Build 1.04, November 04th, 2023: - fixed warning led due to code change by S397 Build 1.03, December 03rd, 2022: - fixed transparency level on windows Build 1.02, February 18th, 2022: - fixed black rain on certain tracks, due to wrong rF2 code June 04th, 2021 new BUILD 1.01 - added car #69 Build 1.0 - The mod come from my wish to have a mod similar to the "new" FunCup. We were not interested into a high poly mod so I asked Chris "redapg" for modeling several parts that differ from the 2006 FunCup, caring to those that are more visible in cockpit view, like the whole dashboard, the AiM and the steering wheel also with an eye to the exteriors where is more visible the lack of poly and the rims. With in mind our initial concept, Chris and I created 2 classes, one that refers to the Endurance Championship and one that refers to the EVO3 Championship: mainly differences are in the engine, gear (final ratio), rear tyres and car mass. Due to the impossibility to find detailed technical data, we were forced to apply a pinch of fantasy! Also PBR skins are fantasy, inspired by some picture: Special thanks to iDT that released the FunCup 2006 for rFactor1, that is the "parent" of the FunCup 2006 for rFactor 2 and this new 2021 FunCup Series! manual download: ---> templates: body---> banner---> ========================================================================= A couple of months ago I asked @redapg, Chris, for developing, together, the "new" FunCup... I mean "new" because this car seems to be deathless and in the years, in the real life, were developed various series / classes addressed to several leagues, with a wide level of freedom in the regulation. Unfortunately is not easy to find detailed technical data even if in the web are available several docs slightly different in the contents. I haven't yet a clear idea about the final version of the mod... At the moment I'm intentioned to release 2 classes, one that more or less follow the "Endurance" leagues and one, more performing, that can be closer to the "EVO3", both with an injection of fantasy to preserve the original idea of the mod that we have already released, under the full permission of iDT, in the past and for keeping the whole project easy, at first for our personal pleasure. To harmonize the "old" mod with the incoming new one, we have just re-ordered the old one and in the next days will be released an update with the name "2006 Volkswagen FunCup Series". Coming back to the "new" mod, Chris has remodeled the most of the body, the whole dashboard, gauges, motec, rims and other details to match the changes made in the years to the real car. On physics side we are working to better match the specification of the 2 classes, also if, as I said, we haven't access to real advanced data, telemetry, etc. Showing the first WIP pictures of the mod, is the opportunity to ask for PM me in case somebody has any contact with the real world of the FunCup and is interested in the project. Thank you.
Looking really great! Unfortunately, I don't have some spare time available right now. If I would, I would really enjoy to donate some of it to jump in and help improving the 3D model even further! There is really some potential, like the rollcage, window banner, air ducts and their holders in the cockpit...and so on. Anyway, really looking forward to that mod because my "automobile heart" really beats for the beetle
You are right talking about the 3d, no doubt that several areas could be improved, but our idea was to bring to the users a revised version of this funny car, not to develop a mod from scratch, because we haven't enough resources to dedicate. And other areas are still in development, like the windshield with its mounts, the "banner", the wipers... but many other details will be the same of the iDT original FunCup. We know that, looking closed at the car or in the cockpit, differences will be visible... for instance the poly count of the new dashboard + motec + steering wheel are more than all other parts, together, of the mod, LOL! My personal opinion is to have available a modern version of the FunCup, that can bring hundreds of hours of pleasure in racing with friends and much more pleasure to me spending my time in my preferred hobby.
Since you aren't going to redo the model, maybe using a different base might be an idea... Assetto Land recently released a Fun Cup for AC. I'm not sure of their original source, but it might be possible to get the proper permissions for a conversion here. An update that fixes a few graphic things. More info about the mod can be found at various places in this thread. But really looking forward for the updates.
My guess would be that 99% of those cars were ripped or at least have a doubtful source. I would not spend any energy here. Instead buying a new model from a professional 3D modeler would be much better, although this won't work without donations; As Marco said, this shall stay as a free mod and remains a hobby. So model will likely have to stay the same (with upgrades here and there).
If what I know about the mod is true, there is only 1 3d model of the "new" car that was created by MGR '99: Before starting this minor project I contacted the author and we had a nice conversation full of info and that leaded me to have several contacts with the people that commissioned the model, that is one of the pro drivers in one of the several FunCup races. The mod was and is still in use into Assetto Corsa in a private league of the FunCup. Notwithstanding the several contacts and any kind of agreement I discussed, the owner of the mod, having paid for it, is not interested into participating or giving for free the model to be developed in rFactor2. Sadly of that, because we cannot have access to all data and info by the FunCup league, but I understand that money and also the choice of Assetto Corsa did time ago, close any chance to rFactor2 (and S397). That's all is behind the scene, LOL
We've taken the decision to release the mod with 2 classes, the Endurance and the Evo3, from real life with a pinch of fantasy! As I said, unfortunately we haven't access to detailed tech info and those available on the web are really few... Endurance class: 1800 cc / 133 hp - 195/50-R15 front / rear all weather tires - 815 kg with driver - 44 lt fuel The screenshot shows also the new windows/banner/windshield mounts 3d / texture Evo3 class: 2000 cc / 172 hp - 195/50-R15 front, 205/50-R15 rear all weather tires - 850 kg with driver - 44 lt fuel The screenshot shows the central front air intakes that "identify" the Evo3 vs. the Endurance class. I must say that in real life these air intakes may differ in size and number or be absent. If some painter likes to reproduce some real life skin or some fantasy skin, please PM. Thank you!