Hello. I think somebody is making a tool for LMU that looks like the one here. https://github.com/JeGoBE8900/LMUTools It uses the Rest API to connect to game and access replay and data. It easilly works with rFactor2 by tweaking some ports and recompile it ( Use this version : Link and use gorf2.bat ). There isn't any trackmap but it looks like the developper is adding features that will be interesting. I already told him to try and make it compatible with rFactor2 but he stays on LMU. Adding the result xml to replays adds lots of informations to access. If at some point it goes further he will probably add a trackmap or else and get even more similar to the tool here.
Such a shame that this amazing tool couldn't work properly anymore I'm ready to make a donation to someone who will bring the solution for merging the laps on replay just like this tool does (if there's no solution existing right now)
All links are dead. Are there any chances to get the sources of the original project ? Why merge all laps ? Looks funny but useless ...
Hello man. Latest version rF2ReplayOffice 1.5.1.zip — https://mega.nz/file/QtxUXBSA#W1lxTCx-aZ-De3QTKXMhejVDP33dFXAWpVANURF1X3E (1.63 MB)
Little off-top. Some years ago mr. Gerald Jacobson create rFactor Replay Tool for rFactor 1. Here his website: https://community.racesimcentral.net/threads/rfactor-replay-tool.5072/ . Maybe you have latest version 1.0.1 for rF1?
Hey. I know about rfVCRmerge and downloaded it many years ago. I try find rFactor Replay Tool by Gerald Jacobson. His dropbox account is gone. Maybe some drivers download it early.
Thanks for the link. It is useful to mirror those softwares which are sometime very useful, and when the sources are available, we can "rebirth" them.