[REL] rF2 Replay Office (set of tools)

Discussion in 'Other' started by Gerald Jacobson, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    The next tool (lap analyzer) will add many info to understand driving difference.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    You are incredible Gerald! Thanks for all the efforts you dedicate to rF2 community.
  3. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    My pleasure :)

    v1.3.2.0 Available
    Race Analyzer:
    - Added the Clip Builder feature: Now you can define any number of clips, chronologically or not, just give a description, a start time and and end time for each clip, then build a whole new Vcr to replay in rF2 (Ideal to show a summary of a race) - Of course you need to manage your selfthe camera if you need to change driver at some times (it seem that is no more possible to force camera in replay unlike rF1)
    --> You can save you set of clip in the ".clips" file, so you will be able to reload and update it if necessary.
    --> With the new Vcr a file name "<Vcr>.desc" is creating providing you time code in the new created Vcr of each clip
    0:00:00.000 - Startup	(22.430)
    0:00:22.430 - Bad break	(17)
    0:00:39.430 - Overtake Legend	(12.909)
    0:00:52.340 - Failed turn 	(36.29)
    0:01:28.370 - Sartup bis	(15.630)
    View attachment 13986

    Thanks SPASKIS for the idea.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2014
  4. alpha-bravo

    alpha-bravo Registered

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Now I'm stretched like a bow :D

    Thx for the update :)

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    All the merit is yours, Gerald.
    It is an honour to be of any help.

    I need to test the new features since I was only been able to test the first release. I got my Oculus DK2 past week so I have been quite busy messing with it.

    If I find anything worth reporting or any improvement idea I'll let you know.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    In this thread I asked for what you have implemented in your tool. After nine months ISI has not even replied to the subject.

    Gerald replied to the suggestion in minutes and published the feature some days later.

    Chapeau Mr Jacobson!!!

    Thumbs down ISI. You community support is your weakest point. You have a lot to learn form this guy!
  7. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    v1.3.3.0 Available

    - VCR Merge: Fix bug for car that are not visible in created replay (occurs when a driver is not present at the beginning of the session)
  8. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Gerald thank you for the play control buttons very nice to use. The addition of the clip file process was a real surprise and again brilliant.
    Cant wait to see what the lap analyser will bring us.
  9. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    v1.3.4.0 Available

    Race Analyzer -> Clip Builder: Thank to the support of ISI team, i am now able to specify camera change. Now for each clip you can define as many camera change as you want (focusing on a given driver, with the given camera)

    View attachment 14018
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2014
  10. P.S.R.

    P.S.R. Registered

    Jun 15, 2014
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    Wow. I know what 'm doing this weekend! Thanks!!!!
  11. alpha-bravo

    alpha-bravo Registered

    Dec 22, 2012
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  12. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    v1.4.0.0 Available
    - First version of Lap Analyzer : even if several data type is missing from Chart, i provide this first version because it replace the old VCR Merge and enhance it (now you can synchronize all cars anywhere in the track)
    - Remove old VCR Merge tool
    - Race Analyzer : Add "ESC" detection.

    As usual don't hesitate to give feedback and idea specially on the analysis part (chart)

    View attachment 14032
  13. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Gerald what is the down sampling 1 to 10 used for?
  14. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    1 = means draw each value (highest fidelity to replay file)
    2 = draw 1 value of 2
    3 = draw 1 value of 3

    Should give you more fluidity (if you need it) in case of you add several graph window
  15. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Thanks I now understand.

    Couple of things I have noticed in the VCR merge part is that if a lot of laps are chosen to remove unwanted laps each lap has to be chosen individually. Multiple laps can be chosen to add from the driver list and this same function to remove chosen laps would also be useful.

    Both CTRL + any file to select multiple laps and CTRL + A can be used to select all laps. Having these two functions to delete unwanted laps is what I am trying to explain.

    Also not that it is areal worry but when a VCR merge file is replayed when it finishes it ends with a vacant garage and some strange odd artefacts hanging in the garage. I think it is a fire extinguisher that has not been totally drawn.

    I expect it is trying to end with the car that is in focus in the replay in its garage it is just that the car is not showing.

    Having a ball using the plugin now to work out the clips function to make a replay of a race.

    Thanks again Gerald
  16. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    v1.4.1.0 Available
    Lap Analyzer
    - Add Multi selection to lap list
    - Add Steering Yaw, Throttle, Break charts (Thanks again to ISI team)
    (Speed is still missing as i still not found how to extrat speed from replay)

    I made the choose to do not draw the car once it go back to the garage and never drive again, as soon as the time is greater or equals to the "garage" time. If needed i can change that.

    EDIT: when you say replayed; is it in rF2 or in my tool. If it is rF2 for now i don't know how to stop properly, i don't know yet event or something that would tell to rF2 to end the replay "properly" (surely missing end event or garage loc event).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2014
  17. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Just like to thank you again for your continued updates.
    It's great that ISI is helping you with your questions to them.

    I have a few ideas.
    With Clip Builder program, you have Events tab to the right. It would be great if I could right click on an event, and it would pop out a little drop down menu that would say 'Add to Clips'. Clicking it would automatically add this event as a clip. It would automatically add 15 seconds before the event and 10 seconds after it for example. Not sure if that is possible. You could go further by adding to the drop down menu cameras etc. So I could pick all the events of driver overtakes, or crashs etc. quick and easy.

    When you have the track zoomed in and have a car highlighted is it possible to have that car center in the screen?

    Is it possible for the events tab on the right to automatically jump to the next event when the time gets to same time of the event.

    Thanks again
  18. Gerald Jacobson

    Gerald Jacobson Registered

    Jan 26, 2013
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    Race Analyzer:
    - Implements the three ideas of DJCruicky
    -- New combobox to specify how to focus on selected driver (None, Ensure Visible, Centered on screen)
    -- Popup menu for an event to quickly create a clip
    -- When the sliding track bar (replay time) change, select the last event that occurs before or at this time.
  19. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Wow Gerald, I can not believe how quick you did that :D. I tested it out and you made it just as I asked, perfect. Working good. It's so much easier now to quickly make clips from key events like crashes and overtakes.
    Big thanks again.
  20. whitmore

    whitmore Registered

    Feb 26, 2012
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    Like DJ said boy your give quick service. Working with the clip events when ever I click an event the focus goes to an event other than where my mouse pointer is on. Usually the one above but at times two above. I always have to click again on the one I want to get the correct choice. I see the first click seems to select the particular driver in the lap screen first then my second click chooses the particular event. If by design all good just checking

    I am most likely not doing it correct but when I have centered on screen chosen and select a particular event of a driver that is not me when the vcr is created it is me that is centered. Do we still need to use the add camera function to put the focus on the particular driver in the event. From what DJ described I was thinking that just by choosing the particular event it would put the focus on that driver.

    After a bit more use I have created VCR using different events and using add camera can get focus to correct car. When VCR is replayed it is in open move mode that is if I move my mouse while it is playing camera is in free move. I like the idea but think it should not be by default but rather just like with the game press the letter "U" on key board to enter free move.

    When replays finishes if taken back to start to restart replay focus from original event is lost to the last vehicle in focus. IE if CAR 1 is first car in focus and then next event clip goes to CAR 4 it will be CAR 4 that has focus when replay file is rewound and again replayed instead of the original CAR 1.

    Going back to an earlier point of no car visible when replay finishes it looks quite odd to have red glow of brake lights and white glow of head lights while there is nothing in view that produces these light effects.

    Is there anyway to use an export function to use VCR files we create with other video play software for viewing by those that do not have RF2?

    Multiple files selection works perfectly thanks.

    I am having plenty of fun working with your plugin and can see a great future for it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2014

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