Think that's the same as mine I'll check later, I'm beginning to think something I've installed (another program or something) has caused this weird issue perhaps and that's why "built-in" is dominant, I'll check after work. I did a Google search for "built-in HRTF" and it keeps referring to some Steam Audio thing but I've not installed or got anything like that on my system as far as I'm aware, but will check later.
In theory, any 3rd-party audio program could potentially interfere with how rF2 detects your setup. Try stripping down the audio signal to most direct path as possible. No enhancements, no profiles, nothing. Also, USB headphones, VR HMD audio, etc., often have their own built-in spatialization solution and would likely cause issues with the rF2 HRTF aspect.
I'm going to give up, tried uninstalling audio drivers and leaving it as default windows drivers, still no joy, can't see any apps/programs that I've installed being the culprit, removed nVidia HD Audio Drivers (that install by default with the GPU drivers) and lastly uninstalled/reinstalled RF2 - still not showing other HRTF profiles in the UI, something is simply blocking them from loading. I'll stick with "Default" and whatever the hell "Built-In" is, shame as It would've been nice to try out different ones but oh well, not the end of the world. Thanks for the help & pointers all but this ship has now sailed
Try to rename another profile with the name "Built-in HRTF" to see if something or note occurs (remember to make a backup)
Yes. I use an Asus sound card so the on board sound is disabled. I use 24bit/96khz settings within the sound card settings. Works great.
Is this with reference to the in-car reverb effect as well? as I'm now getting zero reverb when driving next to walls, past close objects (and that's one thing I loved about the old sound)
None of those effects seem to be working at this point. I assume the audio system is still WIP, and more goodness is yet to come.
That line just says where to look for HRTF files. It will look in the rF2 folder first, then it will check a global directory in AppData for globally installed ones. You can try just replacing that with the raw path of your rF2 HRTF folder. That might make them show up if they don't show up otherwise
nope still not working I changed the sound.conf line to this: hrtf-paths = $H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\HRTF\default,$H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\HRTF\Custom,$AppData\openal\hrtf but alas still no custom HRTFs are visible in the UI, I cannot think of anything else right now. I have a second PC gathering dust so I may install RF2 on that and see what happens but I've tried practically everything on this PC and they simply won't show up.
Without the "$" in the path. Also try putting "" around the actual paths as there's a space in there and I'm not sure whether it actually likes those or not
nope no luck: hrtf-paths = "H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\HRTF\default","H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\HRTF\Custom",$AppData\openal\hrtf I keep thinking I'm missing something blatantly obvious, but alas I cannot think of anything...!
@Devin @Lazza SUSSED IT! I use a different openvr_api.dll from this site to bypass SteamVR so as to make most of my WMR headset, so when I have the default file in place I can see the profiles load just fine in the Sim. Obviously what I was doing before was Verifying Files but swapping over the openvr file before loading so wasn't seeing the change! I'll contact OpenVR and see if they can do anything to help, maybe something to do with the way they read sound in their dll or something (I dunno just guessing) stops the RF2 HRTF files from being read correctly. Huge relief, but unfortunately not fully solved yet. Thanks for the help all, got halfway there
I just checked rFactor again, in replays, I hardly hear my own car when using a trackside cam? all other cars are super loud but not mine? this already since a long time. I removed the user folder to see if it hast to do with my configuration but it has not. Is it a bug? not finished?
Florian, depending upon which car you are using, this could be the result of the new sound engine that was implemented last year. Most mods/3rd party/or older S397 cars most likely do not have the updates necessary to make full use the new options. For older cars. go to the Sound option and choose the legacy sliders, you might be able to adjust those to correct SOMEWHAT the over-balance of the other cars.