Released The New UI is Here! (Instructions on How to Opt-in)

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    Tried the new UI short when released, now when in the main release again but have not worked out well.
    Maybe the layout takes a while to learn and the slow animation between slides might get faster but here is the result:
    (please make an option to turn the animations off)

    1st - had to alt-tab, did not work and the whole computer freeze, hardware reboot
    2nd - worked fine to start and leave an session
    3rd - alt tab, crashed to desktop
    4th - exit session, crashed to desktop
    5th - at start mouse visible, not working in UI, ctrl-alt-del and kill session
    6th - at start mouse visible, not working in UI, ctrl-alt-del and kill session
    7th - freeze and system hang when in pitlane, ctrl-alt-del to log out and restart computer
    8th - freeze and system hang when in pitlane, ctrl-alt-del and kill session

    if I get to the session, the "tv screen" always flickers, regardless of selected camera.

    so now i revert back to the old one and see if it works better, or if this have to do with something else since rF2 have been working more or less perfect until now
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  2. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    had a few more ctd so it do make it hard to use the new ui,
    however the crash in session is present in both ui versions and seems related to v-sync settings and/or sli bits.
    with tearing or low fps it works, tried latest nvidia drivers with same result, everything work fine less than an week ago.

    edit 1, ctd still happening a few times and now 17 workshop items is out of date?

    seems better for me to opt to old ui for a while, it will sure improve over time.

    edit 2,
    Had nvidia driver 456.71 and tried latest 460.89 to go back to nvidia 442.59, GPU sync (g-sync enabled) and scaling is good again with good fps and no crashing, I'll try new UI once again to see if related to above driver issues somehow.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2020
  3. Matthias Weber

    Matthias Weber Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hello everyone,
    with the new UI i cannot download tracks/cars directly from our Server. The game just hangs with the message "joining server" while no download is done in the background. I have to kill rF2 via Task Manager, because it is not possible to cancel the connect attempt.

    So i revert to to "old UI" -> download the files from the server -> switching back to the "new UI" ...
    Any solution for this?

    And another thing, while the new UI is much faster in loading times on my PC, the "max_framerate" value is inactive now.
    So it's nice to see 900+ fps in the menu, but hey, would be nice if you can add a framerate limiter to the new menu, i don't like wasting a lot of Watts for nothing, although i can turn down my heater a little bit now ;-)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    qusimano and buzz hornet like this.
  4. Stefan_L_01

    Stefan_L_01 Registered

    Nov 18, 2012
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    Nice bug: made offline session with 9 AI accidently. Went to boot AI, selected the first (got highlighted, boot got highlighted) and booted it. The boot button remained active without AI selection in the list. Continued to click boot until the AI list was empty.
    When I returned to pit page, my icon was also gone, I booted myself as driver (wtf ??? LOL). The "drive" button was inactive.
    Clicking < to return to main page crashed rf2 and I was thrown to desktop.
    S397 standard content.

    With AI:

    After AI Boot

    This UI is still far from being usable. It may work for the simple straight path to do an offline race but whenever you do something "advanced" it works wrong, crashes, shows instabillity
  5. buzz hornet

    buzz hornet Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I replayed a race and got lost after the pit stops whom was winning as you can’t see the running order. Like you said the positions at the top are not representative and when you switch driver to driver there is no way of knowing what position they are in.
    McFlex likes this.
  6. Rui Santos

    Rui Santos Registered

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Last night online race was a mess on the chat, all messages in the wrong position, all in a mix, a confusion...

    This is not even Alpha...
    qusimano and McFlex like this.
  7. buzz hornet

    buzz hornet Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    On a positive can now change from Multiplayer to all Cars and Tracks - it always used to CTD. Tried the packages for the first time and it seemed to work as well.
  8. Guy Leung

    Guy Leung Registered

    Dec 27, 2020
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    I switch can see which server is available and you can select open lobby based on your skill and car type.
    I am from Console (Gran Turismo Sport) and ACC, they have user friendly UI.
  9. JimmyT

    JimmyT Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Since the new UI became the default option, when I make a skin for my car (third party) and save the skin, region, .json, rims, helmet, windowsin and windowsout, driver and dash into a .mas file, as soon as I look at the car in the showroom (don't refresh, just look) it removes all of the files from the .mas except the skin, region and .json files. Then when I join a server, I get kicked as soon as the race starts (can practice and quali but no race). I have tried this with a loose skin (don't make driver or team) and I get the same problem with the .mas file but it seems that I can race on the server.
    S397 are trying to promote online racing but our race group can't race with our teams anymore, PLEASE can this be a priority to fix the new UI. We have found through some testing that if you use the old UI (client side) you can join and race and we used to be able to race while using the new UI in it's beta mode, it's only changed since the new UI left beta. :(:(:(
  10. Andy Bonar

    Andy Bonar Registered

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Thanks for identifying what the problem is.
    We have had similar issues but random for different people.
    Also some people see other skins properly, others see a white car.
    We are having to not use custom liveries for now
    JimmyT likes this.
  11. paulRubens

    paulRubens Registered

    Apr 22, 2020
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    how do i go back to old UI ?

  12. Comante

    Comante Registered

    Nov 20, 2013
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    This is not a solution. It won't come back unless you renounce to every future RF2 development.
    OLD UI will be deprecated ASAP.
  13. lagg

    lagg Registered

    Oct 1, 2012
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    Steam Library - right click rFactor 2 - Properties - Betas Tab - Slect Old UI
  14. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Accelerated time (which I think is still a 'hidden' option, have to know the keys to press) is now even less intuitive because the session time only updates every second or so. The old UI as soon as you press it the time is rapidly counting down; the new UI it just updates slowly (like the rest of the UI, to varying degrees) and gives no indication either - no * next to the time or anything.

    The new UI brings some good things, but if this slow/lag feeling (bit like controlling someone's PC over a remote connection) doesn't improve at some point it's just going to seem unpolished. Some people even think their controller isn't working properly because the graphs update so slowly and don't present a smooth movement.

    Restarting a weekend (when you find the option) takes longer than it used to and still gives no other indications. All 'I'm doing some work here' transitions should have some sort of cue, feedback, to let the user know something's happening. If the UI just stops responding for more than half a second something's wrong (or appears to be...)

    (all this in single player, obviously)
    Emery and Rui Santos like this.
  15. Mark Fuller

    Mark Fuller Registered

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Need help - I think that I have seen this issue mentioned previously, but not able to locate it now. Have tried switching to the new UI a couple of times now. When the new UI is ready, I can get into the offline version easily by selecting 'Race'. However, when I click on 'customize' i.e. to go into multiplayer I am presented with a grey blank screen that does not change and I have to close down rF2 through Task Manager. I have verified local files and no issues have been identified. Anybody able to offer any advice on this? T.I.A.

    I should add that this is in VR
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
  16. Frederick Haskins

    Frederick Haskins Registered

    Jul 16, 2020
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    I am not nor never have subbed to any of them and I get the same error
  17. Mr.Thor

    Mr.Thor Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    Hi, then check other mods you have subscribed to. Maybe there are more mods with this problem.
  18. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  19. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    I'm rather sure it worked before with the new UI, but now I can't change the preset for the real road in SP, think it says "default" ?
    If I join an MP server, save the real road and enter SP, that doesn't appear either for the track.

    The [-] and [+] button changes nothing, bug or feature by design?
    Scoopscat7 likes this.
  20. RoWo

    RoWo Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    If I remember right, you can change real road preset only with scripted weather setting.
    Wergilius and Rui Santos like this.

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