Mr. B, I don't know if you worry about things like this or not, but \voice\corners\melbourne_haipin\ probably should be hairpin and not haipin.
Can you download it again and during uninstall point to the place of download?
I'd like to make sure I understand your situation, so you downloaded new .msi, and you are trying to uninstall CC, right? During uninstall, did you point "use source" text box to the location of a download?
Slight Bug: no matter the car the crew chief says to me on occasion, perhaps 2-3 times a race "your brakes are fine mate" but the thing is I never pressed the button to ask any question Thanks
Is there a way to account for safety / warmup laps? It breaks the immersion when say on a warm up lap, the spotter says "don't let the guy behind distract you" or "wait for him to make a mistake" etc.
Both issues sound like bugs, I'll add them to the list of things to check. The first one should be simple bug, but safety car phase/formation lap case is surprising, because CC treats them as special race phases. @TheMattyOnline, can you describe your scenario in more detail, is it race session? How many laps? Do you restart/restart from replay? Single player/online?
Actually, this message will be announced without request, if your temps are cold or hot, and got back to normal. So, this will sometimes get announced after you pit and drive for a bit.
This is without pitting and happens at random during the race for me, I get the cold tires one as well but that seems normal unlike this one.
I've an idea to make CC options searchable. When/if this will happen, I could add an option to not announce "ok" brake temps, but I would prefer to not do this right now, since digging settings out of that dialog is difficult even now.
Could you possibly add in the VR Recenter bind (ctrl + space) and make it a voice command in Crew Chief? Might be a lot of work or fairly simple, just an idea as it would free up a button on my wheel! Thanks
Hi love the program My name list only goes to M is that right ? think Si was in list which would do me. says names up to date driver names and sound pack It did seem hang on original install how can i reset it or add the names uninstalled and reinstalled but did not get option to down load sound pack driver names etc again how do i select/install different voice packs or personality's ? Thanks Sorted it I deleted roaming appdata folder it had created after uninstalling then reinstalled all good now I am sure i created the problem clicked on all 3 download tabs then shut it as seemed to hang, on reinstalling i see were i went wrong
This is a simply fantastic plugin - and how great it is to be able to utilize it in many different sims. Donated at least a pintful of beer money