Am I the only one thinking payware could be rFactor2's death knell?

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Marvin Morgan, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Marvin Morgan

    Marvin Morgan Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I disagree. Don't know why people against payware are all of a sudden "the most greedy ones wanting everything for free". Some people just want to save a community from what they perceive as an impeding doom that payware can create. I remember the earliest example of seeing this as a kid. We used to play skelzies all the time. After a while your top was almost as important as your sneakers , well maybe not that important but you know what I'm saying. Guys were making great looking tops and I was one of them. Others didn't have the resources or talent to make really nice flashy tops. So you'd hook that person up. Everyone had a nice skelzies top after while if they wanted. But it wasn't free to make (had to buy the push top icys, clay and/or wax etc.) but you didn't think about selling them, it was a community game. But all good things don't last because of course someone had to come and ruin it buy selling skelzies tops trying to make money. Then it just took some of the innocence out of the game and thus killed it.
  2. WheelNut

    WheelNut Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    this site might turn into that cuddle site you mention
    the way the downloads page is just needs a buy now button
  3. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    What did he say Marvin ?

    lol :)

    From your post no I am not greedy, I said release rF2 a year ago, I said bar all payware and no permission from server.

    I am not the one endlessly ask whats coming. never have never will.
    look for Adam to do that lol ;)

    So I am def not greedy.

    As I said before imho all public freeware should be open source that way everyone could use what they liked.

    In the end we would have more versions of everything............... logic.

    Their would be no copyright fights ever again.........

    Either way payware should be kept seperate.

    He denies basic evidence .......tell him please to go to any other developers forum and find me rips and payware supported.

    Well go on , tell me what you found ! ???? roflmao >>>> he found NOTHING

    Yeah you making ISI forum into a joke among developers, all for ego/ greed.
  4. motojase171

    motojase171 Registered

    Aug 15, 2012
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    is that rite? people that expect amature made mods to be free are greedy? I personally have not said that the people who made the payware mods are wrong, i don't support it but if they want to try get money for their work then thats up to them but calling people greedy because they don't agree? really? mods are free up untill this, people are scared that this will turn into mods never being free. and in this age they have a right to be, i mean what is free these days? because most of the world has turned greedy and noone will do or give anyone else anything unless they get something in return. and why? politics. so the money is what causes it not free ware or people wanting free ware.
  5. privatebrian

    privatebrian Registered

    Jan 30, 2012
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    I agree with DD,payware shouldn't be advertised here.
  6. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    If anyone can shine light on why ISI should be the black sheep of the next generation sims official forums please help me understand. lol
  7. UnitedRacingDesign

    UnitedRacingDesign Registered

    Nov 24, 2010
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    Tell me exactly why not, how does that affect you actually? Just like on free mods if you dont like them you dont visit there thread.

    @motojase171 youre turning my words to something completly else.

    @DurgeDriven youre the one making youre self looking a complete joke actually. I really have enough of you now. We completly leave you alone but you have to start all over again everytime. Whining here, whining there...

    ah...leaving this thread of nonsense...
  8. privatebrian

    privatebrian Registered

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2013
  9. motojase171

    motojase171 Registered

    Aug 15, 2012
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    @ Ales Ogrinc, maybe i miss understood what you were saying, but to me thats how it looked.

    AAAAAAnyway everyone chill :) i'm sure there'll be lots of different mods for everyone and in the end everyone will be happy.
  10. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    That has been my only bleat from the very start but it gets ignored.

    Hypothetical mate

    You are Audi or BMW head of legal department and you advise to refuse a licence to a developer.

    Then months later you see a payware mod on the developers site.

    Why would you ever change your mind in the future.

    If they see that stuff anywhere else they can't hold ISI to any blame can they.

    So rather then being greedy I thought I was being completely and utterly selfless :(

    But like I said in some payware thread a few days ago, I had it with personal insults for the view above.
    So do what you like, you will anyway.
  11. privatebrian

    privatebrian Registered

    Jan 30, 2012
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    DD I agree with what your saying,our at least payware should have a separate thread/site.
  12. martymoose

    martymoose Registered

    Aug 10, 2012
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    I wonder how much it will cost to join that site/forum maybe charge per thread post ;) Could be a good concept, I hope I am not giving mak any ideas here.

    Some people using ISI's code unlicensed to profit with also seem to want free advertising on ISI's officail site, those that disagree with them are the greedy ones LMFAO.

    If you want to sell something use all your own code in your own sim or at the very least pay for a license for all the code and other IP your using. If you dont have a license or rights to use all that code and others IP you also dont have the rights to profit from it. Then to top it off go start your own site and promote your payware there.

    Im sure if you did have your own licensed sim and if I would go onto your official forum spamming it with links to my attempts at profiting from your code unlicensed, you'd appreciate it just as much and would be very open to the idea just like the few whining greedy ones here lol.
  13. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Even a ISI funded site .........just don't let anyone know. :eek:

    Seriously not joking, that is how open I would be to anything.

    We nearly all agree there should be payware.

    I also agree we should have brothels........... it is just working out how you promote in public and place them.

    For any noddys and their mates thinking it is my intention from the above statement to denigrate payware you don't know me at all. p
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2013
  14. motojase171

    motojase171 Registered

    Aug 15, 2012
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    I think this is the solution everyone needs :) instead of argueing back and forwards...
    Ok so you think you should be paid for your work yes? well prove your work is worth it instead of talking go make the best mod anyone has ever seen with the best physics, graphics, damage model, best of everything that the rf2 engine can handle, and let your work speak for its self, if it's that good i'll even support it. ISI have earned their money by what they make and the quality of their work... It's your turn to prove yourself. I mean put everything you have into it, forget about argueing about it, could do that all day n not get anywhere.
    ISI will decide if they want it on their site or if to let you use their base as a platform or not n thats totally up to them.
    we can choose to buy the mod or go dld a free mod, thats up to us. but argueing about this is not getting anywhere or changing anything. but modders please clearly state before making the mod if it's going to be pay ware or free ware.
  15. privatebrian

    privatebrian Registered

    Jan 30, 2012
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  16. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    my 2c worth
    1: its a ISI forum if they have no problem with it why should we.
    2: all this thread is doing is dividing the community over whether we pay or not. who cares your choice...
    3: turning a hobby into a job is not a bad thing if its your only source of income. other wise you are just out to make a quick buck out of something you like doing and have been doing.
    4: IMHO any 1 paying for a mod b4 the game is released officially by ISI.. is stupid. ( they could and should charge you every time they have to update the mod just because they have had to spend more time working on it. remember there out to make money it's not a hobby any more. ) think about it would you update it for nothing if its your income your lively hood ?
    5: its your choice to buy or not 2 buy...
  17. WheelNut

    WheelNut Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    i was going to release my hiddenvalley later today maybe if i can work out why the cornerworkers pitofficals work in moddev but not single player mode anymore
    but here's the thing i won't 20 bucks a pop lololololol
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2013
  18. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    lol... :D
  19. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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  20. Marvin Morgan

    Marvin Morgan Registered

    Jun 2, 2011
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    How about 4 for a down payment? These bucks are hard to come by


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