Server is updated with new tracks. Server Settings Server name: F1_1979_Official_Server Fuel usage: Normal Tyre wear: Normal Damage: 50% Auto Clutch on Practice: 60 min. Qualify: 10 min. Race:15 min. Server is using Noel Hibbart`s GetMod service LiveRacers:
Again I get "Bad File Descriptor" when I try to d/led tracks, they aren't in the Steam Workshop either, at least on my end they aren't.
It can be your ISP which is blocking downloads. Test if you can download from this link:
Hmmm. downloaded from the above link fine, copied paste into "packages" folder in rF2, does not show. Also..tried to join server with Mexico GP, still "Bad File Descriptor"
There is something wrong with your rFactor 2. You can try to uninstall -F1_1979-.rfmod and try one more time. Problem can also be that you have installed old version of some track which you must uninstall and delete.
Yes most likely. I sended files to jymp ewrlier and he was not able to install them. Dont know reason for this. Getmod works fine to me
Does this mod have the lotus 79,pls say it does,that car is a beast on iracing and I can only imagine how good it would be in rf2
Yes the Martini version. Will try to update the mod tomorrow if I have time. Mostly physics update+plus bug fixing
Other tracks have installed fine from MP server, Kylami, Monoco etc., just these latest ones will not, even when I d/d and copy paste as others into E/Steam/SteamApps/Common/rFactor2/Packages, still "Bad File Descriptor" Seems if it doesn't come from the Steam Workshop it will not install for me...
If you just copy and paste tracks to packages folder rFactor 2 don`t install tracks for you. Go to Bin32 folder and use ModMgr.
Mods like these 70's F1 mods keep me with rF1 and now rF2, driving the actual cars on the actual tracks, I tried iRacing but driving a Lotus 79' painted to be a Ferrari T4 just doesn't work, keep up the good work here gentlemen, much appreciated, the 75' thru 79' yrs of F1 are it's best most interesting yrs.
Just to know Posipate. Did you ever try my first conversion attempt ??? I'm a bit lost with your physics !!! I like it but... don't know something is missing... Maybe I'm losing something and have to re learn everythings don't know !!!! Your base rf1 MOD seems to be better graphically than the original mod and you did a really good work but phisics seems a bit far from what "I" was expecting when I start my own...Love your tires by the way... But engines and setup options are missing... I'm not setup guru and far of an expert but for example top speed is only reachable on 4TH gear, 5th gear is not loosing speed or too slow to raise top speed... So did you ever try my own conversion ???
Well why wont you just change the ratios (like you should for every track)? Ratios are made for AI to make them good. Physics will get good update soon, but what you are missing? Yes I have tried
LE vs HE maybe... I've been block by Renault turbo ...and you did it !!! Lemmings did really good works on tires but yours seems to be definitly betters for sure with CPM !!! All cars had been lifting up etc etc etc ... Just missing Zonder cockpits But It's easy to add... I'm waiting for your Physics update ... It seems that you know what you're are doing (not like me). Sorry for this and keep your good work !!!!