What does rFactor 2 have for cheat protection?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Guy Moulton, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. Guy Moulton

    Guy Moulton Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    We all know there's some basic file editing recognition in rF2, but what else does it have to prevent cheating?
  2. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I doubt much will be discussed here and I could be wrong but I thought that's what the whole vmod system was about.
  3. WiZPER

    WiZPER Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    components and rfmods kinda nulls out the file editing cheats as I see it too, much better than the older mismatch detection.
  4. Olivier Prenten

    Olivier Prenten Registered

    May 24, 2013
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    Indeed this system is really good at preventing cheaters from infecting the servers! :cool:
  5. o0thx11380o

    o0thx11380o Registered

    Jun 28, 2013
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    That is if, there was anyone in the servers lol
  6. Jerry Luis

    Jerry Luis Banned

    Aug 25, 2013
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    Dom Quicheats
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2013
  7. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Code. And stuff.
  8. TIG_green

    TIG_green Registered

    Jul 21, 2012
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  9. mauserrifle

    mauserrifle Registered

    Feb 26, 2013
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    Haha. Talking like a programmer ;)
  10. Ivan Baldo

    Ivan Baldo Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Having frequent releases helps a lot I think (not sure though, not an expert), so I hope they will release new versions often and hopefully maybe some code gets randomized and people would have a hard time patching the code on RAM to change values and such.
    Many people in my league (rFactor 1 still) use plugins that tell if the engine is about to fail, if they are sliding too much, etc. etc. and it is legal, the league doesn't forbid them, but I don't like them and I am at a disadvantage for not using those plugins, I think they are in a gray line between a proper cheat, so I actually like a lot that there is a delay in the plugins for rFactor 2.
    BTW, in a related note, my opinion is that it is a mistake to have a lifetime license or a license and then a yearly fee, I think it is much better both for ISI and for its users to have a subscription scheme, something that keeps the money flowing in ISIs direction and then work from ISI flowing in the users direction in a good balance: not too expensive for us in the undeveloped world, not too cheap as to slow too much ISIs work towards technology and content creation and existing content upgrade and ISIs investors happiness and leisure ;-).
    I know that breaking compatibility with mods is a no-no, so they must find a way to put new things in a modular and selectable way to maintain compatibility and then deprecate old stuff (maintain it for a year), mods and tracks could declare the version of the component they are designed for (tires, surface, gfx, weather, engine, upgrades, other physics, etc.).
    Doing that would deter many types of cheaters, it is hard to hit a moving target! :)
    Just dreaming...
  11. Magzire

    Magzire Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Had no idea it was possible to cheat
  12. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    I haven't seen any. Some just can't believe there are others who are faster than themselves.
  13. Guy Moulton

    Guy Moulton Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Nobody said there was cheating. I'm just curious if the cheat protection in rF2 goes beyond files checking. Race 07 was changed when memory cheats came out and all but ruined any pubby racing. "Code. And stuff" is less than helpful, I am not asking for the code, but is there any way to detect memory resident trainers or plugins like Ivan mentions. There are lots of ways to cheat online and some just can't believe that it happens.
  14. PMC

    PMC Registered

    Nov 10, 2012
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    Generaly a RAM cheat is easy to spot. As far as my understanding goes this cheat speeds up the game to run faster than normal . You can spot them due to excessive lag but this can be slowed to create less lag but even then if you jump in there cockpit and do a lap with them you will see there car jump forward maybe ten to twenty meters every so often as the games sync .Most leagues are aware of this and can jump on a cheat quickly. As far as a grip cheats go i'm not so sure about and cant say ive seen it. This was a situation with rF1 , I don't know about rF2
  15. Esteve Rueda

    Esteve Rueda Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I know some that used RAM cheats in rF1, and was discovered... some leagues had (and have) some tricks to discover some cheats, using their own "sync program" that every driver need to have working in his PC when racing for example is one of the methods I know.

    In one case one guy used a cheat that avoided fuel consumption and was allways at 5L or something like that, he stopped like others to avoid suspicion but was catched because that league checked telemetry logs randomly. This guy aren't the faster, but had adventage comparing to their direct competitors. It's not about not to accept that there is faster drivers (sometimes this happens too, some leagues don't accept that one guy is an alien...)

    Other case were a driver who competed in a league where were mandatory to use a "downlad/sync manager" program wich automatic downladed all needed stuff, gave you direct acces to server, and ran during races and every practice checking for cheats, "reverting" the effect of some cheats or something like that. I have NO idea how that stuff worked, but one driver was catched complaining about really low grip... he was using "supergrip" cheat. He didn't abuse with that cheat, he used It only to gain a little grip to gain some time (again, not a winner, just a nice fighter), but was catched.

    Examples like that can be found if you know different leagues and have somee years moving around them. Some uses telemetry logs cheks, others their own sync programs, others use programs or services that can be paid...

    I hope that the new rF2 will have less of that cheaters. And not, fastest guys aren't allways the cheaters ;)


    Here are some guys "spying" a cheater in their server and making fun of him, cheater isn't lagged or do teleport jumps, is just an exagerated grip cheat, but are some more disimulated that uses only a little grip gain.

    I think there is not cheaters in rF2 for now, and I hope not to see them in the future.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2013
  16. auariper

    auariper Registered

    Mar 15, 2013
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    That's right! there are drivers that if they see a faster driver already cataloged as a cheat. And believe me if you're a successful pilot with many hours of practice to achieve x time or regularly and then accuse you of cheating just because you're faster than he or they is not rewarding at all.
    I hope we never have to deal with cheaters in rFactor 2.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2013
  17. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Unfortunately there's a simple truth: there'll always be cheating to some extent, and you won't know. It's like antivirus programs, you get people saying "I don't like product X, I got a virus when using it... now I've used product Y for years and haven't had a single virus." Really? How do you know? Are you expecting a virus to announce itself?

    Everything you do on a computer involves software, and software is open to manipulation. There's a constant battle between developers implementing new methods of avoiding 'cheating' (in various senses of the word) and people finding ways around those methods. The thing with cheating in games is reward vs work isn't a huge ratio - what do you get by going faster? Notoriety? Does that really do it for you?

    You've got people who assume very fast drivers are cheating, rumours about what cheating does (see above post by PMC, also the 'car lean' bug especially apparent in CTDP mods I once heard attributed to cheating which was funny), people who play this game or that game saying there's no cheating in it when you can't know for sure and anyway - it's impossible to prevent.

    Now people want some sort of proof of no cheating, or some indication of what rF2 does - which would be a great tool for budding cheats to find a way around it.

    There's really no happy ending here. Enjoy racing against whoever you're racing and give up the quest to be the fastest. People will just assume you're cheating anyway.
  18. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    The only other thing I can probably say is that it should be more difficult to do things you could do in rF1. And that if we think of something, or hear something, we would of course plug any issues.
  19. Flickspeed

    Flickspeed Registered

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Well this doesn't really help. So lets say someone knows exactly which address to edit. I guess it is still editable. Why can't u make something like rfscan?
  20. John.Persson

    John.Persson Registered

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I also hope when presented with evidence, people get banned from online play or just suspended account for long time.

    Do you have something along those lines in the EULA Tim?

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