ok, its working now. i copied the files from my local /rfactor2/installed/Locations/LeMans2018 to my remote server. Now it is working. It seems...
Yes, i tried that. Actually i even tried a complete fresh install, too. No change.
Hey everyone, i have a problem setting up a dedicated server with the new LeMans track. Im using SteamCmd to run the server. I downloaded the...
I was not here for a long time, wich has different reasons. so, today i thought i came back an do some read on the forums and what should i say......
U are absolutely right about standards, but thinking of that many many vmods out there. A lot of tracks, u dont even want to drive on, are needed...
THX! Works like a charm. I love this plugin!
Hey, i have a problem with building a vmod. I made a clean install of the sampler build 198. When i start MAS2.exe and try to make a new mod...
Hello, is there an option or something to make the reflections on the car a bit more fluid/smoother? To me, it looks like things are reflected...
definitely no, not when u guys are doing it...
Ja haste schon Recht. Reifenmanagement ist auch bei FISI notwendig aber das ändert nichts daran, dass der Wagen an sich viel zu viel Grip hat. Für...
u all are right. But tbh, im downshifting very very fast. I do it because its a lot faster than lazy downshifting, for me. When i try the lazy...
Hm schade, wenn ihr den Marussia fahren würdet, wäre ich dabei! F1 League ist Kindergeburtstag.
yeah, probably you are right. I changed my mind after thinking a bit of what u wrote. Anyway, u are definitly right about the problem of...
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