I actually convert it back in day but was not able to smooth the surface. @Mauro might have that track on hdd if somebody wants to continue. It's drivable atleast. Actually looked my PM inbox and I sended track to @jymp in 2017 ! Do you have it?
My rF2 files are on my old PC, I'll hook it up and look for ya, should be there. I have a rF1 79' Trackpack with Long Beach 79 in it, is that the one ?
I too would be very interested in getting my hands on Long Beach '79. A nice PBR facelift would be good. rF2 is chronically lacking in street circuits. Dude that did Denver 1990-1991 gave permission to convert, but it doesn't look like anyone wanted to bite. Beyond skinning, my modding skills are nonexistant.
Sadly mauro didn't have it anymore and old link was dead. @jymp I'm talking about rf2 convertion with working real road. Check your pm so maybe you remember
i converted the RF1 version this morning it needs lots and lots of work, not sure if its worth doing anymore work on this yet. Would be good if the Postipate version turns up, It would save me some work.
Just had a look at the PM's, they were there, but says "File not available" now, I can zip up the Trackpack and send it to you if you'd like ?
textures now in at least DX11 format now, doesnt look quite as bad and it drives ok. Jymp, i guess your talking about the RF1 trackpack ?
Still working on it, done a fair bit DX11, facets, lods, shadows, material settings, sky/clouds but still a huge amount of work to do.
I will soon be attacking the making of all versions of Long Beach. More news in next coming months. I'll first make it for AC and then use that model for the rF2 version, just like I'll do for my Phoenix 89-91.
Basically it has no forcefeedback. The wheel is completely loose. It follows instructions for eg. car will steer, but you can not feel nothing. All other cars are fine. No problem whatsoever.