The less said about the "New(old)" UI the better, utter shambles from start to finish quite frankly and that's me being honest In the meantime many thanks for the belated hotfix that was coming out "soon" but weeks later "will be included in the next Quarterly Update" but sometime after that it's eventually released as a "hot"fix, not being picky but this could've been released a long time ago by all accounts, indecision bites. On the Strength Setting that used to be in the Old UI, as I detailed on Discord; Originally it simply changed the strength for all cars, so you'd; go into practice and the AI cars were too slow change strength setting Restart Race Weekend go into practice and the AI cars were now too fast! change the strength setting Restart Race Weekend go into practice and the AI were what you required then to be. Since they simply "forgot" to put it in the New (old) UI you have ever since had to do the steps above but now it's; go into practice and the AI cars were too slow Exit back to the main menu change strength setting reload the track which takes time go into practice and the AI cars were now too fast! Exit back to the main menu change the strength setting reload the track which takes time go into practice and the AI were what you required then to be. It became and still is an unnecessary time consuming task, nothing was ever changed in the backend to do with AI Strength, it was simply a missing UI Option.
See this "old wishlist" concerning AI, it is quite similar and give some ideas.
AI is still a bit more agressive i think like they still follow their path no matter what happening near them its not like racing against a real driver. i m not sure they fixed their behavior to be more aware of what is happening near them or infront of them. sorry but i m still not satisfied with all those AI changes
I think that was mentioned in the change log on the previous page... AI no longer move off the racing line into the middle of the track when shown blue flags, which caused traffic jams In addition to the previous fix, AI no longer lift off in corners when shown the blue flag - They will not fight back and stay predictable, following multiclass rules
Seems they're getting the AI ready for LMU and those changes are coming back to RF2, which is as shame as the Blue Flag logic worked just fine (for me at least) when they used to Lift off the throttle and move slightly out the way. It would be great to have that back for non-multiclass racing, but can imagine the difficulty in different rules for different classes, just a shame they presume everyone races multiclass offline
It has nothing to do with LMU, the old blue flag logic was simply busted. If they were given a blue flag, they would: Snap 2m off the line exactly, on the spot Either lift off or straight up brake Randomly stay somewhere on the racing line, not enough room to actually get past them This ironically made it impossible for other AI to lap them properly, as they'd be unable to complete a pass around the outside before they would run out of road to do so because of how wide they got pushed in the corners. This would result in cars getting stuck driving 20-40 seconds per lap slower behind blue flagged cars unable to get past as they kept getting blocked. However, at the same time, the initial reaction to being shown the blue flag would make the cars snap off the line so suddenly they'd frequently crash and cause pileups, or just spin off the road. So on many circuits you as the player wouldn't notice AI being in the way, you'd just drive past yet another spun car. Well actually you would notice eventually, as suddenly all cars surrounding you would randomly lose a minute in traffic. This was tested very extensively and the logic won't be coming back the way it was, and there was no time to come up with a full replacement for it. That said, they still respect blue flags, as they won't make any attempt to block or defend against lapping cars. They won't necessarily actively drop back F1 style, they'd rather just let themselves get overtaken GTWC style. Future plans include making them lift off slightly when it actually makes sense, but for now, this was by far the lesser of two evils
Fair enough, can't say I saw those scenarios much in my hundreds of hours of racing with them including extended testing(!) upto 2021, maybe something got broke within the last couple years? Rhetorical question of course, if you think it's better now then that's all that matters as you're the coder
It's got to do with changes to how we author content, tracks specifically, to make AI avoid overtaking in specific places where we know they probably shouldn't overtake. Not doing so will lead to AI randomly crashing, going slow, ironically being totally unable to overtake, or many more things. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, change one thing break 5 others as you can see. But yeah in heavy testing every single longer race got ruined by the blue flag behaviour, while lapping (even AI to AI lapping) worked totally fine with the current behaviour. I think one edge case would be the GT cars having close to no draft effect making overtaking generally close to impossible, so that's one case where the current behaviour isn't great
I would consider deleting or restoring all the .json people messed up trying to tweak AI. Most probably it will broke everything
Does AI strength affect 'finish session' simulation? I noticed at Croft with BTCC, 85% AI strength the AI cars are qualifying 1:27 when you are driving around, but if you click Finish session the top cars are shown as having done 1:17, a whole ten seconds per lap faster.
I would need the version number before v1133. Was it v1132? Or in other words, wich version would be installed, if i use right now the previous-release Beta?