F1 80's Mod project seasons pack (historical demo released)

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by trollray, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. buzz hornet

    buzz hornet Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Today is a great day. Thanks for your hard work.
    pascom and doddynco like this.
  2. Petethepawn

    Petethepawn Registered

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Amazing - awesome can’t wait to try.
    pascom and doddynco like this.
  3. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Me and Trollray have considered uploading each car separately to the workshop. There's a couple of reasons;

    - Some will only want a few cars.

    - It is the standard way to to do it following s397's example. And I think it is better presented this way.

    - It's good for promoting the mod..When we add a new car to this pack in yhe form of an update, it doesn't get nearly the same viewings as a brand new mod being uploaded to the workshop. And having multiple steam pages has a compounding effect for promoting the whole pack.

    File size is an issue and is preventing this at the moment - there are some low hanging fruit to help with that.

    Anyway there's an idea for the future of the mod.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
    svictor, Lars, pascom and 4 others like this.
  4. Myrvold

    Myrvold Registered

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I know this was a small complaint when we used the trackpack for some events in the RD Club. "Why do we have to download such a huge pack to use one track". I just said that we will be using more than one track, once, better to get it all right away.
    But it's likely a good idea to get eyes on the new releases indeed! :)
  5. Roberto Siragusa

    Roberto Siragusa Registered

    Jul 3, 2018
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    HI! The mclaren is very nice, but the porsche tag engine sound is not very realistic. Thanks for this great mod, and keep up the good work
    doddynco likes this.
  6. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Thank you for the feedback Rob. I was hoping no one would notice but the Mclaren sound is actually the sound that will be used for the Lotus, or very close to it. I had alresdy made a good start on the physics of the McLaren and it made sense to get that car out next. It makes a good pace setting car and will help me balance out the rest of field. I've yet to sample any Tag engine sounds but have a few great sources and I fully intend on making that for the Mclaren, perhaps when the Lotus is released. I did already have a v6 engine soundset that I deemed 'close enough', and so that's what we've got for now. I hope that's something like good news.
    Lars, Hazi, pkelly and 1 other person like this.
  7. AKR

    AKR Registered

    Oct 26, 2022
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    Awesome! Mclaren easiest to drive of all three (Benneton, BMW), but so good, especially in VR with noise cancelling headphones (shifting sound) and vibration. If only the mirrors could be adjusted separately it would be near perfect. I think I need a proper shifter (only paddle shifters on my wheel right now) to make the experience even more immersive...
    Lars, pkelly and doddynco like this.
  8. Luprosx

    Luprosx Registered

    Apr 6, 2013
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    Small question, could you change the onboard cam? The current one is rather useless.
    Suggestion: Something like the Formula Renault3.5 would be much better.
    If it is possible!

    doddynco likes this.
  9. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    I'll add these to the to do list. I'm not completely sure if the mirrors can be split at this stage but I'll try my best.
    pascom, trollray and Lars like this.
  10. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Mirrors can be splitted quite easily without remapping them by renaming the object like this.

    So instead of the Mirrors being a single same object 011_MIRROR.gmt I splitted the object to 2 and called them 011_lmirror_in.gmt for left mirror and 011_rmirror_in.gmt for the right mirror. the material mapped is still called MIRROR. so as long as you call the objectname with Lmirror and Rmirror it should automatically work. i dont remember is the _in a mandatory thing but its how the skipbarber is setup.

    At minimum you can just have the MIRROR surface itself be seperate object for each side and name it like that if you want to keep the cockpit otherwise unified. That should be fairly easy thing to do and should not take longer than 1-2 hours to do at max i think.

    Btw nice work with the Mclaren car :)
    Lars, David Short and doddynco like this.
  11. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Registered

    Oct 9, 2010
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    `The McLaren is a great addition to the mod.

    - Added new shift protection via upgrades. Cars now require clutch to shift when using h-pattern option. Added mis-shift sound for H-Pattern mode
    There's an issue with the H pattern shifting though. You can't jump gears on the downshift: 6-4-2 etc. The H pattern is acting like a sequential shift, you need to go through every gear -up and down. Might not be a big deal to some but is a an issue nonetheless.
    Lars and ApexModding like this.
  12. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Thank you :)
    Not sure I can fix this. It's a limitation with the new shift protection feature. I sort of expect this to be fixed at some point though as people have made the same comment about the new Caterham.

    Actually I'm hoping that they expand the shift protection feature so that you can't get out of gear, but can still go into a gear above a certain engine torque threshold - this is what we need to simulate a Hewland style box properly. It would also be great of they can provide a telemetry output for this 'block', as this would make it possible for shifter hardware developers to create a realistic dog box. Might sound like a minor thing until you realise that most(?) racing cars between 1960 and 2000 used this system.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2023
    Lars and trollray like this.
  13. trollray

    trollray Registered

    Jun 13, 2011
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    This is why i like to work with @doddynco.
    So much passion and knowledge put together in a sense of detail. ;)
    Fantastic work on this new beast !!
    davehenrie, doddynco and atomed like this.
  14. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Both should be labeled WRONG Cam! :)
    doddynco likes this.
  15. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    No new car today. Instead, my dreams have been about slip angles and .tgm parameters the last couple of days. A fair few hours have gone into improving the tyres for this new update. I'm hoping that this brings the cars in line to the latest improvements S397 have made with their tyres. Time to learn how to use a throttle again! I still have some work to do on the Q tyres to give them some extra stick, and some little details between the compounds to give them character. But pretty much there I think.


    - All cars updated to v1.16:

    - Tyre physics overhaul

    - Driving / TV cameras amended

    - Tuned gearing slightly to prevent hitting redline under max boost

    - McLaren throttle map and rev limit revised

    - Suspension tweaks

    - Correct stopshift external sound on BMW

    - Fender (tyre) aero weighted to spindle sub-bodys instead of front/rear sub-body

    - Calibrate rev counter on BT55

    - Get heel and toe working correctly

    - Increased engine inertias slightly

    - Amended rev limiters

    - Changes to wing rake settings
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
    Rogger, buzz hornet, Dale B and 13 others like this.
  16. trollray

    trollray Registered

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Have just not sleep long this night.
    The reason is that @doddynco pushes this jewel to another level.
    "Great Job mate" is not enough.
    I'm so proud to work with you on this project mate.

    My last feedback now is...Perfect!! ;)

    People must know that when we discuss together, (yeah, late night generally ;) )
    i always have something to say or points where things can be better.
    Doddynco never stop and never get mad of that. Instead, he always blown me by his patience and knowledge.
    "Devil is in the details" can be the words of this implication.

    Congrats for this work already done and keep the faith mate.

    ps : AI will be balanced when all cars are done or nearly there so, stay patient with that part, all will be pushed to the max when done ;)
    Happy driving
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2023
    buzz hornet, Dale B, Lars and 11 others like this.
  17. buzz hornet

    buzz hornet Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Wow - the gift that keeps giving. Awesome work.
    doddynco likes this.
  18. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Trollray has informed me that the cars don't (or barely ever) spark with the last update.

    Took me a while to cotton on but this is because the rear tyre is now more vertically stiff (around 10%). So I will in turn drop the rear spring rates, bumpstop rate, rear ride height slightly to compensate for this. Not by much - the cars are only just not touching the floor under high load. That last 5-15mm of ground clearance is from the extra tyre stiffness.
    trollray and pkelly like this.
  19. trollray

    trollray Registered

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Argh @doddynco . I just said publicly that i found your Last update perfect in an attempt to let People trust me as a nice guy. And now you diffuse my private complaints. Who will trust my posts now? ;) ;) lolll

    Joke appart, Good job !
    (But dont Take so long next time buddy!) LOL ;) ;)
    pkelly, buzz hornet and doddynco like this.
  20. EmperorOfFinland

    EmperorOfFinland Registered

    Jan 26, 2021
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    Ah yes i was wondering could the upshift backflame sound be replicated and it seems you have been able to do that. it really does add to the turbo engines Nice work @doddynco

    - Correct stopshift external sound on BMW

    There is actually quite a lot of stuff like that in that era F1. I remember one from 1985 brands hatch GP http s://youtu.be/AOhE_eFQXT8?t=178

    Here is a quite good example of that as well. so the backflame can be quite loud too.
    doddynco likes this.

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