Hi all. Since a very long long long time, i needed to get back on this project. I've passed the last two :month on the 1988 cars and a new release will come soon for this wonderfulll era. So stay tuned Cheers
@trollray @doddynco Have you been able to restore the turbo spool and dump sounds for the cars? I remember the devs broke them like a year ago and i think we need to figure out a fix for them since its unlikely that bug will ever get fixed at this rate.
What a beast of a car, huge respect for these machines and their raw power as well as the drivers who tamed them! Thanks for bringing the virtual version of it to us!
@doddynco Just friendly asking if this project is still alive, I can certainly appreciate real life gets in the way just curious as it’s been a while before the last update?
Hi, sorry for late delay but as many knows, modding is a time consuming thing and sometime life will lead your time differently. About my motivation and my love of RF2, it's still intact. No stress Of course it's the same for this project. I hope it's the same for @doddynco , we where in touch just 5 minutes recently but better for him to answer So, i have some issues sometime with the mod and this can lead to a learning step that cost time and effort. Sometime, it's also good to keep distances to not be totally broken with frustrations. In my eyes, this prject will continue to evoluate and thanks for these lasts messages that pushed me back on it About RF2 now: Of course, there are some other games and poi in my life but for me Rf2 could have the same future of what we see in flight simulations with Falcon BMS. (still working from the...90's ) Dedication of modders can push it more than a studio in the long life time for clear reasons. Modders do that for passion and devs do that as a job. There is no cristics on this, just a fact. As soon as the base is great, everything can evolve and RF2has the best physics for me. I really hope devs will go further with this sim but i think if they don't, that does not mean it's dead. Cheers and stay tuned ( sometime lol )