Build 1.34, November 14th, 2023: - fixed "shining" suit and gloves Steam: Manual download of the mod: Manual download of the templates (body/wings/visor): -!ulxD1RiL!P3YM5pGwW0E2fKzilTxU8SCCjQN5i0VquVXzyRphGBA -!Logw1I4R!n_wNlXs-foMwL0QzM1wt5FOd7aFrptxjyTwrPC3vVr8 - ========================================== Build 1.33, November 06th, 2023: - fixed warning led due to code change by S397 Build 1.32, July 27th, 2022: - maintenance update IBL/PBR - tuned engine sound Build 1.30, February 19th, 2022: - fixed black rain on certain tracks, due to wrong rF2 code Build 1.29 January 13th, 2022: - tuned driver's suit for new rF2 rain functionality Build 1.28: added option for HEAT HAZE (default = deactivated) partially recovered suspension movement for AIs (due to some problem in the code) Build 1.27: - updated SFX file for level sounds of opponents - added new icons for both old UI and new WEB UI - added 1 more car in Factory and Sim Edition tribute to Magic Gianca - updated Talent Build 1.26: - fix of a sudden wrong visual countersteering of the front wheels that happens only in replay with some devices Special thanks to Chris "redapg". Build 1.24: - fixed Talent file Build 1.23: - added 10 new liveries for each class (painted by Andrea1968) - renamed cars adding "SE" to each driver of Sim Edition class - added Position Led Panels for each class - added raindrop mirrors feature - fixed wrong shadow on body Build 1.16 - added tear-off visor Build 1.15, updates and improvement are: - updated realtime session for tire CPM - fixed disc glow due to code changes - updated to full rain effect (body, driver, helmet) - added scratchable damages - added NEW rain effects to visor options Build 1.1 DX11 READY and with animated lollipop is available! ========================================== I know, the mod is not of great interest… But these cars, in real life, have a good success and since years, mainly due to the very affordable cost for racing a whole season, the very low cost for buying one of them, the opportunity to rent one of them and the great feeling that transmit when you fight with other drivers, there are tens and tens of amateurs that race in the championship and some special events… also more than 50 drivers per event. I had a lot of difficulties in getting real data and, in the end, the best I got was the feedback of a couple of teams and some driver. In effect the car was developed without any CAD aid, nor a spreadsheet, but with a lot of attempts and tests on track. And the original version for rFactor1 was developed by few very skilled guys of S.RW. (at the time they were attending graduate studies in subjects related to the physical models) so I used several original values. Below is the text that comes into the workshop on Steam: rFactor2 version by Slow Motion Group - 3D is Property of Predator's Owner - Initial porting under full authorisation of S.RW. PLEASE NOTE: the mod comes with 2 classes, Factory and Sim... Factory is like the real world car, Sim has few different finals and less lasting tires for online purposes. READ CAREFULLY: THE CAR WAS MANUFACTURED FOR VERY SHORT TRACKS, in real life Italian tracks like Varano, Cremona, Cervesina that unfortunately aren't yet available in rFactor2. I strongly suggest to use tracks like Mores, Adria and similar karting style tracks for feeling how the real car behaves, in fact the car hasn't differential, nor traditional left and right rear suspensions and axles, so, in few words, the car turns more or less increasing or decreasing the front ARB; there is also only one central spring in front and the steering wheel is VERY VERY LIGHT! The typical behaviour of the real car is that the perfect path in "fast" corners (fast for that car, lol) means to feel the car "floating" on the surface. To achieve this perfect behaviour you need to push the throttle in the right moment and right rpm, to avoid the under steer and, on the contrary, controlling the over steer to have the "floating" effect. It needs few time to well understand how doing it. Another "feature" is that you must drive the car in a dirty way entering the corners, to be faster... and you MUST WORK A LOT WITH THE STEERING WHEEL. All these are peculiarities of the Predator's PC010, no faults. If you want to use the mod in "normal" tracks, you could find useful to add 1 or 2 degrees to the wings and increase stiffness of front ARB, otherwise you will have only mechanical grip. Be careful vs. AIs: they are very aggressive but perfectly tuned for short tracks... to fight at Mores is very very awesome! Enjoy the mod! =================================================================== This is a little cheap car for racing on short tracks, mainly in Italy... It was available on rFactor1 thanks to the guys of SRZ (, then updated by me to RFE Plugin Series for rF1 and now remade for rFactor2. 3d is property of the manufacturer and I'm working on old data that were provided to the SRZ guys by real drivers. Something changed in these years, mainly due to the new technology of rFactor2 and I contacted few persons to have more info, but I desperately need the help of some real driver of the Predator's, that also use the simulator for comparing data! Any real driver of the PC010 that can help me to double check available data, to find any new data I need, to test the car comparing it with the real one, is very welcome! You can find more info on the real car here:
uhmm I don't read my last post like a good news... I need some real inputs, otherwise I can only add fantasy values to the physics...
Have you tried to surf some website like this? It should provide real pilots to try to contact, find those that speak your favourite language and that maybe live nearby you.
This looks like another Slow Motion winner coming soon! Interpolated physics is OK for the short term. That is, a mixture between a USF2000 and a Skippy perhaps. See what happens if you average those two and use the actual car's dimensions. Sounds sacrilegious, but I think having a driveable vehicle as a base is better to then be able to deal with the real data when it arrives. Otherwise you can go down some very strange paths (opinion based only on seeing a variety of other modded vehicles).
This. If I was you I would add base similar physics of another car while I wait for the real ones to come, and then add the real ones as a major update. But is up to you, of course.
I think he meant he missed YOU. Good news that YOU are back with a mod. And this looks great. Hope you can find someone who can give you real feedback. In the meantime maybe its a good idea what @Marc Collins said.
Thank you very much to participate to the debate! It is of great help, because any idea is a contribute and Marc, yes... "Sounds sacrilegious"... it could, but I perfectly understand what you are saying and thinking, so that's right! ehehehe Well, let me say something more... 2 main points... One is that I am in contact with the person in charge that lead the Formula Promotion, that is the organization that manages, advertises and organizes races, championships for the Predator's. This person helped me with several data, but they are not enough and it seems that, also if there is a large number of participants to these races in Italy... more than 50 for each event, these persons are not exactly "pro drivers" and the most of times think to race for pleasure, without thinking to a setting, etc... And I understand perfectly them. The most never used a simulator, lol Second point: then it seems there is a very few number of persons that know better the car, but, also in this case, if we think that the manufacturer never did a drawing of the car, doesn't know at all what is a CAD software... but uses hammer and welds parts together... you can understand that the way to follow for developing the mod cannot be the usual one... And it is also what can be interesting, because feedback is the main aspect of the development and finding the solutions is a challenge that I like. BUT we come back to the point: some driver that uses rFactor2 too! And, thank you Comante, for the input: I'll try also this. Coming back to the physics, this car has a unique concept and it is at the limit of what the code of rF2 can manage. The rear axle is a "pole", springs are in an original centered position and works differently than usual. This feature, together a not flexible chassis (similar to the Palatov D4), gives to the front suspension system and the Anti Sway Bar the total control of the behavior of the car. A soft front lets raise the inner rear wheel (because the rear axle cannot flex as well as the chassis) and the car can turn very very closed... and you can drive this car in kart tracks. With a very very rigid front, the car can be driven also in "normal" tracks... but of course the Predator's loves short tracks. Here we could say that "little circuits", at least the Italian ones, are missed in rFactor2... but driving the Predator's at Mores or Adria is awesome! Thank you.
OK, based on what you have said, my suggestion is probably not possible. I already know you would probably have done it already if it was possible or made sense. Marco, I was just making sure you hadn't crossed over to the crazy modder category in the past few months We can all rest assured that you have not This will be a very interesting car to experience once completed. I am certainly in the category that if you can't replicate the design and therefore the physics reasonably closely, there is not much point in releasing the car. Visually it is not so different from other cars that we will cry of we don't have it. It's the potential to drive an unusual or unique (hand made) vehicle that would be fun.
Hi Slow Motion and others, First of all, thanks for all the works done for our beloved sim... And if I remember correctly, I think that did a test or something with a real Formula Predator Team, maybe you could dig/ask over there? Anyway, thanks again and in advance. Stan.
There were also David Greco, sponsored by, but it happened years ago... At the moment I have a couple of options with the main teams that led the series in the last years and I hope, but at the moment it is only no more than a hope, to have a deep collaboration for entering the real data I need and for feedback from some of their drivers.
Can't wait! I love these types of cars that are like over-grown and more sophisticated go karts Speaking of which, I hope you are able to work with S397 to do an update to the Palatov. It would be amazing to drive that car with the latest FFB programming at the level of the USF2000. The cars in the video may be just test liveries? I have no issue whatsoever with plain, more realistic liveries--these cars will never be painted in a sophisticated way like cars in a senior series. But please choose colours that drivers/purchasers of these cars might actually use in real life. The less crayon-like colours also work better with rF2's lighting system, which may or may not be so different after the big update. By the looks of the early shots, the super-vibrant colours may be even worse in the future. I just want these cars to look as good as I know they will drive! Not for people to pass on trying them because of style issues.
Marc, thank you for posting some suggestions. I'll release 10 basic colours that are also used by real factory cars, also if they are as you wrote... but, subscribing it in Steam workshop there will be, automatically downloaded, also the templates for body and wings. I hope someone will be interested in painting them with different colors and some nice shape. I also decreased the specular effect since I posted the first pictures, in fact, looking at the video, the bodies have a little matt effect. I'll also add the templates in the first post with some advice about the behavior of the car. About the D4, I don't think you will have to wait long.