hdr causes chrome effect to fail. this screenshot was taken with hdr turned off. [IMG]
just thinking out loud... is it not possible to enter a drivers car as a "passenger" and see this info? see: multiplayer.ini Allow Passengers="1"...
troubleshooting is a process of elimination. your game showing those filter buttons, is clearly wrong, fix it, then proceed from there to resolve...
http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/19694-Response-provided-an-error-with-no-handler-Server-maybe-offline?p=272338&viewfull=1#post272338 looks...
1) the filter buttons in your screenshots do indicate your install is messed up. a fresh install = no copy over files, rebuild both core and data...
if a skin has extras like windows.dds and such, the only way for others to see those painted parts with your skin is by packing everything into...
it may be the track must reference the spotter detail sounds, i don't know. probably more a oval feature not active on many road courses? i did...
between the volume control on my external desktop speakers system, the windows volume control, and the audio sliders in game, the spotter voice...
turn OFF HDR turn ON Environmental Reflections.
before you began your skin, you went in-game, all cars and tracks, vehicles, select the desired car to be skinned, then enter tuning area. click...
in-game, settings, audio. turning OFF the "Sound Effects Volume" slider does help, but other sounds will also be compromised. some tracks are not...
if in race session, everyone drops/exits/discos from the server at once, this leaves the server empty, the server auto resets to practice session...
an attempt at chrome paint. build 590. [IMG]
did you try this. http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/19089-Karts-0-991-and-Quebec-SuperKarts-1-07-track-available?p=261524&viewfull=1#post261524
Separate names with a comma.