here again, i will upload them to my Dropbox then and send you the Link. @Emery What does "MIA" mean here? I only know her from "The fast and the Furious".