The combinations are of low quality, the rookie series makes rfactor look like a bad product when it is not, please change it and put quality products, new people think that rfactor is Mores, Loch Drummond, Mills or Radical, Tatuus...
By the well thought out response it would seem "something else". I've been on this system since the beginning of Alpha, on Discord everyday and I don't recall many complaints before about the quality of mods used on the Rookie servers. (yes there are some who don't like the M2) There has been the occasional one about being bored with the same content.
Iracing Iracing, about time you realised this is RFACTOR 2 the new RC has just come out of Alpha, everyone knows they are working on LMU & rf2 is not getting much attention in the way of content ect..
Repeating the question: WHAT free content? We have the Radical, we have the M2, & the Tatuus. What specifically do you consider good free content? I would suggest '67 Endurance mod, not everyone's cup of tea, but that is what I mean my being specific. Identify a mod you consider worthy. (and one that doesn't fall afoul of copyright restrictions) And iRacing....didn't they just announce they are copying the rF2 weekly format?
Care to elaborate more? Which is what I was asking in the first place. What quality base content would you want to see instead?
Imagine a pole run by s397 on what content you would like next for the new RC for Bronze, Silver & Gold, i would be surprised if there was a clear winner in any level. Quality content is a individual choice.
Why would you listen to what rookies want ? They are there to learn and do what they are told. Start letting them have what they want would be no end to it. Mods can't be used can they ? I would not put up the Historic OW anyway they drive bad since new tyres, they not a patch on their older counterparts for mine. If you need any convincing of that just drive F3 Eve then F3 Eve Community mod, it's like night and day and anyone can't tell difference want to give up. So many cars would need overhaul, all OW, Howston, Cobra, Corvettes list goes on. What I would say is they could do alot more to modify the ambience of different sessions. Like in rookies you should not use the same rubber every session among other things. You want them to experience different conditions. Put green track then next session heavy rubber make it interesting. imo giving rookies the best conditions like heavy rubber is not what a rookie should get they need unpredicatabilty to learn. F3 Eve ( Community mod) is the best training car hands down for mine but like I said S397 version needs a full rework. Backhander for people like me that only brought rF2 because of the Historic OW. To still have only 3 skins for each model is just taking the piss.
Hi, which community model of EVE are you referring to? Could you provide the workshop link, please? Thank you
Must be this, it's in workshop. Eve F3 Historic Community Pack Steam Workshop::Eve F3 Historic Community Pack ( It's basically a skin pack but it has some minor tweaks in physics too.
From a rookie's perspective, I've been pretty happy with the available content so far. If I could change anything it would be to swap the Tatuus for a regional skip barber. I realize the M2 kind of fills the role of a low downforce, weight shifting, momentum car. But in my mind nothing is better for learning car control than the skippy on street tires. There's such a huge emphasis on weight transfer, throttle control and threshold braking. Plus the lower speeds give you more time to react to mistakes and changing conditions. Its very unforgiving at first, but so very rewarding when you get the hang of it. I'd keep the M2 for its in-cockpit GT vibes, and I think the Radical provides all the speed and downforce of the Tatuus while being way more fun. To me the Tatuus, though popular, just doesn't seem like It's teaching rookie lessons? I'm sure I'm in the minority on this. Entirely possible I just need more seat time to appreciate it. (edit) I'd also like to see a rookie series that rotates the layouts on a single track, Lime rock comes to mind. I think it would be beneficial to rookies to have a track they're mostly familiar with that changes by one or two turns every week, so they stay challenged but can keep building on what they know. So ... maybe keep the Tatuus but add a Skippy series at lime rock park?
All I can say is that if you got rF2 in the recent Black Friday sale you probably paid less than £7 That's a one off charge that gets you started, and you get the BMW M2 added for free when you sign up for online racing. I paid over £4 for that a little while back. For less than a month of iRacing, you get all that content and an online racing event available every hour. There's an option that allows you to set up your own server if you wish...
As a rookie, I'm happy for now with the Radical, M2 and Tatuus. There are lots of free tracks that can be used instead, right? or at least more layouts for the same location. But for now I think is ok. Regarding more free content (and putting iRacing as example...) the revenue methods in rFactor and iRacing are totally different. IR have a monthly payment, they can afford to give more free content and (IMO) if I'm paying monthly I expect a lot of free content, I think most of the content should be free (like a Netflix for racing, paying monthly for all the content). RF2 doesn't have monthly payments so the only way to survive long term is to 'force' the users to purchase some content now and then, so don't expect much more free content... I think is understandable.
Rookie class should contain quality paid stuff as well. Problem solved. I rarely drive online (so probably never loose rookie status) but when I do I want good content to choose from.
Maybe @AKR but believe me we'd very soon have people complaining that they have to buy tracks and cars to do the rookie events and that they are far too expensive. Don't forget that the rookie events are completely free to anyone with the base game.