Released GTE and Oreca 07 New Tyre Update

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Jul 5, 2022.

  1. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    I actually tested every possible option in the settings + windows settings I think my last hope is to check Sound Options in player.json even I didn't modified them ever

    it was also the same on my "mobile" headphones I use to phone and felt the same on speakers when I put them really close to my ears to hear the balance so this isn't Clouds issue it seems AT FIRST, the thing is other guy (he have same Clouds I assume but I tested other devices also not related to Clouds) said the same thing about the sound balance in these cars while other people sayin it works OK so... so it's even more confusing, maybe these people are just deaf and I and this other guy have absolute perfect pitch o_O
    the problem also occurs on the new build of 718 Cayman mod which I got early to test yesterday, it got updated sound to the new "3d engine" like GTE cars
    and it also is "backed" by samples recorded in audacity which records sound straight from the system, balance in these samples from these 3 cars (718 beta, Aston GTE, BMW GTE) were shifted to the right side ONLY ENGINE SOUND, TIRES AND OTHER SOUNDS SEEMS FINE but I'm not 100% sure
    but I'm sure for sure that other 4 cars (Porsche GTE, C8 GTE, Ferrari GTE and Oreca) which should be made in the same way since patch note says they were updated works as they should
    but that Cayman thing even worsen my situation I guess since this car has engine at the back, and these other GTE cars that not work for me has engine at front so this isn't logical at all OR maybe S397 just scammed us in the patch notes about updating Ferrari, C8 and Porsche to the new sound engine and it just don't work for me at all in the cars that have this option o_O
    seems like another rF2 enigma black magic thing
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    the origin of a sound's location is based on the same values the rest of the chassis uses, so + or - from center. both front/back and side to side. The engine should have a small left or right imbalance due to the driver's location in the cockpit.(except single seaters of course) It is possible there is a typo or incorrect value that is moving the sound further from the center.
    As far as perfect ears...over the years some users have posted gripes that few could hear, either due to limitations in our sound systems or faded hearing. Just because very few of us hear something, doesn't mean it's not affecting you.
    Fwiw, I use headphones but leave one ear off so I can hear my wife yell at me from down the hall.(talk about imbalance!)
  3. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    yesterday we had long debate with guy who working on Cayman mod and few people that tested this new build and like I said recorded SAMPLES sayin that on my system (and other guy too) it's noticeable fucked up and on other systems it works as intended - I'll add these samples later (from the Cayman since I have both files) to show u all interested the difference
    it is recorded straight from the system and balance is completely different between 2 samples of the same car
    checkd all sound settings and nothing works and like I said earlier it isn't the problem with all tested cars just some of them (3 out of 7)
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I ran a few of the GTE cars through my speakers and thought I noticed a slight offset in the two you mentioned, but when I went back to one of them it seemed centered. Would be good to hear your recordings - I suspect from your description the offset will be more dramatic than could be imagined (and I'm sure is unusual, or others would certainly have mentioned it).

    @instinkt I just read Frederick's discord post regarding the Cayman sound, I think something you really need to check is your windows and headphone settings - anything that tries to enhance stereo separation, or produce a surround effect, can make a mess of what the game is doing. The game outputs discrete channels based on your speaker/headphone configuration in windows, so you want those to get to your audio device unmolested by any intervening settings.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  5. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    this is Ferrari GTE which sounds correct to me
    this is Aston GTE which is bugged in my opinion and it's similar or even more noticeable in BMW but I didn't recorded it so can't provide the file

    this is beta Cayman updated to 3d sound engine same problem as in Aston & BMW this guy said it works good for him but to me it also sounds right sided so maybe he is just deaf but like I said there were few people that said it sounds aight to them so idk
    here audacity shows more balanced sound than in my sample but this can be compression of streamable
    I had another sample where it sounded good but it seems like it's recorded in wrong way, not straight from the system so not worth to mention that tbh since it isn't representative

    after driving few laps in Aston, BMW or that Cayman my left ear just start to feel numb, lmao
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    The 2nd file, the Aston GTE, does seem more pronounced than the Ferrari, but the engine note has more bass and that might make it easier to distinguish. When @Frederick Alonso first posted about the new sound system released by S397, we were able to see his software suite for audio was impressive. So I doubt his new Cayman samples are incorrect, and I know they did a ton of testing. The video to me also sounded like the left side was MISSING, not that the right side was dominant. With this 3d sound package, you would think you should be hearing echo off the wall, and the entire cockpit should be filled with the engine sounds.
  7. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I don't have the cayman, but your Aston sounds more right-sided than it does for me. Mine is more on the right hand side rather than centered, but probably half as much, or less, as yours. Have you checked your sound settings (windows/headphones/etc) for any applied effects?

    Few comments...
    • sounds are all mono now, so you can't really get individual samples wrong (in a positional sense)
    • you probably saw audacity, which instinkt is also using to analyse these sounds. This is free software.
    • when you shift a sound off to one side it can be deceiving. You think there's nothing coming out the other side, but there is - your brain just 'places' the sound, and so you don't think you can hear anything out of the other. You can use your windows sound balance to test this - it doesn't shift the sounds side to side, it just changes the volume of each side. So put the Right side on 0 (for example) and you'll see you do still have sound on the left - just quieter.
  8. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    ofc I checkd that... I literally wrote I checkd everything, even compared Sound Options in player.json to the guy who said it works for him since there are some options unavailable in the game menu
    man some cars works and some doesn't ON SAME SETTINGS without rebooting game etc
    I gave Ferrari sample which is good and it was recorded within 2 mins

    any other games I've played, any other service I use works as they should on the settings I have
    and even some cars on exact same sound engine like u see in the Ferrari example
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022
  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Man, some cars have different sound balance, which any external settings will exacerbate. I'm only trying to help, and I need to ask questions to do so.
  10. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @instinkt whether this clarifies anything, or makes it worse, I don't know...

    Here's a quick clip of 3 different samples. One is yours, one is mine on speakers, and one is mine on headphones (all Aston). They're all quite similarly right-sided, but there's a curious change of tone and sounds. *shrug*

    Ultimately I think nothing is wrong on your side, but I couldn't make a call on this sound being 'broken' - it could be deliberate. I can do laps in the Aston and the sound balance doesn't bother me. Should any of these cars have perfectly centered sound? I don't know, and I don't know if that's the intention of the devs or not.
    instinkt likes this.
  11. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    would be nice to hear other opinions also
    like I said for me it's bad and my left ear feel numb after some time in these "affected" cars
    even if it takes into consideration that u sitting on the side so the engine noise isn't produced at the center relative to ur position behind the wheel why then it works like that only in Aston, BMW and 718 while Ferrari, 911, C8, Oreca and 992 produce engine sound more balanced between sides - this is weird inconsistency to me
    also from irl experiences u just don't hear it like that since u are so close to the engine and especially in track modified cars without soundproofing where sound is much louder it just feels more "spatial" than "sided" to me so like in this Ferrari sample where it also isn't perfectly centered and there are differences on the l/r tracks if u put it into some program to analyse it but it just feels right
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2023
  12. Devin

    Devin Member Staff Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    The new engine naturally renders everything in position relative to your head (which explains why it would be biased to one side with new content, whereas some old content often liked to put the sounds behind the driver's head instead of the actual engine or exhaust positions which caused all sorts of issues too), then makes it interact with its environment which gives it a wider sound. If that fails it'll sound like it's "too directional" and comes from one side (but won't be quieter on the other unless you set it to speakers in the settings), and either that means there is some sort of error with effects not loading properly (in which case I'm going to need a trace file to investigate please) or the mix just happens to be different for whatever reason. Either way, if you can, please upload a few stereo recordings of what is going on, as well as a trace.
  13. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I would like an option to have the car sounds as "mono". I get what you are trying to do with the new sound engine, but even with good settings and high end headphones, I still notice the updated cars sounding either too much left or right in my ears.
  14. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Have you set the headphones option? You can try different audio profiles or even install your own. Even with the default one I was blown away by the sound on the headphones. It felt like being there. And I'm pretty sensible to audio quality. It's weird you get such a different experience.
  15. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Some cars are still configured to have you sitting "offset" to the engine. No matter how you configure the audio, its noticeable. I get the idea like if you were sitting in a real Aston GTE car the engine sound is technically coming from a 1 oclock position, but in the sim some cars feel way offset when you are using a pair of €300 headphones.
  16. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    My headphones aren't cheap, maybe not as good as yours, but not bad. They have good stereo separation. I hear the positional sounds but they sound natural to me. What you're describing matches what I guess it would be like using headphones with the speakers audio setting. Make sure you aren't using any stereo enhancement feature or any other audio enhancement that would change the original signal.
    pkelly likes this.
  17. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Can we play this game the other way? Can you post a video (or audio) of one/some of these cars, so we know what's intended? Otherwise we don't know who's got something different worth trying to troubleshoot.
  18. Bernat

    Bernat Registered

    Jun 15, 2020
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    They all sound good to me. Yes, some engines sound more to the right, but the Ferrari sounds too centered, like I was seating on the engine or the engine was inside my head. They could tune the sound engine to fit your hearing but in turn it would unplease others.

    You should find a headphone profile for you. There were instructions somewhere to find the profile that better fits your hearing. The default one might be a decent fit for most people, but not everyone.

    Edit: Here are the instructions to setup the audio including the HRTF profiles for headphones.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
  19. instinkt

    instinkt Registered

    Nov 21, 2020
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    I will do it tonight

    I've tested every possible setting
    these profiles changed nothing at all for these 3 cars with completely different sound balance it was still right sided and annoying as hell
    even if u think that this fucked up sided sound is how they should be (and u clearly said that u hear that it's to the right) then even with ur take problem with inconsequence in sound realisation or bug remains since other updated cars are fine to me while u saying they are too centered
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
    sg333 likes this.
  20. Devin

    Devin Member Staff Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    The reason I'm asking is a bug we discovered that might cause effects to break on some hardware (completely random, not specific to any hardware!) and listening to a recording would confirm to me that it's what we're dealing with here. Since effects are used heavily to position sounds and make them interact with the car and player, this bug would lead to the described issue to some degree, but using HRTF it shound still sound like it's coming from "the engine" rather than a specific side.

    While I'm not going to spend 10 minutes recording for now, the sound in this video should be somewhat close to what you should be hearing but sounds a bit compressed and flat for some reason. Probably deliberate choice to make it easy to follow

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