FFB: RF2 VS Assetto Corsa

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Steven Luppino, May 13, 2017.

  1. Steven Luppino

    Steven Luppino Registered

    Nov 10, 2016
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    I've heard alot about FFB comparisons in sims. I always found it hard to complain about most of them. They all felt very good. Once I tried the Assetto Corsa one, though, I finally felt that I could pick a stand out feature that I couldn't drive without again. That was that extra weight on the steering wheel you could feel after the car drops over a raised section of the road or like a hump. With RF2 the FFB on the steering wheel in similar conditions is nill.

    Assetto Corsa has this feature and is quite easy to detect. With RF2 I noticed I can get some of this effect by raising the Car Specific FFB in UI settings, but it is still hard to pick.

    I was just wondering because it is not easy for me to try to fix the settings both in the UI settings and from the Controller file, or it is that I try but don't get anywhere, if it was possible in RF2 to enhance this FFB effect.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    FFB is calculated according to the tire loads acting on the contact patch. These loads are looked up in the tgm file which is built after a series of tire load condition simulation.

    It could be happening that this simulation uses a linear model to calculate deformations and that for extreme tire deformations the obtained results deviate from real ones.

    The proof of how contact patch model and tgm files affect FFB can be seen with latest Civic update where medium tires seem to be calculating negative pneumatic trail compared to soft tires.

    I also think that the feeling under big landings should be more intense.
  3. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    the trouble with using mainly wheel weight that it looses fine subtle details of tires something that i think AC doesn't have, AC works mainly on interia & car weigh i find i find AC's ffb very basic & bland/ lacks complexities

    if you use rfactor2's ffb on default settings with low damping setting ( in your wheel settings ) & you tune into it
    after just a few weeks go back & try AC again I'm pretty sure you'll realise it's poor in comparison
  4. Pauli Partanen

    Pauli Partanen Registered

    May 15, 2012
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    I have same feeling also, but still like ffb in both games :)
  5. LokiD

    LokiD Registered

    May 3, 2017
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    do we have to go here ? Looking fwd to ac Ai update could be a reason to install it again, as I always have enjoyed the handling and physics. Ffb
  6. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Really Stefano is working to update his already stellar AI ? lol , i will have to try it after that .
    Where did you see news on that update and is there a ETA?
  7. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Due on Thursday 18th May along with new DLC.

    Yesterday I put AC back on after having solely played rf2 recently. In fairness it was late at night so i didn't have my shakers on, but driving the Mazda 787b around Spa I realised how dull and flat it felt. As Adrian states, it lacks the finer nuances, still great, and far more detailed than pCARS, but after a week with rf2 I remember why I was so fond of rf2 and why I hadn't really put much time in anything else.

    I have a lot of fond memories of AC in VR, but definitely requires my shakers on to bring it to life a bit, that along with it's dull and lifeless racing (AI). Saying that, I will probably grab the DLC and check out the AI, as that was really a big part of the games 'cons'.
    2ndLastJedi likes this.
  8. mike.m

    mike.m Registered

    Apr 28, 2017
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    Just a note, to have the update you don't need to buy the DLC (considering that you don't spend much time in AC)...
  9. Magus

    Magus Registered

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Yes I know, but I have put just under 350 hours in Steam and own all the DLC already and as stated I don't think it's a bad game, it is great in VR, just not as detailed in the AI, physics and FFB as rF2.
    mike.m likes this.
  10. whip

    whip Registered

    Apr 25, 2017
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    rf2 i find has nicer ffb than AC,

    i recently tried that jack spades ffb settings in pcars and it changed the way i thought about the game, there's actually a fair bit of feel once configured right, you should never have to do that much yourself though to setup ffb, out of the box ffb feel is a vital part of any racing game and i think rf2 does it best imo
    Fanapryde likes this.
  11. FuzzyFassbender

    FuzzyFassbender Registered

    Apr 26, 2015
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    If I only race AC for an extended period of time the FFB feels fine, but if I race rF2 for a period of time then return to AC it feels lifeless to me. rF2 gives me a great connected to the road feeling, a very natural experience that I don't get in other sims. I also like the FFB in R3E and AMS. pCARS isn't bad if setup right, inconsistent though as some cars very good other not. BTW, Thrustmaster TX.
  12. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    Credit to kunos though
    They've continued to improve AC since release , i bought it & check on it every 6 months or so ,
    it feels a lot better than it did but to me in comparison :

    70% as good as iracing
    50% as good as rfactor 2

    The strength of AC is the visuals of replays which I think are about the best , but that is only minor thing as it's just eye candy , it's a nicely presented title with a good UI etc

    Biggest downside I feel ffb/physics lack depth & detail as if there is very limited "bandwidth" / pc resource spent on complexities

    Maybe best option if one is a soley a console user though

    Only my opinion of course
  13. kimbo

    kimbo Registered

    Jan 16, 2016
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    I really like AMS and RACEROOM , I never liked Assetto corsa , but when I met RF2 ... man, there is no turning back.
    I do not have the slightest doubt, that if I were forced to stay with a single simulator, that would be RF2.
    The present of this sim is fantastic, and its future even more promising
    F1Aussie and Adrianstealth like this.
  14. vegaguy5555

    vegaguy5555 Registered

    Jan 28, 2017
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    First I have to say I believe you.

    I have the exact opposite. AC is flat for me. I can't hardly feel the curbs let alone dips and hills. I even made a comparison YouTube video (Assetto Corsa Hands Off). Its so bad that I have no brakes because of no weight transfer. The cars stay flat. I have too much weight on the back and hardly anything on the front wheels. I tried everything. I asked for help and had my threads locked.
    Fanapryde likes this.
  15. Steven Luppino

    Steven Luppino Registered

    Nov 10, 2016
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    Most if not all the sims have enough in the settings to fine tune to the drivers particular needs or desires, I'm sure. You just need to spend the time. In the end you always will achieve close enough to the right settings. It's just none that I can find have that extra weight FFB when the car drops from a jump, unless I'm mistaking, Which is the issue really. Assetto Corsa has it the most, allbeit only subtle.

    But,whether it has to do with tire models or other car physics and how they interpret the forces or loads when the car is subject to these conditions and how difficult it is to simulate the effect without interfering with other capabilities either of the game or the controller would be the problem for the game engineers.

    I just thought this feature which I find almost vital to intcontributing to a racing sim's overall sense of immersion (in FFB) might be missing from their agendas or was wondering if they found it unimportant.
  16. buddhatree

    buddhatree Registered

    Dec 22, 2011
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    The FFB in AC is full of canned effects. rF2 has no canned effects. The answer to which is better is simple and requires no debate.

    *hint* It's rF2 :)
    Jon, Fanapryde, F1Aussie and 3 others like this.
  17. mike.m

    mike.m Registered

    Apr 28, 2017
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    About canned effects in AC, you can disable them all, that's what I did...

    EDIT: if you really think there is an absolute "better", good for you :)
  18. Steven Luppino

    Steven Luppino Registered

    Nov 10, 2016
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    This post is only about the weight you SHOULD feel on the wheel after a drop and if you will ever get it. Its not a debate about which sim has the best or worst FFB.

    Nothing is such a turn off for me (I don't know about anyone else) in sim racing (forget all other effects for the sake of the argument) than watching over the nosecone of a speeding high ground effects open wheeler and seeing it lift and drop over bumps and elevations and not feeling a thing on the steering wheel. But if you still feel all the other effects from surfaces and particles, etc are more of a turn on thats your problem.

    Its not a debate about which sim has the best or worst FFB.

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a sim (including rallys) that had this feature in their FFB.
  19. buddhatree

    buddhatree Registered

    Dec 22, 2011
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    This is the rF2 forum. Everything is a debate :)
    vegaguy5555 likes this.
  20. Thepharcyde

    Thepharcyde Registered

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Whats peoples opinions of the Ffb in RRE?

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