...ok... but doesn't work.... just match position, rename model.... and game crash.... Can you post any more detailed istruction please??????? Marco
Load the model in Max, match the position, etc, rename the models in Max, like xxx_driver and xxx_helmet, select the folder to export, in GMT menu go to animation, put your animation name like "xxxsteer.anm", select driver, always in frame 0, export animation first just later export the model, then export helmet. Go to your car .gen file and put your models name in "instancedriver" and "instancehelmet". Save your .mas file, make your package and ready. I can be more specific if you want.
Hi For gloves, you can not use the same operation? We are forced to work in the mas file? Cordially, Nicolas
The gloves are part of the driver, when you export the driver export the gloves, and yes you are forced to work with the .mas files in both normal and dev modes.
Hi, sorry I don't know where I should post my problem. There is too much reflections on the helmet. I tried to modify "fresnel reflect" on the FISIR_HELMET.gmt, but nothing change. I tried to modify alpha channel, nothing changes too. Any idea?
I have this helmet skin https://www.dropbox.com/s/asnhf7sgxprnue9/helmet.dds but i cant get it to work in game. I renamed it althelmet.dds and put it in C:\Users\Administrador\Documents\rFactor2\UserData\player\Settings\Civic_BTCC_Car\CIVIC_BTCC_1 but it doesn't show. Can anybody tell me how to rename the file so that it works in game? I also have the same problem as backdraft, to much reflections in the helmet.
Did you choose in the showroom (when you choose vehicles) the good skin alt.dds? If you don't choose the good skin, it's the original skin which are in game. Ok ?
The problem is that my helmet skin apears as a car skin, the instructions says that if its renamed with "helmet" at the end it will work, not in my case. I also tried to creat a .mas file with a car skin and the helmet, but only the car skin show not the helmet.
When you created the folder, you should have had alt.dds (car skin). Rename it testalt.dds (for example). Put your helmet in the folder and rename it testalthelmet.dds . Launch your game and go to choose your car skin testalt.dds , it should work like this
Personally I found that the automated HDR is the cause for high reflecting helmets. Try to disable the automated HDR and use a different profile.
Try this settings Shader car paint. The settings are in specular values put specular 255, 50, min fres 1, max fresnel 2, fresnel power 5. Specular map light gray. In cube map settings put blend 100% and the values are min fres 0.4, max fresnel 2 and in the third value 5. And in livery alpha channel try a mid gray to white.
I got some good news for you too XD, to solve the reflecting helmet select a diferent HDR profile in settings. Here some pics as example. Using HDR automation (new in 494 build) too much reflections. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nixe0r3sav0c25j/helmet1.jpg If you change to a preset HDR profile, in my case im in palm beach and i used gp_layoutrealistic_clear, and reflections are gone. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pw0i1v9ulipg68p/helmet.jpg