Hello sim racers! The 2022 UI Update build of rFactor 2 is now live for your racing pleasure! Details can be found on the website, link below: https://www.studio-397.com/2022/01/rfactor-2-build-update-the-2022-ui-update-is-here/
Function to override car logo’s on cars that share manufacturer name with official content. What this mean?
First impressions - wow. Looks and feels great and will bring fresh enthusiasm to this game. Congratulations
Thank you everyone for the kind words so far - we are delighted to see that in general people are as happy with it as we are with the work we have done. On that front, please can I offer sincere congratulations to each and every person responsible for making this happen. From the community always pushing us to be better, to every person at studio that has had a hand in this project, big or small. Fantastic stuff.
The previous UI made me believe RF2 was voluntarily committing suicide. This new UI is not an improvement, it's different, and right this time. A professional job, nice, responsive, rational, a pleasure to use. Cheers.
Yep, good base, feels like a normal game now. I don't know if some elements can be updated faster somehow (like calibration screen graphs) but transitions etc are good enough.
Looks stunning and yeah feels like an AAA game UI now, much better flow and transitions now. Some may say it's a bit information dense, but I'd much rather have that than in the other direction with content split up between too many pages. A master volume slider would be an added bonus.
Man, with these showroom shots, I think Screenshot Wednesday is going to be quite full of choices next week
Startup time doesn't seem any faster. I guess that's the main loading. Transitions between screens a very quick. Content loading won't have changed, as it's not about the UI. It's a cross weight adjustment, used mainly in US series. Google it.
Hej, is the ultrawidescreen option gone? I really need these because otherwise I can't set my racingview corectly.
Looks great, and everything flows really well imo. Nowhere to put notes in the setup area (if I'm not mistaken) which is slightly disappointing. I really like the music and background sound, it gives it some atmosphere and makes things feel a bit more special. I'm glad the mouse click sound effect is back, small detail but makes a difference. Many times with the old UI I found myself checking that my headphones were actually on becuase of the dead silence.