[REL] CarStat 2.3 - A Question Of Setup

Discussion in 'Other' started by Lukas Lichten, Oct 20, 2017.

  1. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    With the permission of Mee (Bart Stroobants), the original creator, I bring you the updated and improved CarStat 2.3. You can find the original thread here.

    CarStat is a program that displays stats for cars that are inside video games, primarily rFactor 2, but also with support for rFactor 1 and GTR 2/GTL.
    Stats are displayed in a user friendly way in form of graphs for certain stats like engine power and torque, tire grip, tire wear, tire temperature and brake temperature. Other Stats include General Info of the car, Pitstop times, more Info to Brakes, Tires and the Engine and much more. You can also apply the rFactor 2 upgrades to the car, you can compare multiple cars in the multicarview and you can simulate how long a pitstop will take









    You can download the newest Version here: CarStat 2.3.3
    To install it, you simply unzip the zip-file into any folder that you want, and you are done.
    To start it, you start the CarStat 2.3.exe. A window will open, giving you the option to chose between rFactor 1, GTR and rFactor 2. Starting the one of the first two will start the no longer supported CarStat 1.6, choosing rFactor 2 will start up the new and improved CarStat 2.3. Further instructions are in the manual, found on the wiki or in the help option in the toolbar.
    Note: You need to have the .NET Framework installed. If you do not have it, then you can find the latest version here.

    -Made Setup Renaming also save when pressing enter
    -Fixed Setup Renaming asking if you want to override when you not change the name
    -Fixed VehicleSelector Double click on car not working
    -Fixed March and Barbham 44b not loading
    -Fixed hdv files not being found
    -Added Search bar to VEHSelector
    -Changed in SetupManager the Date Column formate to year.month.day
    -Fixed pressing the ExpandAll button in VEHSelector crashing CarStat
    -Fixed CarStat being crashed when opening an encrypted mod with non encrypted only mode (default) enabled
    -Fixed Wheelbase Display
    -Fixed FSR 2016 and 2018 mods breaking CarStat through malformed data
    -Fixed more missing data will now be accepted without asking for filler data
    -Fixed that if no data was filled it will say "No Data" instead of "Loading..."
    2.3.0 - A Question Of Setup
    -Added Setup Creation Tap
    -Added Notification on Startup if there is a new version, with a download link
    -Added Setup Manager (Found in the toolbar under others), which allows you to search, copy, move and delete your setups
    -Added Info for Weight Penalties with driver AIDs.
    -Added Info on Wheelbase of a car
    -Added Info about the file names of the files used for cars
    -Added start up parameter -mode to allow you to open CarStat fr a certain game, without overwriting your autostart. Available options: -mode rf2, -mod rf1, -mode gtr2
    -Added Button to return to the CarStat Selector (Game selection window)
    -Added the Options menu, and moved all options there
    -Added Fuel per minute (very rough number)
    -Changed the Description of Optimum Oil Temperature
    -Made the Open Checked Car(s) button in the Vehicle Selector displaying Loading... while a car is loading.
    -Fixed the Engine Graph a bit more by implementing TorqueCurveShift and Overpressure scaling (5th rpmbase value)
    -Fixed Extra Engine Friction not refreshing the Labels correctly.
    -Fixed a potential bug of the hdv not being found
    -Fixed Fahrenheit causing exceptions when creating the brake graphs
    -Fixed a lot of mods by adding default values for missing property's
    -Fixed DW12 steering lock value being now displayed
    -Fixed boost being defined outside of the engine file (DW12)
    -Fixed Woochoo's Endurance Carset breaking the engine graph
    -Fixed Multiview not deleting the car icons out of the temporary files
    -Fixed using different Games in carstat deletes the saved Game Location (at least for rf2 to rf1/GTL, not rf1 and GTL)
    -Brought Engine Values for the BT55 a bit closer to reality, but it is still very bad
    -Added Semi Auto Gearbox Type to General
    -Added if Anti Stall is in the car to General
    -Added Tabs (General and Other) to the Engine Tab (to display more Data)
    -Added Fuel Consumtion Value (very rough) to the other tab
    -Added Engine Inertia to the other tab
    -Added Turbo Pressure to the other tab
    -Added notification when changing tire tabs from any non master in multiview
    -Moved the Include Extra Engine Friction to the other tab
    -Moved Pitstop Simulation into the Pitstop tab
    -Included special Torque and Power multi of boost mapping (used rarely) in Engine Graph
    -Average Lifetime of the Engine now scales with the increase of Boost mapping
    -Removed notification when showing upgrades from any non master in multiview
    -Fixed Max Power and Max Torque being to low
    -Fixed Speedlimiter and Start being shown as unavaible when avaible
    -Fixed Upgrades not showing in multiview
    -Fixed Tire Degredation Graph 2 not changing values
    -Fixed selecting engine mix crashing CarStat
    -Fixed bug that did not uncheck the engine mix
    -Fixed Revlimiter being too short (Race Truck)
    -Fixed Initial scaling for Engine Graph of Turbo charged Engines
    -Fixed EnduRacers Flat6 GTC crashing CarStat
    2.2.0 - Turbo!
    -Added very basic turbo support (turbo v0.1). It assumes that max pressure is all the time.
    -Added Option to show the engine with Turbo-Charger (only turbo charged cars) and without (all).
    -Added Option for different Engine-Mixtures
    -Added Option for different Boost Mappings
    -Added Rev Limiter to Engine Graph
    -Added CarIcon to the General Info (also changed the layout of it)
    -Added Webhelp into the Help Window (and removed pdf)
    -Added About Page will if there is a newer version avaible
    -Added Anti-Rollbar and Trackbar adjustments in the cockpit to the general info
    -When running multiview, the bar hight in the Tires>General Info is now comparble
    -Updated CarStat 2 icon color to a slick blue
    -Updated rf2 icon in CarStat Selector
    -Optimization of a lot of things (now uses multithreading)
    -Fixed wording of which folder to select in the VEHicle Selector
    -Full support for left-right tires
    -Fixed usf 2000 not loading
    -Fixed Tires>General Info bug when deselting compounds
    -Fixed Potential Crash when opening a new vehicle with multiview of 3 or more already open
    -Fixed Crash when opening a new car when not being on the General Tab
    -Bodged Crash when opening A1GP mod (still throwing exceptions, because it is a farily broken mod, at the moment at least)
    -Added display about the avaibility of tire pressure change while changing tires
    -Tire Pressure Adjustment time is now correctly ordered to changing pressure without tires
    -Fixed Tire Pressure Adjustments on the fly being avaible while changing all tires.
    -Fixed Bug that caused certain files not to be found (for example Machine's StockCar 2016 mod)
    -Fixed File search so it is not stoping search when the path does not contain rFactor 2, but instead 5 folders up max
    2.1.0 - The Return
    -Added Pitstop Simulation being simulated for all cars opened in Multiview
    -Added options to simulate all car adjustments in the Pitstop Simulation
    -Added that options in the Pitstop Simulation will not be avaible if not avaible in the car
    -Added checkbox to disable the function lock in Pitstop Simulation
    -Closing one of the child windows of Multiview will no longer quit the programm, only when closing the main window
    -New Error Box for PitStop Simulation
    -Updated About Window
    -Changed quickbms version (Even though it is not need, it was time to update)
    -Fixed Engine Oil Temperatur reading (Caused Labels not to load) (done by Mee)
    -Fixed detect rFactor 2 install (done by Mee)
    -Fixed Crash on Unit Change when no car is loaded
    -Fixed Radical Weight Distribution display
    -Fixed Fuel Tank Capacity
    -Fixed Fuel calculation in Pitstop Simulation (Now limited to positiv numbers and lower than fuel tank capacity)
    -Fixed CarStat Windows overlaying over everything
    -Fixed Tire Graphs for cars with same tires all around (Dessenter, sc2015-RoadCourse), and added Bodge for Right-Left Tires (Oval)
    -Fixed Tire Rim size calculation for the same reasons
    -Fixed Tire Wear Graph for EnduRacers P2 cars
    -Fixed Mark Corp Group C Porsch not loading because of Missing Engine File
    -Fixed Program crash when switching between upgrades
    -Fixed Display and Pitstop Simulation of parallel refueling and tire change
    -Fixed Bug when, even though cars are checked, cars will not be loaded (F1 1988)
    -Fixed Bug were values that are available are displayed as not available (Damage Repair Mark Corp Group C cars)

    Most Issues should now be resolved, but if you find one or have any suggestions, you can submit them on this thread or on Gitlab. You can find there what I am work on.

    Known Issues:
    -Any Vehicle that is DLC (aka GT3 Power Pack, Formula E, Kart Sim and the Endurance Pack) can NOT be opened (MAS-File encryption)
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
  2. philrob

    philrob Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    thank you for this update of a great program, working great.
  3. knackko

    knackko Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Nice ! Im going to try it !
  4. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    Release of Version 2.1.1
    Nothing major, just a few fixes: download

    -Added display about the avaibility of tire pressure change while changing tires
    -Tire Pressure Adjustment time is now correctly ordered to changing pressure without tires
    -Fixed Tire Pressure Adjustments on the fly being avaible while changing all tires.
    -Fixed Bug that caused certain files not to be found (for example Machine's StockCar 2016 mod)
    -Fixed File search so it is not stoping search when the path does not contain rFactor 2, but instead 5 folders up max

    I will now optimize the software and add turbo support
  5. knackko

    knackko Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    It works fine with F1 75 mod data :)
  6. Sebastien Sestacq

    Sebastien Sestacq Registered

    Jan 11, 2016
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    sorry for the noob question, but what file should we put please?!
  7. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    Could you be a bit more precise please?
    But I think you mean that CarStat 2 asks for quickbms. Well quickbms needs to be in the same folder as the CarStat 2 executable. It is in the zip-file, so extracting ALL content of the zip-file into a folder of your liking.

    If your issue is how to open a car, well I would suggest you to use the Vehicle Selector.

    I hope this helps.
  8. Sebastien Sestacq

    Sebastien Sestacq Registered

    Jan 11, 2016
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    ok i found i am looking for the folder "package" in rf2 but carstat needs only the folder rf2 simply :)

    very nice soft! thanks @TheLichten ;)
    Ho3n3r likes this.
  9. Eric Stranne

    Eric Stranne Registered

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Question regarding this. I gave opening the recently released BTCC NGTC mod in CarStat 2.1 and it showed some very peculiar values which I, or the other mod makers/testers, do not understand. Maybe you could shed some light onto it?


    As you can see, the grip bar for the Medium tire compound is higher than that of the soft tire compound. Also, the Medium's Wear Rate bar is higher than the Soft's is. Naturally, this should be the other way around. We've tried this and can tell from the feeling and times that the ratios for grip and wear is correct in practice between the Softs and Mediums while driving, but we don't get how CarStat can show this? Any idea @TheLichten ?
  10. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    Thank you,
    but it looks like your picture embedding did not work, so I will try to reconstruct what you are describing:
    You have loaded up one of the ngtcc, and you are looking at the Tires>General Info. Now when you have all tires (Wets, Softs and Hards) checked (default), then the bars look right (softs have a higher wear rate, same heat rate, more grip and more wet grip then mediums (Remember the wets are listed first so they are the red bars).
    Now what is odd is when you uncheck the wets:
    Suddenly the softs have a lower wear rate, less heating, less grip, but more wet grip then the mediums. Now this is a bug, were it removes the the mediums bar and relabels the bars to soft and medium, but does not load the values, so you are comparing wets to softs.

    I will fix this bug asap. It will ship with the next update, which should be out at the end of the week (Depending on if I can figure out how to use the turbo values in the engine file to calculate the power).
    I have been mostly working on internal stuff to make loading cars faster.
    Juergen-BY likes this.
  11. Eric Stranne

    Eric Stranne Registered

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Yes, it appears that this is what happens. I don't know why picture embedding isn't working for you as it works for me in Google Chrome but it looks like you got it. Excellent, thanks!
  12. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    With the new Version 2.2.0 CarStat will not only show turbos on the Engine Tab, but also run a bit faster. Especial opening cars in multiview.
    You can download it here: CarStat 2.2.0

    Now one of the highlights of the update is the engine tab:
    New Feature here are the maximum Rev limit (with this 799 you see it is 9000), the support for different fuel mixtures (and their power loss and gain), primitive turbo support (v0.1) and boost mapping.

    The General Tab got also a makeover:
    The General car info is now to the right, you can also see if you can adjust the Anti-Rollbars and Trackbar on the fly while driving and you can see the icon of the car.

    Other Changes include that the icon of the program is now blue (because I feel it looks better than green), the rf2 logo in the Version selector is now the current rf2 logo, the about page shows when a new version is available, the Help page shows the new Handbook, the Tire>General Info page is now comparable in multiview (also the bug there is fixed), made the wording for which folder to chose in the VEHicle Selector more clear and more...

    2.2.0 - Turbo!
    -Added very basic turbo support (turbo v0.1). It assumes that max pressure is all the time.
    -Added Option to show the engine with Turbo-Charger (only turbo charged cars) and without (all).
    -Added Option for different Engine-Mixtures
    -Added Option for different Boost Mappings
    -Added Rev Limiter to Engine Graph
    -Added CarIcon to the General Info (also changed the layout of it)
    -Added Webhelp into the Help Window (and removed pdf)
    -Added About Page will if there is a newer version avaible
    -Added Anti-Rollbar and Trackbar adjustments in the cockpit to the general info
    -When running multiview, the bar hight in the Tires>General Info is now comparble
    -Updated CarStat 2 icon color to a slick blue
    -Updated rf2 icon in CarStat Selector
    -Optimization of a lot of things (now uses multithreading)
    -Fixed wording of which folder to select in the VEHicle Selector
    -Full support for left-right tires
    -Fixed usf 2000 not loading
    -Fixed Tires>General Info bug when deselting compounds
    -Fixed Potential Crash when opening a new vehicle with multiview of 3 or more already open
    -Fixed Crash when opening a new car when not being on the General Tab
    -Bodged Crash when opening A1GP mod (still throwing exceptions, because it is a farily broken mod, at the moment at least)
  13. Lu ManiaK

    Lu ManiaK Registered

    Feb 3, 2014
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  14. Pauli Partanen

    Pauli Partanen Registered

    May 15, 2012
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    Good work!
  15. philrob

    philrob Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    another great update, thank you
  16. Juergen-BY

    Juergen-BY Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Many thanks! Just a short question, no matter wich car i`m using (Radicals, GT500...others) CarStat is crashing, when i select an Engine Mixture Level...is it just me?
  17. Corti

    Corti Registered

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Here also happens, but the curious thing is that it only happens with the first and last value. The intermediate values work. Tested with the mod OW F1 2017. With the pack GT3 of Studio397 does not work because the files are encrypted with the new method.
  18. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    So, sorry for the long wait for a hotfix, but I just did not get around to publish it.
    You can download it here: CarStat 2.2.1

    Nothing major here, just a few crucial bug fixes.

    -Fixed selecting fuel mix crashing CarStat
    -Fixed bug that did not uncheck the fuel mix
    -Fixed Revlimiter being too short (Race Truck)
    -Fixed Initial scaling for Engine Graph of Turbo charged Engines
    -Fixed EnduRacers Flat6 GTC crashing CarStat

    //Edit: Fixed Download
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    Juergen-BY and yippssy like this.
  19. Juergen-BY

    Juergen-BY Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Just for the report, the linked file is v 2.2.0

    //Edit: seems to be in the latest post only, download from first post is fine!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    SPASKIS likes this.
  20. Lukas Lichten

    Lukas Lichten Registered

    Oct 14, 2017
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    And here is another "minor" update, fixing a few errors and adding some data.
    You can download it here: CarStat 2.2.2

    Now the biggest change is that the Pitstop Simualtion and Pitstoptimes tab are gone, with the Pitstop tab in their place. In this Tab you find the the Pitstop times and the Simulation as you know them, they just live now at another place.

    The Engine Tab now has an other data tab to show other data. For now you can find the the Extra Engine Friction, Fuel Consumtion, Engine Inertia and Turbo Pressure there.

    But also the General Tab now shows if the cars has Anti Stall and shows if the car has a Semi Auto Gearbox (and which type).

    Other changes can be found here:
    -Added Semi Auto Gearbox Type to General
    -Added if Anti Stall is in the car to General
    -Added Tabs (General and Other) to the Engine Tab (to display more Data)
    -Added Fuel Consumtion Value (very rough) to the other tab
    -Added Engine Inertia to the other tab
    -Added Turbo Pressure to the other tab
    -Added notification when changing tire tabs from any non master in multiview
    -Moved the Include Extra Engine Friction to the other tab
    -Moved Pitstop Simulation into the Pitstop tab
    -Included special Torque and Power multi of boost mapping (used rarely) in Engine Graph
    -Average Lifetime of the Engine now scales with the increase of Boost mapping
    -Removed notification when showing upgrades from any non master in multiview
    -Fixed Max Power and Max Torque being to low
    -Fixed Speedlimiter and Start being shown as unavaible when avaible
    -Fixed Upgrades not showing in multiview
    -Fixed Tire Degredation Graph 2 not changing values
    Ho3n3r, yippssy, McFlex and 5 others like this.

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