Workshop Discussion..continue here...

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Woodee, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Call my name again like that and I'll ban you straight.
  2. MapleHamwich

    MapleHamwich Registered

    Aug 19, 2013
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    Now you're arguing with ISI staff. Good job. Your petulance is half the reason people are being so firm in their insistence that you are in the wrong.
  3. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    I'm not wrong at all. Deal with it.

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  4. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    And isi stuff. Aka moderators. Are people like you and me.

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  5. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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    L'Abbonato dichiara e garantisce di disporre di diritti sufficienti su tutti i Contenuti generati dall'utente per riconoscere a Valve e ad altre parti interessate le licenze di cui alle lettere A. e B. riportate sopra o su eventuali condizioni di licenza specifiche per l'app abilitata per Workshop o la pagina Workshop applicabile. Sono inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo, i diritti di proprietà intellettuale di qualsiasi tipo o altri diritti di proprietà o personali interessati da o inclusi nei Contenuti generati dall'utente. In particolare, con riferimento ai Contributi Workshop, l'Abbonato dichiara e garantisce di essere l'autore originale del Contributo Workshop (o, con riferimento a un Contributo Workshop al quale hanno contribuito terzi, di esserne l'autore in collaborazione con le altre persone che vi hanno contribuito e, in tal caso, di disporre del diritto a inviare tale Contributo Workshop per conto delle altre persone che vi hanno contribuito).

    You represent and warrant to us that you have sufficient rights in all User Generated Content to grant Valve and other affected parties the licenses described under A. and B. above or in any license terms specific to the applicable Workshop-Enabled App or Workshop page. This includes, without limitation, any kind of intellectual property rights or other proprietary or personal rights affected by or included in the User Generated Content. In particular, with respect to Workshop Contributions, you represent and warrant that the Workshop Contribution was originally created by you (or, with respect to a Workshop Contribution to which others contributed besides you, by you and the other contributors, and in such case that you have the right to submit such Workshop Contribution on behalf of those other contributors).
  6. simforlife2

    simforlife2 Registered

    Apr 20, 2015
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    the question is RF2 community is disunited and weak to promote the simulator , this is the time to promote instead dispute and proud to modders , forgiveness for english
  7. argo0

    argo0 Registered

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Yeah, but RESPECT first and foremost. It's not bloody difficult.

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  8. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    My apologies for not reading it with patience in a rather busy day, this chapter was way below the "user created content" definition, that infact seems to state that "user created content" is every item contributed to the workshop.

    Sorry for claiming that you were spreading disinformation: that was pure bitching, i admit it. I'd totally deserve a ban for that.

    I'm really trying to help with the "contribution on behalf of those other contributors", in contributing to upload where the authors can't, and even invite them do it.
    Maybe i started a little bit aggressive, that's true, but waiting to see if there is some unwanted stuff that i uploaded and trying to get in touch with the authors, as you may have noticed, has become priority.
  9. Tuttle

    Tuttle Technical Art Director - Env Lead

    Feb 14, 2012
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  10. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    T@X, not only are you wrong (as per the the above), but you're trying to save people who are not asking to be saved nor are they in any danger.

    Just upload your own mods and if you want to see things there that are not there, then go ahead and suggest to the author(s) that they should upload. I highly doubt any of the mere handful of modders of rF2 are not themselves aware of Steam. If they are not uploading there it is highly likely for a good reason. But you can always ask.

    Just don't take other people's work into your own control. Is that really so difficult to avoid?
  11. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    Yes Marc, as said before, maybe i will kindly ask because i like to fix pointless stuff , but at this point i think that ISI really should on their own.
    I don't really want to save anyone, but i want to point that something is not really working as it should around here.
    I find that the workshop should be used, and like me alot of people that bought the game on Steam precisely because they loved the idea of that workshop implementation and were expecting it to work as intended. For shure we did not expect petty modders to totally refuse to upload stuff there. Yes it's their stuff , their work is highly appreciated, but these mods are for R-Factor2 and an official r-Factor2 tool that allows mods mantaining and handy downloads for the game's customers should contain these mods like the official forums do. They know that the Workshop is now integrated inside the simulator's menu ? You should tell them
    That's an official, handy tool of the game, and we still must download stuff using ++itty hosting services, illegal sources like bittorrent messed sited and so on and on.
    This goes far beyond my comprehension specially why these sources are accepted and official tools are not.
    That's just irritating and nonsense.That's my point in all this "workshop war" (sounds epic lol).

    Have a good day
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2015
  12. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Probably the same reason(s) the "Remote Content" in the non-Steam Launcher has next to nothing in it. You should buy AC and go crazy because they don't even have a Steam workshop, let alone an inadequately populated one. You could join the chorus of people screaming for KS to add it. But as expected, there are reasons they did not. We might not agree or like them, but it isn't random or mass stupidity. So think about that to temper your impatience.
  13. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    Yet we have have one, and modders do not use it. It looks like a joke but sadly it's not.
  14. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    I'm wondering,.... what is the rush?
  15. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    It takes 5 minutes to setup and once done just push a button and upload your work. It's not rush it's : why everywhere but not on the Workshop ? :)
  16. LeStrat

    LeStrat Registered

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Haven't you thought that it might be because most of these mods are either conversions of other games that are breaking copyright laws (some of the circuits you have uploaded <Monza and Spa> for instance) or just unfinished work that will only be uploaded to workshop when finished?

    In my case, the Porsche 917 is less than 25% done, but I have (had, I removed the links yesterday) shared it so that the people could test it and give some valuable feedback. I shared it only on the official forum, this way I ensure the people who test it are completely familiar to rFactor2 and the development processes and will not be let down because of the poor behaviuor of the car or the awful graphics and performance it had.
  17. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    You re right in almost everything except that you have not considered the fact that the items in the workshop do not need to be finished to be there. They can be updated just swapping the file and pressing a button on an icon. The updated item will be automatically pushed to the subscribed users. And once again, they have to wait version 15 to play them ? They are not circus monkeys, just list in the release the issues and they read it the version issues and every upload list the cahanges exactly as you do in the forums. Why such discrimination ?

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  18. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    You need to get out of your head that this is in any way about "discrimination".
    You seem convinced that some modders think that the Steam crowd is worth more than the non-Steam crowd, which is quite absurd to be frank, and clearly not the case.
    Try for example to read the reply above yours to see one very valid reason not to put stuff in the Workshop ASAP.
    As you see, it has nothing to do with discrimination. You got the wrong interpretation, and it's becoming overly dramatic in my view.

    It's simply about authors keeping control of their work.
    It's also about what kind of feedback you're looking for at that particular point in time.
    Sharing stuff on this forum, among seasoned rF2 veterans, most of whom know how to properly test/act around unfinished work, is NOT the same as publishing in the Workshop.
    Sharing a 0.0x track on some shady torrent site is NOT the same as publishing in the Workshop either.

    I'll again draw a parallel to my own music, because I think it's very comparable.

    Do I feel like uploading rough WIP recordings unto iTunes?
    Nope, that'd be a freaking disaster, because the recordings are not yet in a state fit for iTunes. It'd give people a completely wrong impression, of what the songs are supposed to be, and of what I am actually capable of.
    Would I rather upload some of those WIP recording unto a small forum full of like-minded techy musicians, who can give me proper feedback and advice on song structures, mixing and mastering, etc. before I put the songs out for a wider audience?
    Of course I would.

    So there you go.
  19. T@X

    T@X Registered

    Nov 28, 2015
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    Sorry .let's talk about 'diversification' ?

    Didn't even come to your mind that Steam is full of people willing to test and provide feedback ?

    Why they are any different than the people here ?

    Thats all around the exact purpose of the steam workshop.

    Why do you think of it like a sort of online shop and free dlc content ?

    That place is built to provide modders a well tought platform for their work, with versions uploads and everything.

    You are completely missing the point of it.
  20. LeStrat

    LeStrat Registered

    Mar 17, 2013
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    In case the users/testers want to provide feedback, they will need to be in a full duplex media, therefore this forum is perfect for that. Bear in mind that these are the ISI rFactor2 offical forums.

    General public is different from niche public for every product in the whole market, not only videogames or racing simulators. For testing purposes, it's better just to keep the work within this forum, or at least that's what I think about my work.

    Moreover, unfinished products, in this case mods, should not be available in a way that everyone can use them without explicitly knowing about their status and knowing what to expect. It would result in counter-producing results.

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