Released BMW M2 CS Updated

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Coutie, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  2. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Do people that have already bought the car receive something extra?
    Maybe a LMU beta key? :D
    mixer61 likes this.
  3. Xzanman

    Xzanman Registered

    Jul 29, 2020
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    Probably will be 'free' by paying for something else.....
  4. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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  5. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    From this line in the S397 news article it looks very much like there will be some sort of race competition to win this car for free:

    "Now, for the part many of you have been waiting for. We’re excited to hint that there will be an opportunity for users to get their hands on the BMW M2 CS DLC for free! Yes, you read that right. Stay tuned for more detailed information on this coming your way very soon. Get ready to burn some rubber, explore the new horizons of racing with the BMW M2 CS, and as always, may the best racer win!"

    So im imagining it will be properly free, but only for a certain amount of time and maybe something to to with signing up to the competition system and racing on that. Might be a way for S397 to get more folks involved in their online multiplayer system, which is good!

    I already own the car so the most exciting thing for me is the updates to the ABS and suspension. I've detailed why in this video and also read out the patch notes ofr anyone that has'nt got the time to read the whole thing just now but can listen.
    justposted, Xzanman and elgagon like this.
  6. atomed

    atomed Member

    Jul 9, 2019
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    Here´s your prize.

    Attached Files:

    Xzanman and DanRZ like this.
  7. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Im very happy with what ive experienced in this updated car so far, suspension much better for a start, hav'nt felt the gear protection kick in though.
    atomed likes this.
  8. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Your soul.
  9. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    i felt it but without the sound... which I like... should be an option to remove the gear protection sound for all the cars
    coltair and Paul McC like this.
  10. Xzanman

    Xzanman Registered

    Jul 29, 2020
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    With 1500hrs plus in RF2 and probably twice that in the original Rfactor I think they already own it...
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
    justposted likes this.
  11. Paul McC

    Paul McC Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    Yes i've managed to get it to kick in now, no sound but I like it, its much less aggressive shift protection than whats on the GTEs and GT3s, you dont have to be fully on or off the pedal for it to shift, its much more purely rev based, I like!
    Rui Santos likes this.
  12. avenger82

    avenger82 Registered

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Quite a few changes to physics which seems good, but I remember that when it was released, S397 boasted how accurate are the physics and that they worked so close with BMW that it is one of the most realistic cars in all sims.

    “A further minor adjustment to ABS aims to offer a smoother force feedback experience.”
    I will have to try it, because last time I checked ABS FFB was so violent that I stopped driving it.
    Xzanman likes this.
  13. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Ofcourse developers will use such statements as a marketing tool. That said, development after gaining more data doesn't make the statement about the first iteration of the sim car wrong. Something you have to keep in mind is that the sim car was released very early in the life cycle of the real car wich means that there was alot less data and driver feedback available. For me it's not a matter of one version of the car being right or wrong but natural progression. And yes, FFB was very noticable when ABS kicked in, but so it does even in a normal road car. Sadly it was one of the very few sim cars where it was even noticable.
    Bernat and Mark Lloyd like this.
  14. avenger82

    avenger82 Registered

    Dec 29, 2016
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    It was already too much with my old T300. With SC2 it’s ridiculous. You can ameliorate it with damping or smoothing, but it’s way too strong.
    oikworld likes this.
  15. MikeV710

    MikeV710 Registered

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Now who said they were gonna forget us! Well here you go, thanks S397/MSG :)
    RaceNut and Mark Lloyd like this.
  16. Robin_Gerhard

    Robin_Gerhard Registered

    Sep 27, 2023
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    Goodmorning guys, I'm new on this forum, but been simracing for 'decades', my favs atm Assetto Corsa, AMS2 and rF2 of course ;-)
    About the 1.47 updated M2 CS, I love that car( my real car is a 2019 M2 Comp with some upgrades:))
    I like the abs not kicking in/interfering as much as before, but (I'm always driving with TC off) the car is still SO oversteery on power, and I'd like to lower the rear end/or soften the rear bump stop, but that's impossible on this car in setups. My rearwing is also at highest. I just want a more planted rear end:) Cheers Robin
  17. avenger82

    avenger82 Registered

    Dec 29, 2016
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    You imply that the changes were because they gained more data, but do we know that?
    In the release notes from 2019 S397 said:

    “The close collaboration with BMW Motorsport, which started already during the development and testing of the real car, meant we had full access to every aspect of the car and the performance data BMW has gathered over the last couple of months. This means not only does the car look beautiful, being created based on the actual CAD data for the exterior, interior and suspension, but it drives just like the real one. We faithfully recreated every setting that you can use to setup the car and by comparing telemetry with that on our laser scanned tracks, we validated all aspects of suspension, engine and gearbox behavior. During these development iterations, we also had the BMW Motorsport drivers helping us with testing and validating the physics, so all the ingredients are there for an enjoyable time behind the steering wheel!”

    If it was true then what was the reason to change e.g. suspension geometry etc.?
    Balazs Magyar and Robin_Gerhard like this.
  18. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Tried it and it's pretty good to drive..

    [EDIT] - After some more tests and a hotter and rubbered track, i think the car doesn't communicate very well, i mean, lacks some connection with the road and can't keep the car predictable with inputs, each corner is just a dull slide fest...
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
    atomed likes this.
  19. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I wouldn't read too much into the release marketing gibberish. Sim devs will allways tell you that they have the most advanced version of car XYZ and at that point it was propably true due to no other studio having that car in their roster at the time. I think the rF2 version was released the same day as the real car. The car for ACC was released much later and had most likely alot more in common with the real car due to the bigger amount of data. I remember the sound of the car being a constant point of complaint compared to the ACC version aswell. At the time of release they propably didn't even have enough samples from the real car. If the sim car is produced together with the real car there is a good chance that suspension geometry gets adjusted along the way. You can even do that for your daily road car simply by using longer drive shafts, as this will change the positioning of your wheels and require track adjustments. We don't know how much has changed and if it wasn't just a little tweak. There is a reason why car manufacturers adjust cars and their underlying design details going forward. Same goes for sim cars. It's also the reason why we have huge changelogs for all sims that feature physics updates to cars and finetuning of parameters. It's a neverending process.

    As a little example, I am a huge Golf MKII fan and it's asthonishing how many variations that single car had simply due to different engines and gearboxes that were used. And this affected everything ranging from the electrics, wheelbase, suspension geometry, transmission, exhaust systems, brake systems, the wheels themself or simply the length of the chasis. And that's a "simple" road car from the early/mid 80s that allways looked the same for the most part. Now imagine the amount of tweaking during development of a race car like the M2 and transfering that into a sim model. It's a huge process.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  20. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I haven't read anything in the current update release notes which contradicts anything in the original release. It has been updated and improved.

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