Yes, helmet should be few fingers down, like the picture below (old helmet). It is only a graphical matter and in case of an update of the mod, I already added it in the doto list.
If you are going to do another update, can I request a realistic t-cam like what you have done with the GP3 mod? It's not important but would be great for broadcasts and realism Many thanks for your hard work!
Almost closed to the video posted @mesfigas the first onboard cam is the TV camera car view and helmet looks in a better position
First post has been updated to Build 1.28: - added TV camera car in onboard cams - repositioned helmet for a better look
I really like that mod. The car follows very well the front Wheels in all conditions. So many other mods (official and non-official) have only 2 conditions, deep understeer and strong oversteer, but that mod feels different, very responsive but neutral. Very fine to drive imo. Outstanding! About the default set: with standard way-controlled pedals you brake way to hard, you get flatspots very fast. Take 80% force or so Maybe? Just a wish: the rpm Lights - Maybe 3D look somehow possible? they really look flat. Amiga time. But it´s only look after all, not so important. Car handling is great!
Last of SMMG mods to be updated... build 1.29: - updated AI behaviour - fixed gen files for debris (removed double gmt names) - updated old UI icons and added new web UI icons first post has been updated
I was contacted by Michael Woller, one of the drivers that participated to the "2004 Formula BMW ADAC season" asking for adding it to the mod. Could I have said no to a real driver? I asked him for providing all pictures that was able to find... 17 years makes everything more difficult, but he sent me a lot of pictures for each car and for each helmet! @Leonardo Nogueira already started painting the helmets! And I already painted the car #28 of Michael Of course the whole season will be painted with PBR skins and we'll provide a new template. BUT why do not ask Michael for intensively tests of the mod for improving those areas that need to be improved? So, for now we have updated the quality and strength of the FFB physics, the grip and overall behaviour of the car working on slick and wet tires to have it closer to the real car, the position of the mirrors... and in the next weeks (months?) we'll go ahead with more accurate tests on tires...
Another great nod coming to rF2 thanks to you guys! So happy there are still some skilled modders like you around!
Have only posted likes before, but wanted to take a second and let you know that I'm really looking forward to this! Having some great memories on the original mod in rFactor (when it came out, I took part in some great races) and still think it's one of the most beautiful little formula car designs of all times.