Communities and the re-activation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Valter Cardoso, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    I think a lot of us may look at online multiplayer as a way to fill the full single player experience of a championship season and all its intricacies. I need to be motivated to play things and rarely I may put in a full hour (like I did first time with F-Renault 2014 taking it out in a Spa Francorchamps race. Only 8 people but it was a hypnotic combo) while most of the time I'm joining something half-hearted already because it's not a combo or challenge I like.

    I try partaking in a league but I find it I just can't get my head around GTs 99% of the time. I was always open wheelers until first running GSC 2012 months before it became 2013. Or the GT1 cars in GTR 2. If there are available cars and tracks that people really want to play, they'll play. It's tough with so many time zones and a broad user base to have things be well-populated. Usually when I look I "strike out" as there's nothing of interest and when there is... Oh look, I'm the only one interested in this right now.

    Some form of official schedule from ISI servers would be interesting to give it a sort of iRacing feel of organization where you know you can go in and race at a certain time. What about no practice sessions, just 20-30 minute qualifying sessions with parc ouvert :)p) followed by a 20-30 minute race?
  2. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    You made me google translate, well done sir :p
  3. Valter Cardoso

    Valter Cardoso Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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    I agree with you.
    All members that didnt renew their rf2 license much probably donate 10x more to our community. Its not about Money or an expensive rf2 license. Some bucks are nothing to people who spent hundred €´s in wheels, cockpits, GPU´s, etc.

    What i feel is that the new sims, apart the initial big hype, are not captivating new users.
    We make all the work of explaining, advicing, etc, but we must face the reality. Example? In Portugal there are around 5 simracing communities. 3 of them are using rf2 (us and +2). None as +20 regular guys on races.
    But this is not a "lack of drivers" issue. Last week for exemple, we had 75 diferent drivers in our events (not counting the 12/14 in rf2). All of them on rf1 championships. So, the number is quite good. We´ve made several races with +35 guys, but all in rf1.

    So my point is, whats wrong with this? How can we change that?
    That was the main point of this thread, not pricing, trolling or reactivations.

    Even if we all are rf2 users and usually we are on rf2 side, understanding all the development, we also need to sit, think, and look to what is wrong, try to change it and move on to a great sim.
    I think that should be the spirit, not only from us, rf2 users, but also from isi.
    I could point some issues that are preventing rf2 to be on top but that will probably bring some trolls to discussion and we will end on rf2/ac again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2014
  4. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I dont think you can.

    Look at it this way. Going to MP on a regular basis or/and belonging to a league, means spending most of your free time in sim racing.
    I can do it, I am at an age that going out doesnt atract me much, also I come back from work very late to go out anyway.
    Im sure youve noticed too that the average age of online players is too high, actually many of us are at pention.
    Im sure if I was young I would be out looking for chicks ;) than in my room alone simming. Also we have a lot of young people who have young kids that need their attention (I always advise friends in this situation to spend more time with their children than with us).

    So, I too beleive the majority of RF2 users mostly race offline and very radomly to go into the trouble of finding a suitable for them online race, or go to the hassle of competing with usually very experienced racers (I count myself out of the later :D)
  5. F3n3k

    F3n3k Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    Hello and sorry for what i'm going to say, but 32 euro for reactivate a game, that's a little too much...
    At the moment, I think about what I will do, as I have read here, yes there are a lot of games that are coming out or they are already. I paid like Rfactor and they let me play until the end of their lives.
    If the price would still was 15euro for a reactivation of life, I will, but to repay the price of a new game for anything ..
    No thank you

    Yet I am a fan of this simulation, but it has many competitors today.

    Sorry for that but it's my simply my opinion.

  6. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Did ISI change the price recently?
  7. F3n3k

    F3n3k Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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  8. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Didn't realise you were speaking about lifetime. Information cleared up. :) Still not a lot considering other games have paid DLC, just my opinion though. :)
  9. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Greetings nikos,

    Thank you for your rFactor 2 purchase!

    Order Number: ------ -- please use it when corresponding with support staff.

    | Order Date: 2014-06-16 17:24:16 EDT
    | Currency: EUR
    | Sub Total: 9.99
    | Tax Amount: 0.00
    | Invoice Total: 9.99
    | Order Number: -------
    | Payment Status: Paid
    | rFactor2 Online Renewal: 1 x 9.99

    Thats what they charge.
    With PayPal fees it comes to 12e for a year.

    Im sorry if you find this expensive, I find it dirt cheap 1e per month for my hobby.
  10. F3n3k

    F3n3k Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    it's not require to buy a DLC for play a game, i don't understand your opinion ?

    You says that about rfactor2 and his free DLC, yes it's cool, but not necessary to play, and if i have a choice, i prefere pay a game without DLC and have a full acces of multiplayer with little price, and not paid 50euro for a game with few dlc and repaid a entire game for multiaccess after few month.
  11. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    hehe. Clearly a language barrier here. Good luck. :)
  12. F3n3k

    F3n3k Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    it's your opinion don't mine, anyway sorry for disturb you with ma little opinion, it's just a opinion of members like me.
    I read this questions few post ago, now you are your reply, it's all



    true ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2014
  13. peterchen

    peterchen Registered

    Oct 25, 2011
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    50 Euro?
    Maybe I misunderstood you but the initial price for rFactor2 is 35 Euros includes 2 year online
    or the lifetime purchase for 85 USD (don´t know exactly in Euros right now).
    The yearly renewal is 12 Euro. (for multiplayer ONLY! offline is free)
  14. Max Angelo

    Max Angelo Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Opinion is: 9.90 euro per year is too expensive or not.

    Fact is: the yearly subsription price is 9.90 euro, not 38 euro.
    In other words, to reactivate the game you have to pay 9.90 euro plus taxes, not 38 euro.

    But yes, next year again 9.90 euro plus taxes, vs the lifetime time that, with 38 euro, gives you an unlimited time of online access.
  15. F3n3k

    F3n3k Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    yes 35 euro for the first time but not 2 years, see on site (1 years access) in green
    and now 38 euro for renew access, lifetime ok, but again a price of a full game...

    But yes it's ISi choice, no problem for that, i just say it's too much.
    after, you can say just true fan give the money and i thinks the same things, but how many you are now ? 10 big big fan ? with a little price you have a bigger community.
    Simple constat.

    But I prefer to stop here because I'm not here to make you angry or have you on the back, it was just an opinion that nothing will change
    Sorry again and good games at all !!

    I know that, thanks anyway, but i don't speak about one years paiement because it's a scam for me... 3years after and you have the price of lifetime..
  16. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Its your opinion, why should you make anyone angry?
    This is just a discussion, there is no reason anyone to be angry with anyone :)
  17. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    ISI, damn scammers!!
  18. F3n3k

    F3n3k Registered

    Feb 18, 2012
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    In any case and secretly, although ISI does not fall the price, I take it, but not in the coming months
  19. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    I hope to keep supporting ISI in the future but given my online experiences I'll be taking time off when Aug. 17th comes. I hope there'll be enough offline experience to keep me playing it but I sorely need a championship season tool, and being able to pick out the AI vehicles and talent I want racing against me.
  20. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Unless you belong to a league, online racing is pointless. I can't beat that drum hard enough. If someone is interested in pickup racing they'll drop 500 bucks to get started on iracing. That's the sim racing facts, I practically live on the internet so I know. :p

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