Awesome. I'd love to be able to make some really great HQ renders of my skins in Blender. Keep it up!
Here and there... I've found some information on ZModeler forums once (LINK) and I based my tools on that. Some things were wrong, some were missing but I figured out part of that on my own.
In the USA you usually have to be a student or employee of an educational institution to get a student version. My wife was an employee and I got a student version of 3DSmax 2010 for about $300.00 and it was legitimate. In came in a fancy printed box with imprinted disks. However, I think support for Blender is a better idea. I really hope ISI can support it.
Support of Blender would really help. Like others here said, Blender is "free" software and is able to do most of the stuff that 3DSSmax and Maya offers. With Blender you could publish some "How Tos" which would give beginners some information how to start building stuff for rF2. I really appreciate what Bob (Punko353) has said. I remember him from the GPL modding stuff and always wished that we could have done a Blender Import/Export script for 3DO GPL structures.
Szczech: Don't we need to port the rFactor shaders to Blender first or do I misunderstand something completely ?