Yeah I saw that and it makes sense. They really need a tighter mesh if they expect it to pick up details in LS data. Will see what the result is. To say I am curious is an understatement.
If you look the real life onboards, the asphalt isn't absurdly bumpy. The AC version (like the iRacing version) has the sufficient mesh level to give an amazing experience, we don't have the hardware to run a highly detailed mesh, where you could feel the cracks in the road.
A small plug, we have for you a server open over at 'Sim Racers 4 Life' with the MR1 Prototype car on the VLN layout. Server name: ! SR4L Server 2 Lets see your fastest hot laps, Here. The server will close on Sunday night with 2 x half hour races. More info about Sundays races Here Enjoy DJC
That was a very fun car. This week we go from that very easy car to a very challenging car the BT20. Server name: ! SR4L Server 1 Again, we have a hot lap server up Here. Lets see your fastest times. The server will close on Sunday night with 2 x 4 lap races. More info for Sundays race Here. Enjoy
How many pit boxes does this track mod support? Edit: I examined the AIW file, and there are 41 unique pit spots. With a team of "2", 82 grid seems practical.
Yours pics are very nice ! excuse me for hacking the thread but could share your graphics setting . I am not able to obtain the same quality as yours . And a big thank you to all the modders for your hard work . thanks to you our favorite simulator take another dimension.
Early Christmas present for you all. An update to my Nords track with a brand new layout. Version 2.40. I have my Santa hat on. Brand new layout:- Bridge to Gantry The new Bridge to Gantry layout is same as Summer Tourist layout but timer starts at bridge and ends at the Audi gantry before the long straight. When you finish your lap and get back to the start area you can choose to go in the left lane of cones for another lap, or the right lane to get fuel and tyres or maybe a cup of Coffee and a Pancake at the Red Devil cafe . Please keep to the pit speed limit. Other updates:- - Fixed pit sharing problem. With old version, pit sharing would start after only 15 drivers enter the server even when the pitlane has a capacity of over 30. Was problem with Pitgroups in .gdb files. - Some graphics updated. - Moved or resized trees in a lot of locations. - The big screen TV's on the GP track now work again. S397 changed the way they were done. - Changed a few advertisement billboards to match the real track. - Plus many other stuff not worth writing about. Please note: The timing for the 'Bridge to Gantry' layout will not work in Race mode due to limitations of rFactor. You can do races but please beware if you do more than 1 lap the game starts counting the time from the finish gate to the start gate as well. So, if you are running a server and lap times are important, I would recommend you set the race session to a timed race and set it to 5 minutes. This way the race ends at 1 lap. If lap times are not important then just race them like any other track. Practice and Qualify sessions are not affected by this limitation. Or easier just use one of the other 2 Tourist layouts for race mode. One last note, I have this sky cloud glitch that I reported in this thread ---> here. I have already fixed it and will be in my next version, no need to report. If there is still interest in this track I would like to bring another layout that I have always wanted. More details in the new year. Download link in 1st post. Paypal Link, buy me a Christmas mince pie if you like my work. YouTube Channel, see my crazy driving. Enjoy, Merry Christmas. DJC
Thanks all. We have over at SR4L a hot lap server on the new 'Bridge to Gantry' layout. Server name = SR4L Server 4 - Xmas Just4Fun Car = F1_Legends_Racing_2_Season_1967 v1.06 Best times --->here I'm very curious if someone can do a sub 7 minute time. Give it a go. DJC
I was thinking the same thing ha ha if you have a link to the Datsun @DJCruicky that would be brilliant
The Datsun was using default sounds... Apart from the driver, maybe the L24 sounds could be added !?! :-D
I've reinstalled rF2 a few times since making photo, it's an old photo. Sorry, I don't seem to have it no more. Not even sure if it's one of my photos. Which reminds me I do need to update a few of the photos in 1st post.
I have the Datsun, but it does not have a driver (it had tinted windows to disguise this)... and used stock rF2 sounds.