Or ... you could have your wife and kids record all the phrases, lol. "Are we there yet?" "Can't you go any faster, I don't want to miss my hair dresser's appointment!" etc.
Hello Taris, Spotter has a set of settings that can be changed in Preferences. I think for your question spotter_update_interval is relevant, reducing this value should increase frequency. Also: spotter_gap_for_clear spotter_hold_repeat_frequency spotter_clear_delay spotter_overlap_delay See if this helps. edit: I see spotter update delay defaults to 50ms, which is 20 times a second, it is already very low, and I would careful with lowering it further. At default settings I am getting very quick announcements, so I wonder if something else needs adjustment, for example vehicle length?
Sometimes the Spotter dont reflect the exaclty situation... In oval races we need of the place of another car in all moment in side-by-side battles. Announcements like clear is very important, but sometimes the another car is in clear situation and back to inside/outside in few secs... is out a lot of goodness from CC team. CC now supports game setup (plugin install, thanks to @Sparten) No manual setup steps for AC/rF2/rF1/AMS anymore. Rf2 specifics: http://thecrewchief.org/showthread.php?18-Release-History&p=686&viewfull=1#post686 Thanks @davehenrie and @Coutie for mapping extra tracks.
Hello, I am reaching out to Stock Car enthusiasts on this thread. I am looking for opportunities of improving CC combined with rF2 Stock Car rules/content. I already mapped ISI SC 2015 and NASCAR 2016 to separate CC classes, will be coming soon in an update. One other opportunity we're considering is to change the wording under Full Course Yellow. I am thinking of: * for SC race, call FCY a "Caution", never FCY. * for SC race, call Safety Car a Pace Car. Any other suggestions? What is the correct wording? @Wiggin was helping me to understand Stock Cars better (thanks man!) but I am still learning about differences between default rF2 rules and Stock Car rules. I'd like to hear your thoughts, suggestions here. I also need volunteers who can collect game phase transitions with SC rules enabled, PM me if you're willing/available to help. Cheers!
If possible, tell the person who's the "lucky dog" that they are able to pass the field. Also, say the name of the car who has the wave around so you can watch out for them. Let wave around cars know they can pass the safety car. When it tells you to follow someone, make it say "follow xxxxx". I can help you out, we are doing a stock car race Monday night.
Does the game, in a UI or somewhere, displays the "Lucky Dog" or "Wave Around"? I haven't found found any way of telling who to follow during formation lap/SC phase, but I'll keep looking. There are ways by reading game memory directly, but I am wary of doing this because I can't commit to timely updates every time developer patches the game. Ideally, S397 could expose this info in a future, hopefully And, could you please comment on FCY wording? What's the name of FCY in Stock Car world?
Just caution or full course caution, or even just yellow. The lucky dog is only shown in the stock car box thing, same with wave arounds.
It looks like ISI exposed some of the rules related stuff, I started to look for message text in internals model and found more than that (not sure if it works though, yet). I will be exploring that, and hopefully we'll be able to announce things like Lucky Dog, Follow Vehicle, Allow Vehicle to pass etc.
Is there a way to change the temperature that the spotter warns me about brakes? I'm running an rFactor2 F1 sim...