About force feedback, i test only with low fuel and hard tyres. for me it is perfect. (I haven't try alfa)
Great to hear ApainPlost! Feel free to join the F1_1979_Official_Server! Last night was fun. Happy to get people that are interested of the era of F1 to one place and just chatting and hotlapping
Looks like a very good Nords in the above screenshots, where to download it, and the other tracks in the screenshots ?, maybe put them on the server ?
It is more logical that it is a game issue. I thought I had come across a way to resolve it and was able to run a whole session in the Renault and practice and qualifying fine on Alfa, but on the race it went to hell.
No, it was immediately noticeable while negotiating the first corners of Dijon (your server). Sure the track can be lacking in resolution but this is something that only happened in that occasion, all of a sudden. That's the only reason I brought it up here. I have added my voice regarding FFB problems with the recent game updates and it more than likely is not the car's fault, but in the off chance there is something to be found I chose to report it.
Beautiful mod. Thank you to all who helped to create this piece of perfection. Another new favourite.
Great looking mod for sure, yes I know it's external but the chrome wheels on these cars look pretty good so far, question, I tried to join the server tonight on the different version of Kylami, kicked off right away.
for me best solution for servers is a simple 1 mod and 1 track. Easy and fast. P.s. About tracks, dijon79 is Poor rf1 conversion with low mesh and a lot of force feedback problems. Much better digga's version
Server kicks you out if you are not using latest version some off the tracks. You can go to rFactor 2 32 bin folder and open ModMgr and find vmod -F1_GP_1979- and look which track is causing the problem. Uninstall and delete content which isn't right version or is marked red .
Server was running one track only and people was complaining why there is only one track Digga`s version of Dijon is not near 79 layout and it demands too high computer performance especially if you are using triplescreens. I haven't discovered any ffb issues with Dijon 79 but it has low mesh. I feel that cars has to huge grip and downforce . If you drive in Kylami75 it is flatout, you brake three times and lift two times and it is realistic at all. You can not have good and close racing when mod is like it is now. I would like to have all tracks with low mesh like Dijon79