Galaga, have you began to improve/update the track?! I mean, road's mesh and surface, textures, trees...?!
Great project. Thanks to Galaga, Spaskis and all other involved people This is a perfect example why I enjoy it to be a part of this community Wish you the best for this project and hopefully I can help here and there greets alex
Just wanted to give everyone a status update on this project. At the urging of well-respected modders in the community, I have decided to take on a smaller project before attempting to work on Transfagarasan in earnest. I am considering this smaller project (which for now I will refer to as 'Park Road') as part of the overall Transfagarasan project since the main purpose of the project is to prepare me to work on Transfagarasan. Accordingly, I will report on Park Road's progress here. Here is a list of activities to date and future tasks: - Understand how to convert and get a track in-game using 3dsimed (done) - Sub-project to get familiar with modding process using a smaller track (in progress) - Select a track to design, convert, etc. (done) - Export Google Earth path to .kml and import using Mario's ImportGeo tool (done) - Create track, xsectors, pit in/out, UVW, and temporary terrain for geometry testing (in progress) - In-game geometry testing <----> modification cycles to finalize geometry - Draft terrain, TSOs, shadows, reflections, AIW, testing, etc. as directed by expert consultants- Load rF1 Transfagarasan in to Max - In-game geometry testing <----> modification cycles to finalize geometry - Draft terrain, TSOs, shadows, reflections, AIW, testing, etc. as directed by expert consultants - Etc.
I'd like to make a teeny suggestion if I may, Galaga. I think that a lot of the fun from point to point courses comes from hanging out on a server in a practice session with friends, and taking turns trying to set the best time. So in addition to the timer running in race mode, it would be even sweeter if the timer works in practice mode. Not trying to step on your toes or make more work for you. Just putting that out there
Demonstration project (formerly known as 'Park Road') track will now successfully load into dev mode. Next steps are to: - Add temporary terrain - Experiment with physical track geometry changes and surface enhancements - Experiment with improving track surface textures, wrapping, etc. - Final terrain geometry - TSOs - Experiment with textures, wrapping, shadows, reflections, AIW, cams and anything else I need to be comfortable with before starting on Transfagarasan - Load rF1 Transfagarasan in to Max - Experiment with methods to increase poly count (using a different file of a smaller track) - Poly count increase & associated geometry tweaks - Physical surface enhancements - Track surface texture improvements, wrapping, etc. - Re-connect terrain geometry new track geometry - TSO, texture, wrapping, shadow, reflection, AIW, cam, timing (per Myself9's suggestion above), etc. improvements - Testing, alpha, beta, etc. release
Just in case:
Back from vacation. Have changed demonstration project to a conversion vs. scratch build as I found myself becoming distracted with things I will not use for Transfagarasan project. So I have selected a rF1 track (a bonus will be if I can obtain permission and release the demonstration track as it is a really great track ) to convert and have successfully loaded the track into max and worked through various errors thrown by GMT converter. Now I am working through errors thrown by dev mode during load. Once I am able to successfully load track to dev mode, next steps will be: - Increase poly count and smooth - Implement Real Road - Experiment with textures, wrapping, shadows, reflections, AIW, cams and anything else I need to be comfortable with before starting on Transfagarasan - Apply what I have learned to Transfagarasan improvements, including timing in practice mode - Testing, alpha, beta, etc. release
I'm no fan of quick conversions but have to give big thanks for this one! Cruising down the road with Panoz (100% damage multiplier of course) was pure joy! Wish those textures would look better and we also need a radio for that car!
Galaga, if you would like to hand off any of the more mundane flat Photoshop work such as billboards, roadsigns, etc, so you can focus on the big stuff, hit me up
Think I was day dreaming, I was trying to click the OK button on your screen shot. Think I'm loosing it. @Galaga, Good plan, keep up the good work. When you do get back to Transfagarasan, Something for your to do list, when I started race with start set to default start, I had to follow the pace car . I did laugh . Also I think the track is set to the location of the Sahara Desert . Both easy to fix in the GDB file. Will try the Panoz .