For more detail go to the wiki ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Prompted by here is a program that adds various controls of the headlights. Flashing to warn a slower car Flashing in the pits Turning on the headlights automatically To get it go to the Releases page, click on Assets for the latest version, download the the .exe file and save it wherever you want. May 2020: Virus check V1.8.71 Virus check V1.9.75 Virus check V1.9.79 Virus check Run rF2headlights.exe and set it up the way you want On the left are the buttons or keys that you use You don't have to use all of the controls Toggle headlights is the same as the present control Flash headlights will flash them a number of times Headlights on and off switch the headlights no matter whether they are on or off (like the switch in a real car) Below that is the key that is sent to rFactor to control the headlights, the Left Ctrl key in this case. In the middle are the Headlight Options Flash when pit limiter on will flash them when the pit limiter is on (wherever you are) Flash when in pit lane will flash them automatically when you enter the pit lane and stop them when you leave Headlights on at start will turn the headlights on when you get in the car, you can turn them off if you want You can set the durations (in milliseconds) of the flashes Automatic headlights will turn the headlights on for you when other drivers do. The slider selects when they turn on: Driver turns them on (i.e. not automatic) At least one other driver has them on More than one other driver has them on At least half of the other drivers have them on All the other drivers have them on On the right is a Status window which shows what rFactor is up to. When you change something and press Save configuration you have to close the program down and restart it before the changes will take effect. Based on the work of @The Iron Wolf ______________________________________________________________________________________________ If you have trouble rf2headlightsDEBUG.exe is the same program but with installer debug turned on. Open up a command window and run it like this Code: rf2headlightsDEBUG.exe >rpt.txt 2>&1 If rf2headlights doesn't run then post the file rpt.txt here.
Great job, this will help stop people getting DQ'd because the track makers can't think to not have forced headlights in the GDB when they create tracks and some one doesn't have their headlights on when exiting the pits like in the new Le Mans track .
i mapped the buttons. but no flashing in the game. The output is checked when the track is loaded, on track etc. Also when i press the flash button it says "overtake flash" etc. But in the game i don't see the light flashing (oreca 07).
Do you have the headlight mapped in the game to the same key as this program? By default it's the H key (DIK_H).
YES I am using my wheel button no problem, just make sure the default H button on keyboard is set as per Steven pic above. You can map any button on your device to then turn lights on or off.
It took a little while for me to figure out how to map the buttons. Just clicking and then hitting the button wasn't working initially. Had to hit the button i wanted a few times. But once I got that set, it works great! For the duration time, is that milliseconds?
So I do not understand that. With me that's just not great. synonymous with me nothing flashes the headlights. The console says, rf2 is running, but I can push what I want, it does not matter. The exe file and the ini file are in the BIN64 directory of rf2. The buttons for flashing are occupied, but nothing is happening.
@Vanisch Paulfield is right, it seems you have an old version of rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll. I'll change the code that checks it to make it more obvious.
Updated the first post with a new version. Main visible change is more infomation about rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin but I also found why configuring the controls was a bit hit and miss so it is more responsive now. I also spent an hour trying to track down a really weird bug that appeared from nowhere - I eventually spotted that I had two copies of the program running and they were both sending H to rFactor
@Seven Smiles , @Paulfield Thank you both very much for your help and effort. Now it works fine. It was really the outdated dll file. The console works and the light flashes, and responds to all buttons. Many thanks. The tool is really an enrichment
addendum: If you are using an older version of SimHub then you must know that when using rf2, simHub overwrites the new rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll and headlight controls stop working. SimHub needs to be updated or manually referenced to the new .dll.