Hi, im trying to uninstall this mod but even already unsubriscibed from wrkshop, still installed version 1.07
Thanks John, but it is not that; On mouse over Fun Cup 2006* it says that is an workshop item and when i go to workshop, im alreadfy unsubscribed edit: tried deleting fun cup 2006 from rfactor installation and, when started the launcher, it automatically reinstalled 1.7 version edit2: unsubscribe, deleting from rfactor installed folder and deleting from workshop folder did the job. Not auto installing anymore. Thanks
So far I have ignored this mod. I guess that was probably a mistake that will be resolved tomorrow evening .
First post has been updated for NEW BUILD 1.21: reordered and renamed 2006 for working together the new incoming 2021 Endurance and Evo3 classes (different mod) fixed different rims colors for working in showroom
first post has been updated with build 1.22 for fixing black rain on certain tracks, due to wrong rF2 code
Thank you Slow Motion . https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=661391446&searchtext=Volkswagen+FunCup