If anyone is interested, i can grab and upload the car thumbnails (with proper names, btw the total number of cars is 32 so 32 x 6 = 192 images) for the new ui. But we will need someone who will re-package and reupload the new rfcmp. Is anyone interested on this?
Superb Mod and work from all of you, I don't know if it exists, but it might be interesting to make a Talents 1992 rfcmp file for solo races to get closer to the performance of each rider good race everyone
Wow! That's a very good mod! Is this an "older" mod from ASR? Cause their latest ones (both on their site and steam) are too much grippy in contrast to this one which feels right on the edge! Also you need to be very careful with the throttle on these cars..
http://www.mediafire.com/file/s025ouxxucv5qwg/F1_1992_1.865_Historic.rfcmp/file This is the historic edition file so you can race with correct 1992 performance.
Yes, it is an old ASR mod, that isn’t anymore on them page. I prefer as well this over their newer works, it drives way better and more realistic in my opinion.
Fully agreed. Visually ASR Mods look great, but they are clearly dumbed down to make them easier to drive. I think that is a mistake and that they could easily have two options, a "fun league mode" and a "hardcore mode".
Here is the link with the updated car thumbnails captured by me (many thanks to @Corti for the repackage) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j4FsvPVkKY8roQ5IU1Py6trNT7g-XJWa/view
This file doesn't work for me (modmanager doesn't even "see" it as a rfcmp file). Do i do smth wrong?
Yes, they look a little small tbh. I used the "EasyIconCreatorShowroom_SMMG" file to capture the 32 images (in devmode) and then the "New UI rF2 images creator" to create the remaining needed ones (total 32 x 6 = 192 images). I guess i had to crop the final images to make them look bigger, but i didn't have the time to do it. So i upload here the initial 32 car images (with correct names) in case someone has the time to properly do it: https://gofile.io/d/dOc6oS
I have reworked the icons a bit, but could not test if it is really better. I uploaded them to we.transfer - the link expires after a week. https://we.tl/t-O0FfqflVEd
Only a little older but far away from the tatum for example. Maybe the screen resolution (monitor) influences?
If someone has the time, here are the steps needed for better (bigger) car images 1) Download my initial images from post #35 (32 images, have already the correct names eg ASR_01.png, ASR_02.png etc) 2) Go to https://www.iloveimg.com/crop-image to "crop" the images. Unfortunately you have to do it one by one. Use the below values for both the 32 car images Download new (cropped) images to a folder (they should have the same names) 3) Go to http://meetme.bplaced.net/rF2_onlineTools/rF2GGeninfo/uiiconcreator.php and upload the new (cropped) images (Max 6 files at the same time!) by ticking the "YES, i want to remove the empty Space (INFO)". For every image you will have 6 images, thus 192 in total 4) The new 192 images are ready, and someone has to repackage the *rfcmp by adding the newly produced thumbnails!
Ok, it was a fast try by me. But I think the steps were right, just needs fine tuning. The problem, I think, is the long shadow on the right - this should be shorter.