Should I give up hope of ever seeing such a tool? Could the necessary data be recorded in some other file? Some ISI overlays show lap completion in a decimal format; like LAPS: 9.6. (Not "volunteering" you to make it if it is impossible in your current Replay Office but wondering if it is at all possible.) Hope springs eternal... until snuffed out!
Hi guys; First of all congratulate the user that made this great tool. The truth is that e started does well little use it but with the Build 930 is giving many recording failures. Are short repetition appear and disappear the cars... Sincerely, not is by where shooting or to turn, and that I get in touch with you. Be if I can lend a hand. Thank you so much!
Thanks! Great tool! Would like to also report that overtakes are currently not displayed in race analyzer events.
Hi Gerald, i often use your tool to analyse races. very good job and useful tool ! i suggest one little evolution if possible. Each driver has a default color at start application. could you add a button to give to ALL DRIVERS the same color(black could be a good choice). I explain why : sometimes, i have to analyse the race of only 4 or 5 drivers , so what i do is that i put all drivers black color except the drivers i have to look after (and for them, i put different colors). Many thanks.
Hi. Normally you can hide the car you don't want to follow (using the check boxes) I can't access my computer so i can't check if the checkboxes are well in this tool.
Hi man, i don't want to uncheck others drivers but just give them a common color like black and then i can easyly watch my 4/5 drivers coloured. if i uncheck them , i can't see interactions beetween black and coloured drivers. actually, what i do, is that i give "one by one " to all drivers the black color (except followed) but when you have 32 drivers, it is a bit long.... Thx for your time.
Firstly this is a great tool, really helpful! I might be missing something obvious but I am finding it difficult to make clips, when I go create replay it stays as a VCR file?