DTM Tracks 2012 by EraZr1 This Tracks are converted from a rfactor "DTM 2011 Trackpack". Tracks: - Hockenheim ------------> 10% - Eurospeedway Lausitz---> 80% Bild "grab_046sourr.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_047a3u19.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_048h0uxm.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_049n1ut8.jpg" anzeigen. - Brands Hatch ----------> 10% - Red Bull Ring -----------> 50% - Norisring ---------------> 50% - Nuerburgring -----------> 80% https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/741058_474329532620200_1820055804_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/406067_474329805953506_746254492_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/481306_474652755921211_1157787561_n.jpg - Zandvoort -------------> 80% https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd....80x480/429114_474661245920362_838027546_n.jpg Bild "grab_052d1uwk.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_0536muoa.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_05476u8j.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_0519vun5.jpg" anzeigen. Bild "grab_050lqucc.jpg" anzeigen. - Oschersleben ----------> 80% https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd....0x480/165032_474661589253661_2069298665_n.jpg - Valencia ---------------->10% The tracks are by the Moment only Converted to rfactor 2 and I still need some who help me with the subtleties, like reflecting the track on the cars, camera fixing and so on.
You must add the parameters for the "refmap" for car reflections,see "track tecnology v3"---http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/1573-Modding-Downloads
Is the isi tool for the 3dmax for exporting gmts and do the scene. If you use the 3dsimed it must be added manually, i think. I haven't got much experience in 3Dsimed i only use it to see parameters.
Is here anybody, who know how to make Real Road on the Tracks? I have some problems with the Real Road.
about minute 6:25 http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.p...-tracks-from-rFactor-to-rFactor2-with-3dsimed
Nice Work ... i hope the quality is after all good. And plz check before release if you get the permission for tracks
Yes, there are some news. After i needed to make my computer new, because of my HDD, and there has been my files. But I had saved them in time so that there is only a delay of 1 week where I hadnt time for working on converting. Also I have problem with the Real Road on the tracks, there are to few polygons on the racesurface, that I cant get a good Realroad, so If there is anybody who can fix this, please write a PN to me. Note: the Tracks will not look as good as other tracks made for rfactor 2 but if there is someone who can make better textures please write me a PN, too. But I am working since last week on converting.
Hi I and we are very interested in the DTM Tracks. We want to use the T5 mod liked the stretch is that okay?
Thats the T5 Series by Unitedracingdesign with a skin made by myself. here is the Thread of the Mod. http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/9011-UnitedRacingDesing-presents/page1 on page 30 you can find my Audi A5 skins and on page 29 at the end are the BMW Skins.