Latest Build Update rFactor 2 - 1.1110 Now Available!

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    Gonna post some photos with my spec and fps performance
    i use 5 Antialiasing
    and High PP

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  2. W Lukas

    W Lukas Registered

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Yes can agree on that, but still would be great to find a solution for that, i am sure that nth in my hardware is broken, it seems that it is just not working with rf, which is leading to a simple conclusion... time to move forward and dont spend time on sth which is useless

    Actually even the rf makers seems to not really care about those minors who are suffering, pitty
  3. ceecee

    ceecee Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Can you check that no background processes are running ?
    This can be Dropbox, any other sync software, email programs etc.
    rF2 likes to have the CPU attention all to itself :D
  4. W Lukas

    W Lukas Registered

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Already checked, i am, actually was using pc only for rf, i dont even have any antivirus xd, and no, i have no viruses, was doing clean Windows installation
  5. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Registered

    Apr 1, 2011
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    So what does the green bar actually indicate, I thought it was GPU usage, bit if yours is at 17% then I guess it isn't?
  6. W Lukas

    W Lukas Registered

    Apr 14, 2014
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    F1Aussie likes this.
  7. AMillward

    AMillward Registered

    Apr 4, 2017
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    It seems the GPU and CPU have to work perfectly in sync with each other. The 1050ti and FX6300 seem to be a perfect match as there is absolutely no bottlenecking.

    But I've read if I was to try and stick a 1080 in my computer it wouldn't give me much of a performance increase because of the bottleneck it would produce.
    Adrianstealth likes this.
  8. Bozak

    Bozak Registered

    Nov 22, 2016
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    Great update, no more stuttering with many AI but the discglow is not working or am i mistaken?
  9. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    The 1080ti is an over kill for my pc
    But I believe it really helps for VR’s pixel super sample

    I run at x1.6 & could push more as the gpu seems to completely handle this

    Things that are have cpu involvement ( most other things) I have to turn down
  10. burgesjl

    burgesjl Registered

    Feb 2, 2013
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    I've been reading the feedback about the build, and there's been a lot of misinformation floated. Probably some of it is unwitting. But for some, its a refusal to accept that the level of performance they want isn't achievable with what they are using.

    My testing has been done with true ISI/S397 stock content and DLC. This is the only way to get a true baseline and determine what may have improved. Simply put: you can't rely on 3rd party mod content, and especially that which is ripped/minimally converted from other games (like I am seeing people mention Norschleife for instance, a rip from AC that is probably never going to work well). Now, I accept there is an expectation that performance improvements will apply to both stock content and 3rd party content; but logically, S397 can't control how 3rd parties have built or 'optimized' their content, and thus, can't control the performance. There's no telling what they have done with the 3D mesh, shaders, or anything else. Effectively, each time S397 does a major build (like this one is), you've got to go back and reset all the various options for how much detail you apply to the various elements for 3rd party content. You might even have to do it for stock content. And the right way to approach it, is to turn everything down and then gradually re-enable it in order to see the performance impact. You've also got to have some logic for what detail you enable, based on a set of clear preferences. What is important to your experience? Is it number of AI? Is it trackside detail? Is it opponent car detail? Shadow draw distance?

    I'm seeing a lot of debate about having high-end equipment and what is expected for performance from that vs low-end (older). Let's be clear; those of us (me included) using older gear already understand we are very constrained and therefore have to pick-and-choose what to enable and what not to enable. Most of us on older gear (and probably, the majority of players) are running single screens at 1080 and want fps over 60 (target 85 or so). My experience of running games where you can't maintain a solid, stable fps is that it appears to stutter and tear, microstutter, and thus I've played the game of enabled/disabling Vsync and other crutches to make it smooth. Sometimes it has worked for one build, other time not. There's enough variability in hardware (monitors and graphics cards) and software (drivers, OS) that its almost impossible for S397 to test for whether there is something odd about your particular configuration. I mean, I have a first gen Core i7 (not even the 3xxx or 4xxx people are moaning about here), triple channel memory, on a PCIe 2.0 bus; and I've had 4 generations of ATI/AMD graphics both pre-GCN and GCN, and upgraded that box from Vista to Win 7 to Win 10. It was good base hardware for its day and I've used it for nearly 10 years. But on a game like rF2, which we know has always had heavy interaction of CPU and GPU (and this stresses the PCIe bus like no other game I have ever used) in its basic design, there's a need to have balance across components. I see lots of complaints from people running triples (3x1080). Frankly, S397 are always going to struggle with this niche group, the setups they have are highly variable. Then there is VR; we already know that drives both CPU and GPU, you need to be strong with both to make it work well. I see complaints still with people with 1080Ti not getting much improvement; but that is the nature of the beast, sadly. Throwing around generalizations about "there is no improvement in high-end" or "there is no improvement in low-end" is simply false.

    It's a data point of one, extrapolated. Folks, its a complex system with lots of tuning parameters to play with. When you've taken a logical approach, you can generate both performance and quality improvements. Read what they wrote about where they focused for improvements; you aren't likely to see much for areas they didn't touch. For the low-end, like me, putting PP above Low probably makes no sense and I don't see much quality improvement if I go to Medium. I ran a back-to-back test on an old ISI build (non-Steam) and the graphical quality is so much better than it was, at the same frame rate. I happen to favor high shadow quality (I hate any sort of pop-in), and the build notes suggest this was heavily looked at. And I am indeed seeing significant performance improvements at the high shadow quality I want. But I am seeing a significant divergence between stock content and 3rd party content, even that which I figure had a good level of optimization (e.g. Virtua LM Sebring). The fps is considerably worse on the 3rd party content, and especially at night and with rain. On stock content I can now run at night, but I cannot run with rain. Yes, these observations are also with a data point of one. But I had an expectation of maybe 20-30% improvement, not a 100% improvement. And I'd say that has been delivered. Edge cases probably have not. I think more work is still needed on 2+3 viewport optimization and at some point there will be a new generation of VR that needs support/HDR screens will become a thing etcetera. But at the end of the day, to really get a significant improvement, I know I need to replace hardware. My CPU is old; getting a new 6th/7th/8th gen Core i5/i7, I can expect my CPU performance to double (clock speed 2.93GHz, latest is 4.3GHz plus architectural gains). My R9 280X, again performance of a Vega will be double that (especially for shaders and hence PP). PCIe 3.0 improves what I had (even if no other games stress it). There's no point sticking a Vega in my current rig, because it'll be unbalanced and something else will bottleneck it. My performance is also marginal on other 'modern' games like PC2, but its a miracle my rig will give usable frame rates on the latest games at all. I'm thankful for anything S397 have given me; the game was close to unplayable up to the latest build on older hardware like mine. But the improvements are in very specific areas and functions, and it could be your hardware just can't leverage those or you've got the configuration biased to try to goose the 'wrong' areas.
  11. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    You are generalizing about stock vs 3rd party content. S397 GT3 probably has worse performance than any mod.
  12. mesfigas

    mesfigas Registered

    Oct 15, 2015
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    3rd party content is not up to date
    some maybe are but most are not
    i wait for moders to update to latest but still 3rd party isnt reliable
  13. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Youre missing the point
  14. spaldinio

    spaldinio Registered

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Anyone know what the per car volume damping factor mentioned below refers to? Am I looking for a new control or json parameter? Finding difficult to find a balance for stock and mod content.
    • Changed the way opponent volume works. If you set them to 100% in the past, they were way too loud. If you turned them down, they would not be as loud as the player car in external cameras. We introduced a damping factor now for the cockpit that can be configured per car and defaults to 0.3 that solves this issue.
  15. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @spaldinio I haven't checked the devmode vehicles, but it's possibly a mod setting (rather than user-side). But if it defaults to 0.3 it should be active in any car, and you finetune the overall setting with the existing UI setting for opponent volume.
  16. spaldinio

    spaldinio Registered

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Cheers, Lazza, that didn't occur to me.
  17. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I got the point and I agree with all of it but I was referring to this
    which is not true. It cannot be generalized
  18. Ari Antero

    Ari Antero Registered

    Jul 27, 2012
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    I7 3770k, GTX 780Ti, Single-screen 35", res. 2560x1080. AA 5. PP Medium. Nissan GTR at Nola. Max in-game settings, 40 AI, 20 AI visible, Weather overcast. Min FPS 140, Max FPS 195. This old PC has 50-60% better performance with latest build and it is stunning improvement.:rolleyes:

    Temps are bit high I forgot to turn on fans :(
    F1Aussie, vittorio and bwana like this.
  19. Skan

    Skan Registered

    Dec 14, 2014
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    Peter... why is what I typed BS?

    Also.. to those of you mentioning other titles, it makes no sense. Saying AC or whatever works in your rig so rF2 should as well is the same as me telling you that Nike puts air in some of their shoe soles. Same relevance. None.

    Maybe this will help some of you. I've typed it before but here it is again. How old is your phone? Would you expect your phone from last generation to run this generations apps? This generation's OS? Nope, you wouldn't?

    Here is a very important thing to remember: no one cares if you cannot run anything at it's highest settings. You do not have to impress anyone. No logical person is going to think less of you for turning the graphics down.
  20. UsedMomo

    UsedMomo Registered

    Jul 11, 2017
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    rF2 has 2010 graphics that require 2018 hardware.
    peterchen and Guimengo like this.

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