Interview: Gjon Camaj and Tim Wheatley on rFactor 2

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by guod, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    Hopefully my further reply quoted does that then.
  2. DocJones

    DocJones Registered

    Jan 26, 2011
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    So we can hope for an update to the weather/API system for realtime weather injection to support cloud coverage and wind sooner than we would have if weather was not on your priority list then?
    I know you don't give ETAs, but could you tell us if that's something on that priority list? :)
  3. P.S.R.

    P.S.R. Registered

    Jun 15, 2014
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    That was one great interview. Read the whole thing and overall impression for me is to encourage ISI to just keep doing what they're doing ; especially regarding the emphasis on getting things right. Great job to all who were involved.
  4. otta56

    otta56 Registered

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Hello Tim,

    The comments by Gjon Camaj on the state of multi-view and multi-threaded GPU driver did not seem to acknowledge the importance of SLI profiles for Nvidia card based performance. The current profile included in Nvidia drivers has not changed in quite some time although the current executables are now 64 bit as well.

    Are there any plans to submit updated rF2 executable files to Nvidia so they can update their SLI profiles? Multi-gpu + multimonitor performance is very poor at present with low frame rates and significant stuttering. The proprietary nature of the profile optimizations means that performance improvements will depend on Nvidia updating the profiles rather than the end user.

  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Lots of exciting things happening and coming. But still lots of vagueness and seemingly chaotic development. At least Gjon/Tim explained why that is the case and I personally support a workplace that tries to be sustainable in the broadest sense of the term.

    However, the competition is still there and growing so it's a tightrope walk to continue to do things on your own terms and not bend to the seemingly obvious pressure to present a "prettier face" (new UI) and simpler experience (polished features that actually work without resorting to tweaking .json files) for people trying out the product and contemplating it versus others.

    I still say the chaotic approach, as frustrating as it can be, would be largely forgotten if ISI had triple the staff and more truly-finished content flowing. It's the glacial pace of many aspects of the development that lets users dwell on glitches, unfinished components, embarrassing oversights and so forth for months or even years before they get addressed. We all debate and get carried-away about this and that because there is too much time available to do so and it's easy to nit-pick when there is no clear road map of when things are intended to be fixed and released and there is sometimes no obvious connection between what what does get updated and what gets left in a sorry state. If the updates were more frequent, it would be easier to excuse relatively little progress in each one.

    Go back one entire year and read what people were carping about. Look at the predictions of what progress would/should be made in the near-term future. It's now a year later and we have most items still untouched or unfinished. We have a few great items we weren't expecting so quickly. We still have almost zero sense of the development path and schedule.

    I am only blabbering about this because it is clear that Tim gets frustrated with all of us (me included) whinging about these things. However, it is the almost complete lack of communication about anything substantive combined with the slow pace of development that generates most of the friction. And as entertaining and positive as the interview was, there was little to no information communicated that would let anyone predict when any anticipated feature or content item is coming or what state of "finished" it will be in when it does arrive. So once the dust settles, don't expect the "conversation" around here to have changed much.
  6. msportdan

    msportdan Banned

    Apr 22, 2014
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    as much as I don't want to say this I will..

    ISI are gonna do whatever ISI want to do, I think they don't give a **** much about their customers. Its the most expensive sim out there (out of box) and offers the least in both content and promise,... sorry tim but your frustrated see it from our point if view.. we paid for this!

    and Tim your attitude towards us and your attitude in your posts pretty much says the above...

    sorry but maybe just maybe im frustrated too!
  7. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    But even though it is clearly explained in the interview why ISI do as they do, many people don't seem to want to accept it.

    That is the only reason the "conversation" won't change around here. It's the community (small part of it), clear and simple.

    The pace of development is easy to understand, and accept, because that's just how it is. Yet some people can't or won't accept it.
    That's what causes the friction. Again, imagine the chaos if ISI went ahead and put release dates and everything and couldn't live up to some of it.
    I can't blame them for choosing this way instead.

    The interview doesn't allow for estimated guesses as to when we can expect stuff... Because ISI can't predict that themselves... Pretty obvious, given how flexible they need to be.
    As clearly stated in the interview. Along with why some things are left unfinished while other things gets more attention (the things that benefits the sim as a whole).

    It's silly to blame ISI for the friction and controversy that goes on here some of the time.
    In the end of the day gamers will be gamers... Patience is a virtue few possess.
    Understanding and accepting the extremely long development time on such a complex sim is also important. Many fail at this too.

    Just my opinion.

    Right on cue, knew I could count on you......
    Where on earth is this coming from?? What's with the crazy hostility?
    You started out being quite positive about this sim I remember.
    What about Tim's statements make you think ISI doesn't give a **** about us..?

    Can't stand how so many people only focus on the negatives.
  8. msportdan

    msportdan Banned

    Apr 22, 2014
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    stop kissing ISI ass its pathetic!

    if theres only negatives too focus on people will.

    Reiza have made a better game with ISI old engine... theres no excuse for this poor development, now I know why rf1 got slated is being half finished, its in ISI blood.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2014
  9. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    Turn around and look at yourself, friend.
    Is it pathetic that you're unable to put yourself in ISI's position?
    That you're unable to see where they're coming from, why they do what they do, and how they do it?
    Is it pathetic to have such an aggressive, childish and utterly repulsive response to an informative and extremely interesting interview?
    An interview that the guys took time out of their usual work to do, for your sake?

    I think, if you think really hard, you might know the answer yourself.
  10. msportdan

    msportdan Banned

    Apr 22, 2014
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    I haven't seen the interview, and I don't really care....... I paid almost 30£ for a demo..... nothings finished on it

    put yourself in my position.....
  11. baked bean

    baked bean Registered

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Have you tried kissing your own arse? Its impossible, that's why someone else has to do it, dah. ( ;
  12. msportdan

    msportdan Banned

    Apr 22, 2014
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    im not going to get into a abusing match with anyone on here.. I haven't a problem with the community, I have a problem.. With Rf2
  13. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Stop it, please.
  14. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    "It is like it is and you should accept this..."
    Is really the worstest thing to do on this earth!
    This is not god-given!
    "Do it better!" is always the reason why mankind got forward...

    Edit: For us (as customers and users) it is not really our business to think about the position of the developer.
    Vise-versa: It should be theire business to get the position of the customer!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2014
  15. stonec

    stonec Registered

    Jun 19, 2012
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    Maybe you should be more specific about what is not finished, because most things are more finished than in competing sims, many features don't even exist in competing sims at moment. The only bigger thing that's left unfinished is rain and that's a shame, but even that is very usable at moment for many cars (just some rain graphical effects missing).
  16. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    I did mate... It wasn't all that pleasant...

    But seriously, where did it state that you were buying a fully finished, polished and perfect product?
    I'd like a link, a quote or anything? Please.
    You know what's important to do as a consumer..? Stay informed.
    The information is all out there. No one's trying to rip you off. So don't act like it. Getting quite old.

    Know what? Forget it.

    It's too easy getting caught up by this childish self entitled nonsense.
    I'm not gonna go there. As I said, gamers will be gamers. Yuk.

    I'm done. Back to topic, please.
  17. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Then move on man. If 30pounds was a make or break situation for you, you probably should have spent it on something else. I just don't understand the point of showing your frustration time and time again. Make your "I'm pissed off" post and...yeah you guessed it, move on.
  18. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    Then please tell me where saying "this sucks" relates. Because that's what the bad kind of feedback is like, and the kind of feedback which is not appreciated or respected. If people were actually giving decent feedback, it would indeed come across as "do better", it would be respected. A lot of people here give good feedback, some don't, you are often within the latter category, so was msportdan.
  19. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    He's not going to be posting anymore, I'm done with the immature communication and lack of comprehension.
  20. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    That wasn't my words, not even close. :)

    I didn't say accept the sim as it is, nothing should ever change in all eternity yada yada yada.

    Just accept the fact that ISI do their work how they choose. That's a given.
    If they were to change their ways dependent on what mood its community is in, imagine the chaos.

    "WE WANT CARS!" Okay then, we'll focus on cars.
    "NOW WE WANT MORE TRACKS, WHERE ARE THE TRACKS!!" Okay then, forget the cars, we'll make you some tracks now.
    "WHERE ARE ALL THE NEW CARS??!" Sorry sorry, we'll make you some nice cars instead.
    "PHYSICS SUCKS, IMPROVE THEM!!" Jeez, no more content then, we'll just focus on physics instead.
    And so on... :rolleyes:

    Ridiculous to say the least.
    Just let them do what they do instead of constantly second guessing them.

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