Q&A with Marcel from Studio 397 - Need your input

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rich Goodwin, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. Rich Goodwin

    Rich Goodwin Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    Hi guys,
    So I posted a bit of a brain dump type article about rF2 and its future on my site the other day. It caught Marcels' attention and he said to reach out if I wanted more info.

    So the idea I instantly had was to pose questions to him directly from the community.

    I've already put the feelers out via the various social media outlets I have with my website, but I would like more questions.

    So if you've something you would like to ask about rF2 or Studio 397 going forward, I will include them and see what he will tell us.

    Sorry if I'm not meant to post this! Just thought it would be of interest. Please just post here with any questions and I will add them to the list. If we get a bucket load I will just cherry pick the ones asked the most frequently.
  2. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yes I have one:

    RF2 has undoubtedly the best AI of any current racing simulation, but as with everything there is always room for improvement. So my question is, will you be looking to expand upon and further improve the AI code (both road and oval) in the future?

  3. IgnacioK

    IgnacioK Registered

    Dec 7, 2011
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    May be to soon for some questions ,but here i go :

    1. Any potencial change on the pricing? Dlcs? monthly subscription? online cost?

    2. Steam is goin to be used? or your own client for update/download? (like MMOs type of games)

    3. With the focus on the dx11 client ,will the dx9 client goin to be supported? (something like in rFactor config that givyou the option to chose the shader/dx)

    Thank you.
  4. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Thanks for the effort!

    1. Will the forums be switched over to a new site?
    2. Will future DLC´s/content contain (laser-)scanned tracks?
    3. Are better/more advanced modding-tools planned?
    4. Will old content get an overhaul?
    5. Is something planned to get better/more realistic sounds (similar to R3E)?
    6. I heard that a whole series is planned. Will the tracks be included or just the cars?
    7. Will the DX11-switch mean there comes a whole new graphics-engine, or will the actual one just be tweaked?
    8. What is planned regarding historic content?
    9. Is something like a carreer-mode or at least championships on the list?
    10. Is a deeper partnership with real racing-teams planned?
    11. Can you say something about plans for online-services/servers, or the system behind it?
    12. Will the purchase-system/fee-thingy change in future?
    13. Are there plans/possibilitys for another kind of deal/partnership with car-manufactors?
    14. How high on the list are technical enhancements like better drive-train model or KERS/hybrid-drive?
    15. Which kind of cars have the highest priority? (street, OW, GT, small touring....etc.)
    16. How looks the technical solution for avoiding braking existing mods with new DX11-engine?
    17. Will serious e-sport be pushed?
    18. Will you still offer active help for some mod-projects (ISI did this to some extend)?
    19. Keeps rF2 an "ever evolving" product, or will there be a rFactor 3 one day?
    20. Did the original ISI-plan to offer one grand-prix car of every decade/era took over?

    OK, enough for now. :eek:
    Excited to read some answers when the time has come!
    Greets and thanks
  5. MaD_King

    MaD_King Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    On my side I have some questions about future:
    - Is work on Night lighting planned (because today it's poor)
    - Is work on Night shadows planned (because non existent today)
    - Is the Rain visual & physics are planned to be finished (today it's unfinished)
    - Is Deformation when there is a contact will be introduced again? (because removed in rF2, working well in rF1)
    - Is Temperature of track variation depending the weather/clouds planned to be finalised?
    - Is there a plan to avoid the "mandatory" rfmod to be able to run car/track online (or a plan to finish the automatic rfmod creation on the unfinished dedicated prototype server?
    - What is the future plan for the new content (still free, Pay DLC, ...)
  6. Barf Factor

    Barf Factor Registered

    Nov 2, 2012
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    Realistic clutch and gear shifting is not yet implemented but it was being worked on by ISI. Will Studio 397 be completing this feature?
  7. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Hiya Rich , thanks for posting/asking

    I have not much interest in the above questions but I do have one if you don't mind :

    1). Is there any chance of VR ( even if beta ) pre-Xmas holidays ??

    ( no 2 ) -but let them know I'm happy to pay for quality DLC especially laser scanned tracks

    Big big thanks
  8. Rich Goodwin

    Rich Goodwin Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    Cheers for the input guys, keep them coming. Please don't be disappointed if your question(s) don't make it though I'll try to get many answered :)
  9. Nazirull Safry Paijo

    Nazirull Safry Paijo Registered

    May 28, 2011
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    1. Clutch modelling?
    2. External/ Trackside sound improvement?
    3. Limited set of tires per race weekend?
    4. Cloud cover surface temperature variation?
    5. Wind and Ambient Temperature?
    6. In-game voice chat
    7. Web-based join button
    8. Improved race re-join mechanism (without faking DC and CTRL+ALT+DEL)
  10. Nibo

    Nibo Registered

    Oct 12, 2010
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    1. Will new Studio be able to make some further physics development and finish not working physics features (proper rain physics, track and ambient temp affecting tire temp, dirt on tires after going off-track affecting grip, wind, under-tray simulation/sparks, altitude affecting engines etc.)

    2. Are there plans for better off-line championships simulation. So that users were able to create AI drivers/teams, select consistent user-created list of AI opponents for every race, set AI setups, AI race strategies, etc.
  11. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    How long until the first release from Studio 397? Will it be content or a core update?
  12. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    - Will the original rF2 sales pitch be honored regarding not paying for future downloads? If that is to change, how will lifetime and standard users be treated?
    - Does this impact any pre-existing licenses like Toleman, Eagle, the couple of Group C cars, and 1995 Reynard Honda so they can actually be put in the development schedule?
    - Will there be more releases of tracks that fit real life calendars for cars available in the game?
    - What content was that shown in the images on their website?
    - Will the Steam integration and content management be revamped so the user chooses what's downloaded and installed?
    - Will the new proposed interface require online connection? Will it split the single and multi-player portions of the game?
    - Will the new UI render adequately to the game's resolution? Will we also get decent ingame HUDs?
    - Will the existing content be brought to similar standards of tech and bug fixes? For example, cars released with the game that haven't been updated, CPM tires for all, chassis flex, updated audio, fixes with windshield reflections or mapping glitches, or visually dated material like the Historics and Skip Barber? And historics are too soft-driving.
    - Will camber, tire pressures and temperatures be corrected?
    - Will we get proper or improved wet weather racing support, progressive water and slickness buildup, natural evaporation, and even having parts of the track that are dry?
    - Would Vulkan ever be a possibility after Dx11?
    - Will the Steam Workshop be better structured so users can more easily find content to subscribe and unsubscribe? Can Race Events be separated into each car's download instead of one all-encompassing thing?
    - Can the Race Events and other content stop being forced installs on our game?
    - Lastly, what kind of help could the community or modders provide?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2016
  13. Pben1

    Pben1 Registered

    Nov 20, 2015
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    Marcel has said at the RaceDepartment post that he is overwhelmed with questions, an hope to get out monthly blog post's soon.

    Sent from my SM-G360F using Tapatalk
  14. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Can't steam voice chat be used online

    ( if all users are steam users )
  15. Rich Goodwin

    Rich Goodwin Registered

    May 3, 2012
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    I'm not shocked, but he offered me the opportunity so I grabbed it.

    A monthly blog is a superb idea though nevertheless.
  16. TJones

    TJones Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    When we may reckon to try out the first Studio-397 build (roughly). :)

    Thank you Rich, Marcel.
  17. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Is there a plan for an interface overhaul so players can access the most useful variables from within the sim without notepad edits?
    Other than this, there is a wishlist forum with a lot of good ideas just waiting for a willing developer.
  18. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Good point! I add the question:

    Will the wishlist on ISIforums be somehow respectet?
  19. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I would say "taken in consideration". :D
  20. lordpantsington

    lordpantsington Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    What does this partnership mean for existing rf2 content licenses?

    When we get a roadmap of what is planned, can we get some of the reasoning behind why you are doing what you are doing/why some things take priority?

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