Forum website full of adverts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pluginz, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. RCRacing

    RCRacing Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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  2. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    You can get chrome minus Google spyparts too, called Iron:
  3. Pluginz

    Pluginz Registered

    Jun 6, 2012
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  4. Pluginz

    Pluginz Registered

    Jun 6, 2012
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    Thanks you guys. Sorry, meant to say IE9 is seeing the 'facebook-static', where as Chrome doesnt tell me anything. Waiting for IE10 :)
    Chrome is good though, just seems a little basic compared to. Will look at the IRON jtbo , thanks bud :)
  5. DurgeDriven

    DurgeDriven Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    If the "other' 2 machines are doing the same I will go with post #2 BUG

    I agree with Tim only way to know to really know for sure is a clean partition, you may have to do the entire drive and all partitions but not likely.

    If you do a full re-partition change the sizes slightly too.

    Ever since BB ( bulletin board) days I have never ever used a AV, maleware or anything else.

    I am just sensible about what , why and where when online.

    Sure I have had a few virus but I learned what it was and how I got it and reformatted and never do or use the same thing again.

    Process of Elimination then you just do NOT go near any sites you never use or really need.

    If you associate with every tom, dick and harry you going to get a cold sooner or later.

    In my worst nightmare I won't put IE among a big slew of other stuff near my sim drives.

    You should have one of those computers standalone internet for all the "STUFF" ;)

    Then I keep 100% perfect images that take a few minutes to restore no matter what has happened.
    1 person likes this.
  6. privatebrian

    privatebrian Registered

    Jan 30, 2012
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    A big +1 on that Durge mate :)
  7. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Once I was trying to download a mod from Drivingitalia, which has been quite good reputation site, however their site has ad banner and that ad company's systems had got hacked from my memory, so that banner contained a virus and all machines visiting that site at that time got it, if not running good AV, which I luckily had.

    There are viruses that send all photos to web for example, now not so much fun if one happens to have some sort of intimate photo collection as one of customers had when I worked with computer fixing, virus took all photos and posted them to every address in contact list, can't remember what that one was called, but it really was work of evil mind.

    Then there was Nimda (had to figure fix by myself as when started to happen there was not yet any info or tools for that one), etc, it does not come from internet pages, it comes straight from the network exploiting security holes of Microsoft, which they will always have, under 10 seconds when connected to internet caused machines to be infected if no firewall or patches to OS, which patches did came only after few days or was it weeks from first sightings. It was crazy times as lines of people did go all the way to street as business owners could not get trough by phone as it was constantly ringing.

    Also there were some that infected machine when you got email, with outlook express simple looking message infected machine, at that time f-secure antivirus was well known from letting virus act and then removing infected files, which caused many machines to not work, that is why today you can't get any attachments trough from outlook and even Gmail is limiting attachments, which makes sometimes things challenging. Good antivirus however never did show you a message, just told that infected message has been put to quarantine.

    Thing is you can't choose, it is only part of viruses that you can avoid by choosing and being careful, mostly malware can be avoided by careful usage of machine, for the rest one needs some kind of protection, at minimum some hardware firewall would be good to have.

    As today one can get decent antivirus software for free, which can be turned off for gaming etc. there is no real reason not to have some software to keep one safe.

    Sure one can be really lucky too, there was one single W95A machine that never got infected by anything, it probably did lack all of that code that had those security holes, but with W95A there was no USB support or it was limited from my memory, something of such, we checked it regularly as owner wanted it to be checked by never nothing and it did not have any protection.

    There will always be new kind of threats, but today's antivirus softwares are good in there that they will not let machine to go broken state when some virus attempts to do it's thing.

    Even if you keep images, some viruses are clever, it can take long time to even notice there has been infection that has infected most files and you can't use any of those files any longer from that period of time.

    I wonder how that Intel's invention will go as they claimed that it will render all antivirus software useless, hardware antivirus or something.

    Well, that is why it is told to be risky to not have antivirus, as I know how viruses work and have seen whole lot of variety of them, I can't really be without such software, it is no big deal to restore backups or such, but before finding out there is a virus it can send lot of harm to others and also leak information one does not want to be leaked, also there is risk of being part of DOS attack networks and such, really much more influence than first look reveals.
  8. RCRacing

    RCRacing Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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  9. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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