Add-ons are like different milks, cream rises to the top, best cream makes the best butter. Lots of Milk to make Butter
in this beta period, tracks' variety is one of big problem. servers are empty, so it's great to see motorfx track converted from rf1. they are great "challange tracks" online. and for future, i think they will be improvement.
Yes I am serious, I have a 25gb data cap because I live in rural Ireland and mobile broadband is the only option here to get internet. It is going up to 40gb but that still is well below what city folk get...Oh and I don't need porn, I have a hot wife
I live in Toronto and we still have data limits; the best you can get with the big companies is 60GB without extra charges, which is not a lot for two people when file sizes are always increasing (and you're already paying $60/mo for basic service). We could get "unlimited" (actually 300GB) from a third party provider, but they're all such crap it's not worth it. I can't speak for other cities/provinces/countries, but in Ontario it goes like this: If you have DSL, you're running on a Bell network, regardless of which ISP is taking your money. If you've got cable internet, you're on Rogers. There are many third party ISPs, but there are only two networks. If you go to a third party, you're still on one of those two networks, and when you have any problem (even the most basic, switch-flip to fix kind of thing) you have to wait weeks for a solution because the only ones who can fix it are the network owners, NOT your third party ISP. And since you're not a customer of the main network holder, they don't give a damn how long you're without internet for. I wish we had as good a system as many other locations do (Ontario is terrible for this sort of thing, to be honest. Same for insurance) but at least it's not as bad as the Irish boonies that only get 25GB mobile connections!
Well gee, I virtually deleted it. (just don't tell anyone, I non-virtually still have it on the hard drive, and drive it {from inside a car}. I also virtually deleted this post.
Maybe the wife is using your data then I will give it a try but I feel sorry for you guys stuck on limited plans, in the beta period lucky they dont update the main builds more often or you'd go through data pretty quick.
Thanks for both Kyalami and Silverstone, much appreciated. I don't really like modern tracks and Brianza, Spa, and Monaco were wearing out. Thanks, Sam
Haha so true! (Guelph here). When I was living in Waterloo I went with a small company with unlimited data usage, Yak, to which the additional charges for a local loop brought the cost up to the level of Rogers... Not to mention the hellfire I had to rain down upon the company to hook the internet up 3 weeks late. Also the service, which piggybacked bell service, was so appallingly slow it actually wasn't worth downloading anything over 100mb if you weren't willing to leave the computer and do something else for an hour.
I often have to leave mine downloading least when I'm sleeping I'm not watching paint dry or the digital equivalent.
strange to hear all this...I thought we were the primitive around (maybe it pays I am on a fresh neighbourhood with new cables installed)