Released GTE and Oreca 07 New Tyre Update

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Jul 5, 2022.

  1. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Last year virtual lemans 24H all real drivers used ABS/TC and only soft tires because they thought it was to much difficult !
  2. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    well most of them are not used to driving with just ffb and visual cues, real car provides much more feedback with 0 latency.
    The use ABS in GTE shows their lack of usage, "used to ness" of this particular sim.
    GTE don't have ABS.
  3. Robin Pansar

    Robin Pansar Member

    May 20, 2018
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    Some cars have the option to have a different amount of teeth on the pinion. Whether the Oreca has that I don't know.
    In-game you can obviously adjust the steering ratio by changing the steering wheel range.
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    If you aren't at the limit (speed/laptime) you can't judge what happens at the limit. Analysing aero yaw requires aero being a limiting factor at that moment - if you aren't going as fast as possible, that's not the case.

    What we saw with the old tyres/aero was cars being driven at competitive speeds in ways that weren't realistic, which we can judge by the fact that no one in real life competition drives them that way.

    It's quite possible (in fact you'd probably say likely but there's usually some exception to every rule) that any car driven at 95% can be made to slide in ways you never see them being driven in real life, and therefore might be seen to be unrealistic. They aren't driven that way by pro drivers because a) they're trying to drive fast, and b) there's no reason to do it. People 'testing' sims by seeing if a car can slide are a) concentrating more on what the car is doing rather than trying to drive fast by staying at the limit, and b) are, even if only subconsciously, trying to do it.
    Remco Majoor, vava74 and grudevart like this.
  5. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    And I know, directly from a HPD USA's Engineer (Honda) that Indycars typically use detached rear ARB on street/bumpy courses.
    MBA_PRO likes this.
  6. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    My thoughts/personal experience on the whole "edgy tyre/forgiving tyre" thing...

    Firstly, If you drive 5-10 seconds slower per lap than an esports driver and you are doing some slides and questioning the behaviour of the tyre, just realize that you are basically nowhere even close to the real limit... so can you draw any proper solid conclutions based on that kind of test? I dunno, just something to think about.

    What I have personally found driving "close" to the limit (1-2 secs off esports time) is that the tyres display BOTH types of behaviour depending on the driving style I choose to use. If I choose to drive in a bit of a slidy way (throwing the car into the corners a bit harder, four wheel sliding through corners etc) the tyres are actually pretty forgiving. It's not too hard to control slides, everything seems pretty smooth, gradual and not too snappy. Small mistakes seem to be handled without too much fuss. And I can do some very fast lap times driving in such a way (though the tyres may not last for very long).

    Now, if I drive in an very "tight" fashion (absolutely no sliding - but pushing the car as hard as I possibly can with 100% concentration on the task)... Firstly this is quite hard to do and be close to the pace of esports drivers, and then here's the thing - when I drive in this way and I am really pushing the car quite close to the "real limit", if I make even the slightest mistake, the car snaps LIKE ABSOLUTE CRAZY. Wild loss of control, practically a passenger with not much chance to save it.

    I don't know why this is the case, not saying if the tyres are real or not or anything. Just saying that when people say that the tires arn't edgy I simply think "well it depends".

    Also, I have found similar results in other sims too.
    maikoheart, ThomasJohansen and pkelly like this.
  7. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I will confirm an earlier report that has the Corvette C8R dash constantly resetting the fast lap to equal the last lap. Also, for me, the tires didn't ridiculously spin as if on ice directly from the pits(at least with the C8R). They do, however, punish late turn-ins. If you carry too much speed into a corner, the arse end will want to come around. An over-aggressive style of driving 'could' be contributing to some of the problems some users have noted.
    I am the frickin' LAST person one should listen to about driving and how physics behave, but my smooth laps were rewarded and my ragged laps were punished. Listen to that video posted of the BTCC pole lap, he was always talking about smooth inputs. Granted BTCC is nothing like GTE driving but these tires may be trying to tell us that the days of banzai lapping 'may' be over.
    ThomasJohansen and vava74 like this.
  8. green serpent

    green serpent Registered

    Feb 2, 2016
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    IMO just as long as you keep the front tyres at their most optimal slip angle for grip, if the rear end is wagging it's tail a bit you won't loose too much time over the course of one lap, particularly if you slide in the slowest part of the corner and then bring it back in time to have a solid platform to accelerate out of the turn. I would have to do some testing but that's my guess.
  9. PetSpi77

    PetSpi77 Registered

    Apr 6, 2021
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    I realized that in GTE cars, the release note writes "added Goodyear sidewalls" whilst on Oreca "New Tires". The natural question is, can we choose between Goodyear and Michelin tires somehow? I mean LeMans 24h, under WEC, GTE cars run on Michelins not Goodyears!
  10. marmagas

    marmagas Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I think ELMS is the series rf2 is more closely trying to simulate considering tires,car but we need more tracks(red bull,le catellet,portimao)
    IMSA uses Michelin and in order to be in line we need more GTD class cars and tracks(mosport,long beach,belle isle,glen)
    WEC uses Goodyear for LMP2 and Hypercar(we need those in rf2) and Michelin for GTEpro and AM.
    For tracks we need Fuji and Bahrain(coming).
  11. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I suspect Goodyear is a sponsor of the Virtual series this year and thus ALL the cars that can participate(lmp2, GTE) will be shod with Goodyears, ACO, IMSA,FIA be danged.
    Maarten Nauta likes this.
  12. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I think you're right and the Endurance racing direction rF2 is taking is ELMS/WEC and IMSA. As you say Bahrain is coming in Q4 but I would guess we see tracks that are in WEC/ELMS and perhaps IMSA/IndyCar overlap tracks.
  13. shiet

    shiet Registered

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Yesterday I tried the GTEs. The tires feel a bit edgy at first but they're fine imo. I'm not a superfast alien driver (usually 2-3 secs behind) so I probably drive lazier than them.
    I don't know if the new sound engine is the cause but anyway after this update driving the Aston was one of the most immersive experience I've had in a while because of the engine sound, even though I don't like the sound itself (not even irl) this is awesome, I can hear the trtrtrtr :D sound coming from the engine. Just saying because the sound is big part of the simulation, I'm very picky about it.
    I'm curious to see what can they do with the DPI... :)
  14. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    IMSA is not within the panel of licences held by MSG, so don't expect any significant content added with any IMSA replication intent.
    New tracks will be coming from whatever list can be made based on WEC (perhaps ELMS as well) / BTCC / Indycar series and, eventually, NASCAR.
    So, likely road course tracks to come to rF2 are:
    Due to WEC / ELMS licence
    - Fuji
    - Paul Ricard;
    - RedBullRing;
    - PortimĂŁo;
    Due to INDYCAR / NASCAR licence overlap (even if historic):
    - Road America (with IMSA as a collateral factor)
    - Mid-Ohio (with IMSA as a collateral factor)
    - COTA
    - Watkins Glen
    Due to INDYCAR licence and historical importance (ie. IMSA as a collateral factor):
    - Long Beach
    Due to BTCC licence (and due to all being owned/operated by Palmer):
    - Snetterton
    - Oulton Park
    - some other BTCC featured tracks, in no specific order of importance
    coasting&cruising likes this.
  15. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Official Laser scanned watkin would be fantastic, instant buy from me.
    Even ACC's gt cars feel awesome at watkin glen :p
  16. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    NASCAR owns IMSA. We have Daytona, Sebring and Laguna Seca. 3 of the first 4 IMSA races this year. Sebring is the 'Sebring 12 hour' layout sponsors and all. We are sort of getting IMSA in a roundabout way.
  17. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Speaking of Sebring, how much dev time would be needed to sell an add-on. Create the WEC pits and sell it for half the cost of their normal tracks(prior purchase of Sebring required) And we have an entire circuit. (Throw in another AIW/SCN update to create the pre-Boris Said Sebring since all the asphalt has already been scanned)
  18. EricW

    EricW Registered

    Jun 2, 2017
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    For us VR users,
    Is it a big undertaking to steal the Ligier steeringwheel and rigging and plant it on the left in the Oreca?
    Its like night and day difference.
  19. GameOne

    GameOne Registered

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Hello, I don't know if my question has already been answered, but how is it now with the new tires, the best tire pressure is still 140 from the setting
  20. ThomasJohansen

    ThomasJohansen Registered

    Dec 27, 2019
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    thx, fighting with my Oreca setup to find the few seconds I lost on this new update. lowering ride height helped a little, but removing 3rd front spring certainly did the rest.

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