That link contains very minimal information. On material naming, for example, what is a "TDF prefix"? It also doesn't mention that you need one huge multi-material for everything (I got that from an error message). I followed this tutorial on Youtube, which I found to be the most complete one so far, but it breaks down at step 7 here, since gjed isn't a part of the Steam version of rFactor 2: So I do not know how to define starting positions and sector for timing, pit lanes, etc. etc. The first page of this thread mentions not to delete the xsector, xpit, xfinish instances, but the plugin automatically does that. Also, I see some special properties in the Jonesville scene file there, and there's a similar field in the plugin UI, but unsure how to exactly enter the information. I'm guessing I can create those objects in Max, but can they be dummy objects, or do they need to be a mesh with materials on them? Still missing, I think, is start positions and corresponding pit boxes, and I don't even see that in the Jonesville example scene file, so are those defined somewhere else?
X objects are a plane with normal facing the direction of the vehicle. You can assign any material to it. Only naming is important. I stopped watching those videos once it got to gjed so it's not important. Pit lanes are made in dev mod. I still haven't done that, but if you google it you can find official document explaining the process.
Thank you for a quick reply! Are you referring to this document? So that is done by the "dev mode" that I've seen mentioned in several places, which is in-game if I understand it correctly? But since it's not a part of this thread, it's not mandatory? What happens if you try to run the track in multi-player without doing this step?
Ok, so here's apparently how you define the start/finish in Max with the 2017 plugin, which is apparently a part of the "bare minimum" required: I have not seen this mentioned anywhere. Could someone please point out if I missed instructions for it and post a link?
Quick X-plane tutorial All rF2 tracks requires xPlanes, which are used for lap timing and pitstop detection. xPlanes are simple vertical planes, placed on certain locations on track scene, like start-finish line, pitlane entry- and exit locations. These planes must contain gMotor material and they must have mapping coords. Material or texture does not matter, because these planes won't be rendered. These five x-planes needs to be named following way. XFINISH - located on track's start-finish line, following track art/paint on road surface XSECTOR1 - located on first timing sector line XSECTOR2 - located on second timing sector line XPITIN - located on pit entry line (usually following track art/paint). Pitlane speed limit starts here XPITOUT - located on pit exit line (usually following track art/paint). Pitlane speed limit ends here Each x-plane needs to be configured in the Exporter, so they will act correctly in rF2. xFinish configuration 1. Select xFinish plane 2. In exporter, open Instance rollout and scroll down to Reactor. Click "Actor" drop-down menu, type VEHICLE. Click "Response" drop-down menu and type TIMING. Finally click Add button. VEHICLE,TIMING should appear in the field. 3. Do same thing with xSector1 and xSector2 planes. 4. xPitIn and xPitout planes are configured with same method, but instead of using TIMING response, we will use PITSTOP response. So xPlanes must contain following actors and responses: XFINISH - Actor VEHICLE, Response TIMING XSECTOR1 - Actor VEHICLE, Response TIMING XSECTOR2 - Actor VEHICLE, Response TIMING XPITIN - Actor VEHICLE, Response PITSTOP XPITOUT - Actor VEHICLE, Response PITSTOP Before exporting these planes, make sure they object parameters have "Collide" and "No Render" ticked. Export x-planes, generate scn file and test timing and pitstop functionality. Troubleshooting: - if timing does not work, make sure that plane is faced towards driving direction. Car must go through mapped (visible) face. Flip face if needed and re-export. - Make sure that planes are wide enough to cover all track (or pitlane) width and possible grass/runoff area as well. Also make sure that xFinish plane covers pitlane too. Otherwise lap counter do not work, when driving through pitlane.
May i add something? Chris (redapg) once have told me and i also have noticed it several times, that if the xobjects don't stick far enough through the road mesh, problems can appear. So i would recommend to position the xobjects in a way that at least 5 m of them are above and also below of the road surface.