Released GT3 Update and (v1) BOP

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. doddynco

    doddynco Registered

    Dec 13, 2017
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    Have you consumed any alcohol this evening sir?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
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  2. DJChrizz

    DJChrizz Registered

    Aug 18, 2017
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    Yes, the shift down protection is bad ... when I "touch" the gas-pedal a little bit it don't shift down a gear.
    in BTCC you fixed that really fine .....

    I tested the Aston M. GT3 with the new tires, wow. Like this car, very stable and good to drive.
    The new tires are awsome ... in GTE, 992 cup, GT3, BTCC .... Indycar. they feel more reallistic and you feel very nice the grip - limit.
    Studio 397, you go a very good way since last year.
  3. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    That is because the Downshift Protection was included erroneously with the BTCC cars. So when the mistake was pointed out, they removed the shift protection completely. No cure or improvement.

  4. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    Here's my summary of the new GT3 vehicle dynamics, from testing done so far.

    I've tested several cars at DLC tracks such as Spa, with their default setups. My feelings are, the Porsche seems the best connected to the road. I find the Audi in particular to be very loose on corner entry, which I suspect is not down to the tires, by the aero in yaw. If you turn in too hard (and this is by no means aggressive) then the rear will "fall over" very quickly on turn in, and you'll loop it - it's not saveable if too far done. The Ferrari I find mid way between the two. So I find the tires to be a good improvement, much more believable at the limit, but in some cars the setups cause too much positivity at the front and the aero yaw changes cause handling issues.

    However, the issue is different at mod tracks, such as Road America. Here, the tracks seem to have more inherent grip. In these cases, the cars don't exhibit the same degree of snap oversteer on entry. Is there some different between how surface grip is modeled on these old tracks vs new DLC tracks? As a result, you can drive with totally unrealistic driving techniques such as ramming on the steering lock, or being a complete lead foot.

    In general, I'd say it is quite easy to get consistent lap times between AI cars, though there are clear advantages to some cars at some tracks e.g. Ferrari clearly fastest at Laguna Seca by a second or more. That might be reasonable. I'm able to get to parity with those laptimes with reasonable AI strengths, consistent with that I'd previously used. The cars seem to react well over curbs and such that previously caused jumps or crazy rollovers. By comparison, the IR18 at Laguna, you make the AI hit the apex curbs and they are up in the air on two wheels for several seconds and likely to roll or crash; the GT3s don't do this.

    So I think what is probably needed are some tweaks to the aero yaw values, and some changes to the default setups. Other than that, I like the new GT3s - even the Merc is driveable now, but still not as good as the others.
  5. Jan Titz

    Jan Titz Registered

    Feb 7, 2023
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    Last night I was again stunned by the bad test work that is obviously taking place here. Yesterday evening both 2017 Bentleys failed in the 8th championship round in Baku organized by in the race after the pit stop with steering failure. You can watch the two videos of the incidents here:

    This problem is also present on other tracks. When the problem occurs, the tire pressure increases to almost 6bar at the front during the pit stop.

    Also, the ABS and traction control are still not working properly. With the ABS it is hardly possible to find a constant braking point lap after lap, as it sometimes does not regulate properly. The traction control hardly works if you set it normally. Setting it to off controls more than setting it to 8. If you set it to 8-8-8 it hardly regulates and you can still spin away. If it is set to 0-8-8, it works.

    And the person who designed this upshift and downshift protection has never driven a serious race in his life. In a racing situation like the first laps on a street circuit like Baku, you have to be able to shift up without going full throttle because the traffic is jammed in front of you. The same applies to braking, there are just corners where you can't downshift safely without stepping a little on the throttle.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2023
    Matthias Weber and avenger82 like this.
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Just to confirm, the tyre pressure ended up near 600kpa? I gather the steering itself is fine (steering wheel -> steered angle). Any driver swap?

    (I haven't checked the setup values or tried a pit stop in the Bentley, so apologies if the error is obvious)
  7. Simonk

    Simonk Registered

    Sep 29, 2020
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    LOD for the McLaren 720 needs to be increased.
    DiggerHawk likes this.
  8. Simonk

    Simonk Registered

    Sep 29, 2020
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    I drove the hard tyres tonight on the Audi and liked them a lot more compared to the softs. The car felt more balanced and predictable and the wear characteristics felt more believable. The soft tyre feels like there’s too much grip in the front compared to the rear making the car feel un-natural with the rear coming around in situations when it shouldn’t. The wear is also unpredictable going from good to bad without warning.
  9. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Probably unrelated but it happened to me to have this steering bug if ALT-TABBING while driving, sometimes I thinke the focus is not regained by RF2 and steering go numb. Didn't check if other things in the car got messed up, but (if not wrong) pressing reset FFB button solved the problem to me.
  10. Stevy

    Stevy Registered

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I know from other sims (lol @ how accurate they are) that TC settings can change depending on the OEM.
    For one OEM TC is from 0 to 10 where 0 if off and 10 is max.
    On another GT3 it can be TC 0-8 where 0 is max TC and 8 is off.

    I think the AMG Gt3 in iRacing was such a case, but not sure anymore.

    Obviously I don't know if rf2 is the same or if it's really just broken
  11. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I think the TC for rF2 is often a Generic based upon data from at least one supplier. The difference between 8 or 10 steps is... minor. Especially when you consider the new TC has something like 24 settings between the 3 options compared to just 3 prior to this iteration.
  12. Clemenca

    Clemenca Registered

    Feb 10, 2013
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    What was the changing of todays GT3 Update to Version 3.55 for Audi, AMG, Porsche... ? Any ideas here?
  13. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Probably new default setups.
  14. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    are we gonna see a V2 or this is all about GT3 update ?
  15. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I don't think they'll number the updates like that. I understood the V1 simply as a way to say "this is a first revision, we'll keep updating". As for if this is a definitive version, I don't think there are ever definitive versions, I guess they'll keep updating when needed as always.
    mesfigas likes this.
  16. Paul Jeffrey

    Paul Jeffrey

    May 21, 2016
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    Thats right, BOP is very much a process of constant evaluation and updating - something we are committed to doing for these cars going forward.

    The build today, that moved the cars to v3.55 added the latest BOP changes, moved all GT3 under the GT3 folder in the UI and updated the default setups,

    For the record, these are the changes that have been applied to this stage of the BOP:

    Aston Martin: 0
    Audi 18: -5 kg
    Audi 19: -3 kg
    Bentley 2017: -5 kg
    Bentley 2020: +8 kg
    BMW M6: -5 kg
    BMW M4: +15 kg
    Callaway: +5 kg
    Ferrari: -5 kg
    Mercedes AMG: -30 kg
    McLaren 720: 0
    McLaren 650: -5 kg
    Porsche 911: -5 kg
    Radical: None, awaitiing fix
  17. ebeninca

    ebeninca Registered

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I did a quick test, problems still needing fix:

    - Porsche ABS feedback improved a bit, no jolts but the rattles are stronger comparing with other cars.
    - Mercedes caster still broken, wheel goes light mid corner.
  18. Stefan Wukovatz

    Stefan Wukovatz Registered

    Feb 26, 2018
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    I have waited about the new update which was released today, before I write something here.
    Problem still exists.

    Bentley 2017:
    Has nobody the issue with the increasing of the tire pressure. Same as Jan Titz wrote.
    It happens also, if I am only in the box and wait.
    The wheel vibrates and you can see, that the tire pressure in the front increase step by step with 0,1.
    This was defenitely not before the last BOP and the new tires.
    I and also Jan drive the Bentley since years. Means it is not the hardware itself, something in rF2 is totally wrong.

    Hope any Admin will check and reply or somethings else.
    Thx in advance.

    PS: TC and ABS are step 2 and 3 to check.
  19. The_Bad_Fasterd

    The_Bad_Fasterd Registered

    Jan 16, 2022
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    +1 On the Porsche ABS FFB...
  20. Benjamin Gielczynski

    Benjamin Gielczynski Registered

    Jan 25, 2019
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    I had no problems with the Porsche ABS feedback. Did you guys try lower values? I was on 3 - 6 and the tires did not locked.

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